Request for Quotation for Hiring a Venue for the Climate Services Workshop from 12th June 2023 to 16th June 2023 tender at African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS)
640 Days Ago
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To Whom it may concern









Our file ref.:





N° of pages including this page: 9



Request for quotation for hiring a venue for the climate services workshop from 12th June 2023 to 16th June 2023

(RFQ-AIMSRW/097/LR-05- 031-0091)

If you do not receive all pages, please contact us immediately. Thank you.


The African Institute for Mathematical Sciences / RWANDA kindly invites bids from eligible bidders specialized in Hotel services in Kigali City to submit bids for the provision of hotel services for hiring a venue for the Climate service workshop from 12th June 2023 to 16th June 2023.

The service provider will provide to AIMS Rwanda:

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African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) jobs in Rwanda

  • A room that can accommodate a workshop for 80participants which has Pads and pens for the participants of the workshop, WIFI Internet, Parking, a sound system and a projector from 12th June 2023 to 16th June 2023;
  • Coffee break (In the morning and in the afternoon) to the 80participants of the workshop;
  • Drinking water (In the morning and in the afternoon) to the 80participants of the workshop;
  • Lunch for the 80participants of the workshop;

N.B: To be close to the AIMS Rwanda premises is an added advantage.

Alternatives:  N/A

Packaging: N/A

Weights and Dimensions (If applicable): N/A

Marking (if applicable): N/A

Language:All documents, markings and labelling should appear in English

Labelling: N/A

Packing list (If applicable): N/A

Required documents and certificates:

The Bidder shall submit the following documents in its bid:

  • For be prequalified, the Bidders must supply the following administrative documents
  1. Bid submission letter
  2. Copy of trade license issued by RDB (Rwanda Development Board)
  3. Valid tax clearance certificate or statement of arrears from RRA
  4. Valid clearance certificate from Social Security Funds of Rwanda
  5. Please state in your offer, your acceptance of attached AIMS-NEI Terms and General Conditions. Failure to do so may result in disqualification of your offer from further evaluation. (Refer to the annex 1)
  • For the technical analysis, the Bidders shall submit the following documents:
  1. At least One (1) recommendation letter about similar hotel services provided to AIMS;

      (3) For the financial offer, the Bidders shall submit the financial offer. Here, the Bidder must clearly mention:

  • Financial offer including VAT (Refer to the annex 2)

IMPORTANT: Your financial offer must include the following information

  • Unit price with taxes included
  • Total price with taxes included

Currency:      All firm costs to be given in Rwandan Francs (RWF) only

Period of contract: N/A

Distribution of documents and certificates

  • Offers must be submitted in one full set (single PDF file with all pages arranged according to the listed order above).

Samples: Not required

Inspection: N/A

Liquidation Damage Clause (if applicable): N/A


Payments shall be made within 30 days after reception of the relevant invoice (with EBM + A delivery note signed by AIMS Rwanda’ Staff and by the Representative of the Hotel).

Validity:   N/A

Insurance: N/A 

All or None Clause:           

  • The successful bidder may be instructed to carry out work for AIMS Rwanda at any time after appointment.
  • The costs are fixed for the duration of the contract
  • Potential suppliers must meet their own costs of responding to this tender and any costs they incur in responding to this tender.
  • The Bid shall be valid for 120 days
  • AIMS Rwanda reserve the right to accept the whole or part of your offer and the lowest evaluated bid no necessarily need to be accepted.

Special Requirements: N/A             

Conditions for submitting offers:  

Bids in one full set (single PDF file with all pages arranged according to the listed order in “Required documents and certificates” above) must be sent no later than 5:00PM CAT on Sunday 28th May 2023 to

Only bids submitted to this email address will be considered.

Offers not addressed, packaged and sent as such will be automatically disqualified from the tender process. 

Faxed bids will not be accepted. 

Kindly address any request for clarification to:


Confirmation :

Please acknowledge receipt of this document and indicate your intention to bid to this email:     

Thank you and best regards,

Prof  Dr Sam YALA

Center President

Job Info
Job Category: Tenders in Rwanda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: Sunday, May 28 2023
Duty Station: Kigali
Posted: 25-05-2023
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 25-05-2023
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 25-05-2066
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