Request for Quotation (RFQ) for Supply of Sanitary pads At pact rwanda
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Request for Quotation (RFQ) for Supply of Sanitary pads
RFQ Title: Supply of Sanitary pads
RFQ number: RFQ/2022/08-1
Date of Solicitation: August 12, 2022
Submission Date and time: August 17, 2022, 5:00PM to
Estimated Delivery/ Performance Date: August 22, 2022 – August 24, 2022, at 5 PM.

ACHIEVE Rwanda is a two-year, USAID- funded global cooperative agreement. The two goals of ACHIEVE in Rwanda are: i) to achieve and sustain HIV epidemic control in targeted populations by empowering, preventing, testing, treating and virally suppress and ii) to support the transition of direct funding and implementation to DUHAMIC ADRI and YWCA local partners. ACHIEVE supports the two partners to implement the project’ interventions in two districts of Kigali (Nyarugenge and Kicukiro), one in Eastern province (Kayonza) and another one in southern province (Huye). Beneficiaries are orphans and vulnerable children (OVC), and adolescent girls and young women (AGYW). The project supports OVC services and DREAMS activities by providing capacity development to these local implementing partners to coordinate and support OVC and DREAMS services delivery for the project implementation.
To contribute to the HIV epidemic control among beneficiaries, ACHIEVE ensures they have access to HIV prevention services, HIV care and treatment, and viral load suppression for those infected and on ART, in addition to other interventions for their empowerment. It is in this line that ACHIEVE is planning to support AGYW and given most of them are in their reproductive phase, with Sanitary Pads promote good hygiene to AGYW during the attendance of program services including safe space activities.
This tender consists of procuring 27,584 Sanitary Pads to AGYW supported by ACHIEVE project in Kicukiro and Nyarugenge Districts.
B.Requirement/ Technical specification

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Please submit your quotation for supply and delivery of the listed items below. Your quotation should be in the template attached as Annex 1 (Vendor submission template).
Sanitary pads with the following specifications
• Female disposable (single use) sanitary pads with wings,
• Size and absorbent capacity must be suitable for medium to high flow,
• Primary packaging: unit is a pack containing a total of minimum ten (10) pads.
• Primary packaging shall be a plastic type with good seal integrity to protect the item from moisture and contamination during transportation and storage,
• Shelf live shall be minimum one year for the date of production with minimum 80% of total shelf live on delivery

Please take note of the following requirements and conditions pertaining to the supply of the above-mentioned supplies:
All documentations, including
catalogs, instructions and
operating manuals, shall be
in this language English
Latest Expected Delivery Date and Time (If delivery time exceeds this, quote may be rejected by Pact) August 22, 2022 – August 24, 2022
(3 days after issuance of Purchase Order)
Exact Address(es) of Delivery Location(s) Pact Rwanda Office,
KN 78 street, 2
Downtown, Chadel Building, 1st Floor
Kigali Rwanda
Packing Requirements The items will be packed in a way that protect them from any damage during the transportation to the end users.
Submission of Sample The selected vendor will provide samples to Pact Rwanda before the procurement is finalized.
Administrative Requirements Vendor to provide the following as part of their submission:
• Business registration certificate
• Valid tax clearance certificate
• VAT registration certificate
• Valid social security fund clearance certificate
• At least two completion certificates for having supplied similar items to other organizations

In order to be considered for award, Vendors must be currently legally operating in Rwanda and the quotation must include all of the following information:
• Ability to meet or exceed the Requirements/Technical Specifications outlined in Section B;
• Ability to deliver the items/services specified in Section B no later than the date(s) required.
D.Submission Instructions

The following information to be included by vendor in quotation:
1 A completed copy of the coversheet attached to this RFQ
2 Quoted price in for each item specified in Rwandan Francs. This price should be all inclusive of warranty, delivery, and taxes if applicable
3 Validity period of offer (Offer should be valid for at least 60 days).
4 Credit Payment Term: Pact is preferable payment with 1-month credit, after delivery of goods.
5 Indicate of delivery duration weeks to supply and delivery of goods after PO issue.
6 Your quotation must be on official letter head with authorized signature and stamp.
7 Specifications of the products offered in Section C fully addressed.
8 Warranty and information for product can be included as attachments to Attachment 1, the coversheet.
Electronic submissions must be received at the address specified below by August 17, 2022, 5:00 PM, Rwanda Standard Time and please make sure that the submission is titled with the exact same solicitation number stated above.

Submissions must be forwarded in electronic format only (either PDF or Microsoft Word and Excel) to . Quotations should not contain any unnecessary promotional material or elaborate presentation formats (black and white is preferred). Vendors must not submit zipped files. Those pages requiring original manual signatures should be scanned and sent in PDF format as an email attachment. Please reference the RFQ Number and RFQ Name in the e-mail subject line.
• Quotes must contain a completed quote cover sheet (Attachment 1)
• Proposals submitted through hard copy will not be considered.
• Quotations received after that time or at a different address may not be accepted
• All quotations and delivery dates shall be valid for a period of sixty 60 days following the submission due date mentioned above.

E.Evaluation Criteria
Pact will award a contract resulting from this solicitation to the responsible vendor whose quote will be best value for Pact, price and other factors considered. The following factors shall be used to evaluate offers:
• Administrative requirements
• Technical capability of the item offered to meet the Pact’s requirements. (specifications)
• Past performance referees
• Delivery terms.

F.Terms and Conditions
• Pact reserves the right to modify by written notice the terms of this solicitation at any time in its sole discretion. Pact may cancel the solicitation at any time
• Pact may reject any or all proposals received.
• Issuance of solicitation does not constitute award commitment by Pact.
• Pact reserves the right to disqualify any quotation based on vendor’s failure to follow solicitation instructions.
• Pact will not compensate Vendors for their response to the solicitation.
• Pact reserves the right to issue an award based on initial evaluation of applications without further discussion.
• Pact may choose to award only part of the scope of work in the solicitation or to issue multiple awards the scope of work.
• Pact reserves the right to waive minor proposal deficiencies that can be corrected prior to award determination to promote competition.
• Pact may contact Vendors to confirm contact person, address, and that the proposal was submitted for this solicitation.
• Pact may contact listed past performance references without notice to the Vendor. Pact also reserves the right to contact other past performance information sources that the Vendor did not list in the proposal.
• By submitting a proposal, the Vendor confirms they understand the terms and conditions.
• Information pertaining to and obtained from the Vendor as a result of participation in this solicitation is confidential. The Vendor consents to the disclosure of the documents submitted by the Vendor to the reviewers involved in the selection process. Please note that all reviewers are bound by non-disclosure agreements.
Job Info
Job Category: Tenders in Rwanda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 17 August 2022
Duty Station: Kigali
Posted: 13-08-2022
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 13-08-2022
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 13-08-2056
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