Supply of Solar home Systems and Provision of after sale Services to vulnerable groups of refugees in Nyabiheke and Kigeme Refugee Camps Job at Practical Action - Career Opportunity in Rwanda
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Vacancy title:
Supply of Solar home Systems and Provision of after sale Services to vulnerable groups of refugees in Nyabiheke and Kigeme Refugee Camps

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Human Services , Category: Human Resources ]

Jobs at:

Practical Action

Deadline of this Job:
17 September 2021  

Duty Station:
Within Rwanda , Kigali , East Africa

Date Posted: Monday, September 06, 2021 , Base Salary: Not Disclosed


The Renewable Energy for Refugees (RE4R) project delivers renewable energy investments in humanitarian settings, working directly with refugees and host communities. 
RE4R is funded by the IKEA Foundation and delivered by Practical Action and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) as lead partners. It delivers renewable energy investments through innovative approaches in humanitarian settings, working directly with refugees and host communities in Gihembe, Kigeme, and Nyabiheke refugee camps in Rwanda. The project has provided access to affordable and sustainable sources of renewable energy and improved the health, wellbeing, and security of beneficiary populations. The RE4R Project has an end date of 28 Feb 2022.
Providing Solar Home Systems
Working in Nyabiheke and Kigeme, RE4R has implemented a programme to provide solar home systems (SHS) for refugee households and small businesses, known as Intervention I. This work sought to increase the number of households (HH) and small enterprises who are able to access solar lighting and power solutions with target populations able to:
• access sustainable, efficient, and reliable energy services;
• use these energy services to maintain their rights and dignity and improve their quality of life;
• switch from non-renewable to renewable sources, leading to reductions in spending on fossil-fuel technologies and fuels;
• enhance their livelihood potential by creating additional income opportunities from renewable lighting and power solutions.
As at May 2021, RE4R has supported two private sector suppliers to sell 3,934 SHS directly to refugees across the three RE4R camps. This has resulted in approximately 50% camp-wide household energy access.
Vulnerable Group Support Strategy
During April and May 2021, Practical Action completed a series of consultations and identified a vulnerable group of 200 refugee households in need of further support to access a SHS.
This vulnerable group will be supported through the provision of a fully subsided SHS procured by Practical Action, with support structures in place to ensure ongoing usage, maintenance, and upkeep, partially paid for by a very minimal ongoing financial commitment from beneficiaries. This minimal contribution will increase beneficiary ownership, as opposed to a free distribution model, and contribute partly to after-sales service provision and the employment of a refugee agent to support recipients of the SHS. This approach aims to:
• Increase the uptake of SHS for vulnerable people who are unable to participate in income generating activities
• Ensure the continued usage of the SHS to deliver sustained quality of life outcomes for vulnerable people
This strategy will be delivered through the following activities:
Supply and installation of SHS Supply and installation of 200 SHS for identified vulnerable households
SHS Supplier
Provision of after sales support services Provision of ongoing after-sales support services for a duration of 3 years after installation SHS Supplier
Refugee agent employed to support beneficiaries, collect monthly contributions and interface with supplier’s technical/customer support team to problem shoot and ensure ongoing provision of after-sales support services (planned for 3 years) SHS Supplier
Collection of 100 RWF/ month contribution from beneficiaries for ongoing after-sales support SHS Supplier
A holding entity (to be determined but most probably a refugee committee) appointed to oversee after-sales support provision to refugees after project life time, for the duration of contract Practical Action in consultation with SHS Supplier
Tender Terms of Reference - PA/RWA/2021/01
Title: Tender for the supply of solar home systems and provision of after sale services to vulnerable groups of refugees in Nyabiheke and Kigeme Refugee Camps
Description: Through this tender Practical Action is seeking tenders for the provision of 200 SHS for the identified vulnerable group. Applicants are requested to include the following elements :
• Supply and installation of 200 SHS of Tier 1 or higher, as defined in the Ministry of Infrastructure Rural Electrification Strategy. Each SHS shall include at least three lamps, phone charging capabilities, and a radio. Products supplied are to be quality certified by Lighting Global or a similar authority. Products are expected to have a warranty period of at least two years.
• Tenders shall define the methods that will be used for SHS installation, maintenance, and repair, including details of who will complete the installation and how the system installation will be quality assured
• After-sales support service package for 3 years, including technical and maintenance support to ensure all systems remain fully functional for the duration of the specified period
• Provision for employment of a refugee agent(s) in each camp to support beneficiaries to use and maintain their SHS, and to collect monthly fees from the beneficiaries for the duration of the 3-year service package. Tenders shall detail the modality of collection and sustainability of the model
• Tenders shall clearly detail the manufacturer, technical specification, and quality certification of all components of the solar home systems and any associated products and equipment, including but not limited to: PV module, control units, batteries, appliances, and any other equipment necessary to complete the installation
Submission Deadline: 17th September 2021 at 11:am CAT
Timing of Work: September 2021 – February 2022, with the following key dates:
Kick-off meeting 7 October 2021
Start of implementation w/c 11 October 2021
SHS installations complete 13 November 2021
Refugee agents trained and in place 30 November 2021
Contract handover to holding entity complete 31 January 2022
Costs to be included: Submitted financial offers shall include all costs, including all taxes such as VAT (where applicable), delivery cost to the camps, loading and off loading, installation costs, after sale support, transport, refugee agent cost, users training, staff costs, etc….)
The payment schedule for this tender will be structured as follows, subject to contract negotiations:
Instalment # % of total contract value
1 25% of the tender value on contract signing
2 45% on completion of interim milestone as defined in contract, subject to contract negotiation
3 30% of completion of all contract deliverables

Education Requirement: No Requirements

Job Experience: No Requirements

Work Hours: 8


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Job application procedure

Submission of Bids: Tenders must be submitted by e-mail on:  to the RE4R Tender Committee by 17 September 2021 at 11.00 (CAT) to the email address above, and shall clearly indicate the reference number in the subject line: PA/RWA/2021/01
Tender Documentation: Tenders submissions shall include the following details:
• SHS Technical Specification, Certification, Warranty Details, and User Manual
• Details of the methods that will be used for SHS installation, maintenance, and repair, including details of who will complete the installation and how the system installation will be quality assured.
• Details of after sales support services including user training, customer feedback mechanisms, repair, and maintenance support, and warranty management
• A vocational training and employment plan for refugee agents
• Details of disposal of products and appliances at the end of life, including batteries
• Implementation schedule/key dates
• Detailed budget, showing a breakdown of all costs
Additionally all applicants shall supply:
• RDB Certificate
• VAT Registration
• Proof of using EBM
• Valid tax clearance
Any submission not including these documents will not be considered

All Jobs


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Job Info
Job Category: Accounting/ Finance jobs in Rwanda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 17 September 2021
Duty Station: kigali
Posted: 06-09-2021
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 06-09-2021
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 06-09-2056
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