Tender Document For Printing Of Resouce Guide (Books) job at Education Development Trust
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Vacancy title:
Tender Document For Printing Of Resouce Guide (Books)

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Education, and Training , Category: Management ]

Jobs at:

Education Development Trust

Deadline of this Job:
01 November 2021  

Duty Station:
Within Rwanda , Kigali , East Africa

Date Posted: Tuesday, October 26, 2021 , Base Salary: Not Disclosed


Tender Document For Printing Of Resouce Guide (Books)
Background of the programme
Building Learning Foundations (BLF) is a programme of the Ministry of Education (MINEDUC) and Rwanda Basic Education Board (REB) that is funded by the British people through the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) as part of its Learning for all Programme in Rwanda.
The programme is focused on improving learning outcomes at P1 to P5 in English and Mathematics. This is intended to improve the pupils’ learning achievement in higher grades, thereby increasing equitable access to primary and secondary education in Rwanda.
The programme is built on three foundations to ensure long-term, sustainable impact: Teacher development, leadership for learning, and system strengthening. Each Foundation has a focus on inclusive education practices for pupils with Special Education Needs to ensure no child is left behind.
The Programme is implemented by a consortium of three organizations: Education Development Trust (lead), British Council, and VSO in all 30 Districts of Rwanda.
BLF began in July 2017 and will run until September 2023.
Education Development Trust invites companies specialized in the field to participate in the competition on open and equal condition for the printing of Resource Guide (Books).

General tender and Contracting requirements.
• The contracting authority is Education Development Trust, and the appointed supplier will be expected to deliver the goods and/or provide services at Education Development Trust premises in Kigali.
• The printing will be in one phase. The successful bidder will need to have strong capacity to carry out this work within required timeline.
• In participating in this Procurement Process and/or by submitting a tender response it will be implied that you accept and will be bound by all the provisions of this Tender document and its Annexes. Accordingly, tender responses should be on the basis of and strictly in accordance with the requirements of this Tender document.
• By submitting your tender response, you consent to Education Development Trust carrying out all necessary actions to verify the information that you have provided, and the analysis of your tender response being undertaken by one or more third parties commissioned by education Development Trust for such purposes.
• You are responsible for analysing and reviewing all information provided to you as part of this Procurement Process and for forming your own opinions and seeking advice as you consider appropriate. You should notify Education Development Trust promptly of any perceived ambiguity, inconsistency or omission in this Tender document and/or any in of its associated documents and/or in any information provided to you as part of this Procurement Process.
• Education development Trust may, at any time prior to the response deadline, amend the Tender document. Any such amendment shall be communicated via the same channel as the Tender document, and Education Development Trust at its own discretion will extend the response deadline to ensure the potential suppliers have reasonable time in which to take such amendment into account.
• Tender responses must comprise the relevant documents specified by Education Development Trust completed in all areas and in the format requested by Education Development Trust and any documents requested by Education Development Trust must be completed in full hence it is important that you read the Tender document carefully before completing and submitting your tender response.
• You will not modify your tender response after you have submitted.

Rejection of tender responses
Education development Trust reserves the rights to reject any tender responses which:
• Is received after the submission deadline.
• Contains omissions, gaps, misrepresentations, errors, and/or uncompleted sections.
• Contains hand-written amendments with no initial of the authorised signatory.
• Contains ambiguous information that might mislead the tender evaluators.
• Is not submitted in a manner consistent with the provisions set out in this Tender document.

• Education Development Trust will automatically disqualify the bidder that attempts to
• Change or omit any information related to this Tender document
• Inappropriately influence this Procurement Process,
• Fix or set the price for goods or services,
• Enter into an arrangement with any other party that such party shall refrain from submitting a tender response,
• Enter into any arrangement with any other party (other than another party that forms part of your consortium bid or is your proposed sub-contractor) as to the prices submitted,
• Engage in direct or indirect bribery or canvassing by you or your appointed advisers in relation to this Procurement Process, and
• Obtain information from any of the employees, agents or advisors of education Development Trust concerning this Procurement Process (other than as set out in this Tender Conditions) or from another potential supplier or another tender response,

Tender costs
You are responsible for obtaining all information necessary for preparation of your tender response and for all costs and expenses incurred in preparation of the tender response. Education Development Trust will not be responsible of any cost you incurred during the preparation of this procurement irrespective of whether your tender response is successful or not.

Offer Deadline and Protocol
Offers shall be submitted in hand (Hard copies only) at Education Development Trust/Building Learning Foundations offices located at Aigle Blanc Building (Star Times building) | Kimihurura KN 05st Airport Road| Kigali | PO Box 4251 | Rwanda at Gishushu, no later than 11:00AM, November 9th 2021, Kigali time. Bids should be sealed in an envelope marked “Bids for Printing of Resource guide (Books)/EDT Rwanda-BLF Programme” and will be deposited at the Building Learning Foundations offices during working hours. The opening of the bids will take place in a public session the same day on 9th November 2021 at 11:30 am prompt local time at Education Development Trust Office’s Board room.

Questions regarding the technical or administrative requirements of this Tender Document may be submitted by email to BLF-procurement@educationdevelopmenttrust.com , not later than 05:00 PM/Kigali time on November 2nd, 2021.
Questions must be submitted in writing only; phone calls will not be accepted. Only the written answers issued by Education Development Trust will be considered official and carry weight in the Tender process and subsequent evaluation. Any verbal information received from employees of Education Development Trust, or any other entity should not be considered as official response to any questions regarding this Tender document.
Education Development Trust may at any time request further information from potential suppliers to verify or clarify any aspects of their tender response or other information they may have provided. In case you do not provide supplementary information or clarifications to education Development Trust by any deadline notified to you, your tender response may be rejected in full and you may be disqualified from this Procurement Process.

Quotations in response to this Tender document must be priced on a fixed price, all taxes inclusive, including delivery and all other costs. Pricing must be presented in Rwf currency. Offers must remain valid for not less than Ninety (90) calendar days after the offer deadline. Bidders are requested to provide quotations on official letterhead.

The delivery location for the items described in this Tender document is Education Development Trust offices in Kigali, located at Aigle Blanc Building | Kimihurura KN 05st Airport Road| Kigali | PO Box 4251 | Rwanda
As part of its response to this Tender document, each offeror is expected to provide an estimate (in calendar days) of the delivery timeframe (after receipt of order), and this will form part of the bid evaluation criterion.

Confidentiality and Information Governance
• All documents related to this Tender document shall remain the property of Education Development Trust and must be returned on demand.
• Unless requested otherwise, Education Development Trust reserves the right to disclose all documents relating to this Procurement Process, including without limitation your tender response, to any employee, third party agent, adviser, or other third party involved in the procurement in support of, and/or in collaboration with, Education Development Trust.
Payment and Invoicing
Unless agreed otherwise, Education Development Trust shall pay you the agreed fee within 30 days after receiving an invoice (acceptable to Education Development Trust) following completion of the Services. All sums payable shall be inclusive of VAT and other duties and taxes and shall be payable in Rwanda currency.

Education Development Trust will provide print-ready file for the books. The books will be printed and delivered to Education Development Trust /Building Learning Foundations office as of the schedule in article 8.
Description No. of books
Size: A4 full color, double sided printing
No of pages:
312 Pages cover included.
Paper weight: 80gsm
Cover weight: 260gsm                                                                  7,00
Cover thickness: 346-38mm
Cover gain protection: Parallel to the spine.
Binding: Saddle sticked/Thread sewn.
4 scores with 8mm hinges
Finishing: Laminated/UV Varnish

Timescales for this tender
The following timescales shall apply to this Procurement Process.
Activity Date / time
Bidding document issued to bidders                                                           26/10/2021
Deadline for clarification questions (Clarification Deadline)                        02/11/2021
Response to clarification questions by Education Development Trust        03/11/2021
Deadline for submission of bids 09/11/2021 – 11.00am
Opening date 09/11/2021 – 11.30am
Final Decision Within 30 days after opening

Evaluation Criteria
The proposal of all bidders, who have attained a minimum 70% score in the technical will qualify for financial evaluation. The contract will be awarded to the bidder that receives the highest score out of a pre-determined set of weighted technical and financial criteria.
Criteria Weighting
Technical proposal 70%
Financial proposal 30%
Note: EDT, at its own discretion, may decide to visit the bidder to confirm the information related to capacity to print the books in stipulated timeline

Required Mandatory documents
All tenders submitted shall (mandatory) include copies of the following documents: -
• Trading License
• Social Security certificate
• Tax clearance certificate
• A signed submission form (annex I) on a company letterhead
• A signed vendor information form (annex II) on a company letterhead

Bidders must bind and paginate the tender document, which must be neatly arranged and with a Table of Contents page indicating the pages where the mandatory documents are attached. All filled pages should be signed and stamped; the tender document must be the 1st part of the submitted bid with no missing pages followed by the mandatory documents as laid down in 15. and finally, documents required at technical evaluation stage.
All the above documents should reflect the name of the bidding company in Rwanda. Bidders who will not provide certified copies of Trading License, Social Security certificate, and Tax clearance certificates will be disqualified at this stage (preliminary stage).

Technical Evaluation Criteria
Responsiveness at preliminary stage (Section 15, Tenderers Memorandum) shall qualify candidates to technical Evaluation stage.
 Minimum score at the technical evaluation stage is 70 marks, Candidates with score of 70% marks and above in technical shall qualify to financial evaluation.
The table below contains scores for technical requirements for evaluation.
S/No Item Description Marks Awarded

1. Bidders are required to submit evidence of experience by submitting five purchase orders (LPOs) or Contracts from reputable firms clearly and concisely indicating the books printed. POs/Contract should be for printing of the similar nature and quantity as the bid under consideration.

Each POs/Contracts will attract 6 marks. 30
2. 5 Recommendation letters (including contact person and telephone numbers) for the POs or contracts submitted for this tender clearly indicating the amount involved. Recommendations which are not for the POs/contracts submitted will not be considered.

Each recommendation or reference letter will attract 6 marks. 30
3. Delivery timelines; Shortest possible delivery period upon receipt of a Purchase Order. Each supplier is requested to indicate the realistic delivery time based on production capacity. The closer you get to our desired delivery the more marks you get.
 Financial health and stability:

Evidence of transactions of certified recent 6 months Bank statements 15
 Capacity to deliver:

Bidders’ declaration of maximum daily production capacity with a clear indication of the machinery to perform the work. The information provided on this might, at EDT discretion, be verified by physical visit.

Total Score 10
Annexe I: Bid submission Form.
TO: Education Development Trust
To form an integral part of your technical proposal
Dear Sir,
Having examined the Solicitation Documents, the receipt of which is hereby duly acknowledged, we, the undersigned, offer to provide Professional Services for the sum as may be ascertained in accordance with the Price Schedule attached herewith and made part of this Proposal.
We undertake, if our Proposal is accepted, to commence and complete delivery of all services specified in the contract within the time frame stipulated.
We agree to abide by this Proposal for a period of 90 days from the Proposal Closing Date as stipulated in the Solicitation Documents, and it shall remain binding upon us and may be accepted at any time before the expiration of that period.
We understand that you are not bound to accept any Proposal you may receive.
We confirm that we are not engaged in any corrupt, fraudulent, or collusive, or coercive practices and acknowledge that if evidence contrary to this exists, EdDevTrust reserves the right to terminate the contract with immediate effect.

The code of conduct to which EdDevTrust expects all its suppliers to respect is as per the points listed below and we confirm that we adherer to this code.
• Employment is freely chosen
• The rights of staff to freedom of association and to collective bargaining are respected.
• Working conditions are safe and hygienic
• No exploitation of children is tolerated.
• Wages paid are adequate to cover the cost of a reasonable living
• Working hours are not excessive
• No discrimination is practiced.
• No harsh or inhumane treatment of staff is tolerated.
• Environmental Standards

We affirm as a minimum, comply with all statutory and other legal requirements relating to environmental impacts of our business in:
• Waste management
• Packaging and paper
• Conservation
• Energy use
• Sustainability
Name of Bidder:
Address of Bidder:
Authorised Signature:
Name & title of Authorised Signature:
ANNEX II – Vendor Information Form
1. General Information
Company Name:
City, Country
Web Site URL:
Contact Person:

Email Address:

Expertise of the Bidder
Line of Business, area of expertise:

Type of business (manufacturer, distributor, etc):

Years of company experience:

Past Contracts for the similar work (Please provide at least five signed references including contact details for contracts for similar services to the one requested under this tender
Organisation name/Country: contact person: Telephone: Email

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Job Info
Job Category: Management jobs in Rwanda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 01 November 2021
Duty Station: Kigali
Posted: 26-10-2021
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 26-10-2021
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 26-10-2065
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