Safeguarding Specialist Job at Education Development Trust - Career Opportunity in Rwanda
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Vacancy title:
Safeguarding Specialist

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Education & Training , Category: Administrative & Office ]


Jobs at:

Education Development Trust

Deadline of this Job:
19 November 2019  

Duty Station:
Within Rwanda , Kigali , East Africa

Date Posted: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 , Base Salary: Not Disclosed


Education Development Trust, formerly CfBT Education Trust, is a not-for-for profit international education services company with over 40 years’ experience, working in more than 80 countries. Our vision is to provide outstanding, sustainable education solutions that transform and improve the school education and life chances of children and young people worldwide. We have specialist experience in strengthening education systems and supporting school improvement in post-conflict, transition and early-recovery fragile states. .

Job Responsibilities:
• Lead the development of the programme’s safeguarding framework, including child protection policies and procedures, ensuring they are consistent with Ed Dev Trust’s corporate safeguarding policies and procedures, including Whistleblowing.
• Lead and support discussion on other aspects of safeguarding, such as health and safety of staff, environmental and social impact related areas of the programme.
• Collaborate with Ed Dev Trust’s Corporate Safeguarding Adviser (CSA) in technical aspects and whistleblowing regarding all safeguarding and child protection matters ensuring effective partnership working.
• Immediately inform BLF Team Leader, who will provide the DFID SRO with a first brief message. Function as the first point of contact between DFID Rwanda and BLF.
• Monitor and review the implementation of the programme’s safeguarding framework, ensuring it is implemented, adhered to and remains current and fit for purpose.
• Lead in making external child protection referrals to agencies and statutory authorities.
• Provide information and advice on child protection.
• Support BLF foundations with advice and inputs to training materials, handbooks, training event presentations.
• Coordinate with HR to ensure that safer recruitment procedures are embedded in local and programme recruitment procedures. Liaise with other child protection statutory agencies, NGOs and development partners/programmes around developing cooperative relationships.
• Represent the programme at inter-agency safeguarding and child protection meetings.
• Coordinate with HR/CSA on staff and partner safeguarding training ensuring a rolling programme of training and orientation for all new staff.
• Prepare and share timely safeguarding and child protection reports as required.
• Contribute to BLF Quarterly and Annual Reports.
• Contribute to Ed Dev Trust’s allegation management procedures.
• Regularly share the travel advisory and security briefing to staff and visitors
• Promote a vigilant and transparent safeguarding culture throughout the programme.
• Individual responsibility to safeguard the wellbeing of children, adults and all who may come into contact with the programme, promptly reporting incidents/concerns in line with Ed Dev Trust’s internal reporting and external referral procedures.
• Carry out any other duties given by the Team Leader or Programme Director.
Job Skills: Effective organisational and management skills. Excellent writing skills. Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, also with school staff, parents, local and national level authorities Strong team building skills. Ability to act with discretion.

Job Skills:
• Effective organisational and management skills.
• Excellent writing skills.
• Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, also with school staff, parents, local and national level authorities
• Strong team building skills.
• Ability to act with discretion.

Job Qualifications:
• Substantial experience of working with safeguarding and child protection in Rwanda.
• Demonstrable experience in developing, implementing and embedding safeguarding and child protection procedures.
• Developing safeguarding and child protection policies and procedures to reflect applicable national and international laws, regulations and procedures.
• Developing and implementing programme safeguarding and child protection induction and training.
• Managing child protection reporting and external referrals to statutory agencies.
• Maintaining incident records and managing internal reporting.
• Partnership working.
• Allegation management and whistleblowing.

Job Experience Requirements: Not Specified


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Job Info
Job Category: Corporate / Organisation Specialist jobs in Rwanda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 19 November 2019
Duty Station: Rwanda
Posted: 13-11-2019
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 13-11-2019
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 13-11-2065
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