(RFP) for Digitizing P1-P3 Kinyarwanda Teacher Guides
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 Request for Proposals

RFP #: SU 3293A

For Digitizing P1-P3 Kinyarwanda Teacher Guides

Contracting Entity:

Chemonics Soma Umenye LLC

Umuyenzi Plaza, 2nd Floor


Remera, Kigali, Rwanda

Funded by: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)

Funded under: Rwanda Soma Umenye Project

Prime Contract Number: AID-OAA-I-14-00055, Task Order AID-696-TO-16-00001


Chemonics is committed to integrity in procurement, and only selects suppliers based on objective business criteria such as price and technical merit. Chemonics expects suppliers to comply with our Standards of Business Conduct, available at https://www.chemonics.com/our-approach/standards-business-conduct/.

Chemonics does not tolerate fraud, collusion among offerors, falsified proposals/bids, bribery, or kickbacks. Any firm or individual violating these standards will be disqualified from this procurement, barred from future procurement opportunities, and may be reported to both USAID and the Office of the Inspector General.

Employees and agents of Chemonics are strictly prohibited from asking for or accepting any money, fee, commission, credit, gift, gratuity, object of value, or compensation from current or potential vendors or suppliers in exchange for or as a reward for a business. Employees and agents engaging in this conduct are subject to termination and will be reported to USAID and the Office of the Inspector General. In addition, Chemonics will inform USAID and the Office of the Inspector General of any supplier offers of money, fee, commission, credit, gift, gratuity, object of value, or compensation to obtain business.

Offerors responding to this RFP must include the following as part of the proposal submission:

  • Disclose any close, familial, or financial relationships with Chemonics or project staff. For example, if an offeror’s cousin is employed by the project, the offeror must state this.
  • Disclose any family or financial relationship with other offerors submitting proposals. For example, if the offeror’s father owns a company that is submitting another proposal, the offeror must state this.
  • Certify that the prices in the offer have been arrived at independently, without any consultation, communication, or agreement with any other offeror or competitor for the purpose of restricting competition.
  • Certify that all information in the proposal and all supporting documentation are authentic and accurate.
  • Certify understanding and agreement to Chemonics’ prohibitions against fraud, bribery, and kickbacks.

Please contact (sblunden@soma-umenye.org) with any questions or concerns regarding the above information or to report any potential violations. Potential violations may also be reported directly to Chemonics at to BusinessConduct@chemonics.com or by phone/Skype at 888.955.6881.

 RFP Table of Contents

List of Acronyms

Section Instructions to Offerors

I.1 Introduction

I.2  Chronological List of Proposal Events

I.3 Offer Submission Requirements

I.4  Eligibility Requirements

I.5  Source of Funding, Authorized Geographic Code, and Source and Origin

I.6   Validity Period

I.7    Instructions for the Preparation of the Proposal

I.8    Evaluation and Basis for Award

I.9   Negotiations

I.10  Terms of Subcontract

I.11   Insurance and Services

I.12  Privity

Section II  Background, Scope of Work, Deliverables, and Deliverables Schedule

II.1 Background
II.2. Scope of Work
II.3. Deliverables
II.4. Deliverables Schedule

Section III  Firm Fixed Price Subcontract (Terms and Clauses)

Annex 1    Proposal Cover Letter

Annex 2    Guide to Creating Financial Proposal and Sample Budget

Annex 3     Required Certifications

Annex 4    DUNS and SAM Registration Guidance

List of Acronyms

 AIDAR : Agency for International Development (USAID) Acquisition Regulation

CFR :Code of Federal Regulations

CO : USAID Contracting Officer

COP  :Chief of Party

COR  :USAID Contracting Officer’s Representative

CV: Curriculum Vitae

DBA  :Defense Base Act

DUNS : Data Universal Numbering System

ESSP :Education Sector Strategic Plan

FAR  :Federal Acquisition Regulations

LEGRA : Local Early Grade Reading Assessment

MEDEVAC : Medical Evacuation

MINEDUC : Ministry of Education

POC : Point of Contact

RFP : Request for Proposals

RWF : Rwandan Francs

SAM: System for Award Management

SOW : Scope of work

UDL: Universal Design for Learning

U.S.: United States

USAID: U.S. Agency for International Development

USAID/Rwanda:USAID Mission in Rwanda

USG : U.S. Government

VAT  :Value Added Tax

Section I.  Instructions to Offerors

I.1. Introduction

Chemonics, the Buyer, acting on behalf of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Soma Umenye Project, under contract number AID-OAA-I-14-00055, Task Order AID-696-TO-16-00001 is soliciting offers from companies and organizations to submit proposals to participate with Soma Umenye project in digitizing P1-P3 Kinyarwanda Teacher Guides

The goal of the Soma Umenye project is to improve reading outcomes in Kinyarwanda for at least 1 million children in public and government-aided schools in Rwanda. Specifically, Soma Umenye will target all children in Grades P1-P3 attending public and government-aided schools nationwide and ensure that at least 70 percent of students are able to read grade-level text with fluency and comprehension.

The Ministry of Education (MINEDUC) and the Rwanda Basic Education Board (REB) are committed to promoting ICT in the education sector and this is reflected in the current Education Sector Strategic Plan (ESSP) 2018/19 – 2023/24, the ICT in Education Policy of 2016, as well as priorities that emerged during the COVID-19 school closure period.

USAID Soma Umenye has previously supported REB to develop, print, and distribute teacher guides for P1-P3 Kinyarwanda teachers. To support REB’s vision of integrating ICT in the education system, USAID Soma Umenye will work with REB to digitize the P1-P3 Kinyarwanda teacher guides. Digitizing the teacher guides will enable teachers to access content in the event that they do not have a printed version. Digitizing the teacher guides will also enable REB and USAID Soma Umenye to integrate additional content related to instructional delivery that was developed after the initial creation of the printed teacher guides. The digitized guides, once completed, will be hosted on REB’s new eLearning platform. The goal of this platform is to host teaching and learning materials for all subjects and grade levels.

The purpose of this RFP is to solicit proposals from eligible suppliers for the development of digital versions of USAID Soma Umenye’s P1-P3 Kinyarwanda teacher guides.

Offerors are invited to submit proposals in response to this RFP in accordance with Section I Instructions to Offerors, which will not be part of the subcontract. The instructions are intended to assist interested Offerors in the preparation of their offer. Any resulting subcontract will be guided by Sections II and III.

This RFP does not obligate Chemonics to execute a subcontract nor does it commit Chemonics to pay any costs incurred in the preparation and submission of the proposals. Furthermore, Chemonics reserves the right to reject any and all offers, if such action is considered to be in the best interest of Chemonics.

Unless otherwise stated, the periods named in the RFP shall be consecutive calendar days.

I.2. Chronological List of Proposal Events

The following calendar summarizes important dates in the solicitation process. Offerors must strictly follow these deadlines.

RFP published                                                August 27, 2021

Deadline for written questions                        September 1, 2021

Responses to written questions                      September 3, 2021

Proposal due date                                           September 9, 2021

Subcontract award (estimated)                       September 17, 2021  

Completion of assignment                              November 15, 2021

The dates above may be modified at the sole discretion of Chemonics. Any changes will be published in an amendment to this RFP.

Written Questions and Clarifications. All questions or clarifications regarding this RFP must be in writing and submitted to suprocurement@soma-umenye.org no later than September 1, 2021.

Only written answers from Chemonics will be considered official and carry weight in the RFP process and subsequent evaluation. Any answers received outside the official channel, whether received verbally or in writing, from employees or representatives of Chemonics, the Soma Umenye project, or any other party, will not be considered official responses regarding this RFP.

Proposal Submission Date. All proposals must be received by the date and time and complying with the instructions as provided in Section I.3.

Subcontract Award (estimated). Chemonics will select the proposal that offers the best value based upon the evaluation criteria stated in this RFP.

I.3. Offer Submission Requirements

Offerors shall submit their offers electronically no later than 17:00 on September 9, 2021 via email suprocurement@soma-umenye.org

Faxed offers will not be considered.

Offerors are responsible for ensuring that their offers are received in accordance with the instructions stated herein. Late offers may be considered at the discretion of Chemonics. Chemonics cannot guarantee that late offers will be considered.

Proposals must be submitted electronically. Late offers will be considered at the discretion of Chemonics.

Offerors wishing to respond to this RFP must submit proposals, in English, on A4 sized paper, 12-point Times New Roman font, single-spaced, in accordance with the following instructions.

All proposals must be submitted in two volumes, consisting of:

  • Volume 1: Technical proposal
  • Volume 2: Cost proposal

An authorized representative of the company or organization submitting an offer must sign the cover page of each copy of the offer.

Offers must be received by the date and time specified in I.2.

Separate technical and cost proposals must be submitted by email no later than the time and date specified in I.2. The proposals must be submitted to the point of contact designated in I.2.

The Offeror must submit the proposal electronically with up to 3 attachments (5 MB limit) per email compatible with MX Word, MS Excel, readable format, or Adobe Portable Document (PDF) format in a Microsoft XP environment. Those pages requiring original manual signatures should be scanned and sent in PDF format as an email attachment.

Technical proposals must not make reference to pricing data in order that the technical evaluation may be made strictly on the basis of technical merit

Other requirements:

1. Cover Letter

The offeror’s cover letter shall include the following information:

i.  Name of the company or organization
ii.  Type of company or organization
iii.  Address
iv.  Telephone
v.    E-mail
vi.   Full names of members of the Board of Directors and Legal Representative (as appropriate)
vii.  Taxpayer Identification Number 
viii.  DUNS Number
ix.  Official bank account information
x.   Other required documents that shall be included as attachments to the cover letter: 

a) Copy of registration or incorporation in the public registry, or equivalent document from the government office where the offeror is registered.

b) Copy of company tax registration, or equivalent document.

c) Copy of trade license or equivalent document.

d) Required certifications, including

 i. Evidence of Responsibility 
ii. Subcontractor Size Self-Certification Form

Templates for all required certifications are provided in Annex 3 “Required Certifications”.

I.4.    Eligibility Requirements

To be determined responsive, an offer must include all of the documents and sections included in I.4.A and I.4.B.

Chemonics anticipates issuing a subcontract to a qualified Rwandan organization, institute, or company, provided it is legally registered and recognized under the laws of Rwanda and is in compliance with all applicable civil, fiscal, and other applicable regulations. Such a company or organization could include a private firm, non-profit, civil society organization, or university.

The award will be in the form of a firm fixed price subcontract (hereinafter referred to as “the subcontract”.  The successful Offeror shall be required to adhere to the statement of work and terms and conditions of the subcontract, which are incorporated in Section III herein.

Companies and organizations that submit proposals in response to this RFP must meet the following requirements:

  • Companies or organizations, whether for-profit or non-profit, must be legally registered under the laws of Rwanda upon award of the subcontract.
  • Firms operated as commercial companies or other organizations or enterprises (including nonprofit organizations) in which foreign governments or their agents or agencies have a controlling interest are not eligible as suppliers of commodities and services.
  • Companies or organizations must have a local presence in Rwanda at the time the subcontract is signed.
  • Companies or organizations, whether for-profit or non-profit, shall be requested to provide a DUNS number if selected to receive a subaward valued at USD$30,000 or more unless exempted in accordance with information certified in the Evidence of Responsibility form included in the required certifications in Annex 3.

Offerors may present their proposals as a member of a partnership with other companies or organizations. In such cases, the subcontract will be awarded to the lead company in the partnership. The leading company shall be responsible for compliance with all subcontract terms and conditions and making all partnership arrangements, including but not limited to division of labor, invoicing, etc., with the other company(ies). A legally registered partnership is not necessary for these purposes; however, the different organizations must be committed to work together in the fulfillment of the subcontract terms.

I.5. Source of Funding, Authorized Geographic Code, and Source and Origin

Any subcontract resulting from this RFP will be financed by USAID funding and will be subject to U.S. Government and USAID regulations.

All goods and services offered in response to this RFP or supplied under any resulting award must meet USAID Geographic Code 935 in accordance with the United States Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), 22 CFR §228, available at: http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/CFR-2012-title22-vol1/pdf/CFR-2012-title22-vol1-part228.pdf.

The cooperating country for this RFP is Rwanda.

Offerors may not offer or supply any products, commodities or related services that are manufactured or assembled in, shipped from, transported through, or otherwise involving any of the following countries: Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Syria. Related services include incidental services pertaining to any/all aspects of this work to be performed under a resulting contract (including transportation, fuel, lodging, meals, and communications expenses).

I.6. Validity Period

Offerors’ proposals must remain valid for 60 calendar days after the proposal deadline.

I.7. Instructions for the Preparation of the Proposal

1. Cover Letter

The offeror shall use the cover letter provided in Annex 1 of this RFP, which confirms organizational information and consent to the validity of this proposal.

2. Technical Proposal 

The technical proposal shall comprise the parts below. Please note that the proposal must be responsive to the detailed information set out in Section II of this RFP, which provides the background, states the scope of work, describes the deliverables and provides a deliverables schedule.

  • Part 1: Technical Approach, Methodology, and Detailed Work Plan. This part shall be between 3 and 7 pages long but may not exceed 7 pages.
  • Part 2: Management, Key Personnel, and Staffing Plan. This part shall be between 2 and 5 pages long but may not exceed 5 pages. CVs for key personnel may be included in an annex to the technical proposal and will not count against the page limit.
  • Part 3: Corporate Capabilities, Experience, and Past Performance. This part shall be between [2 and 7 pages long but may not exceed 7 pages.

Part 3 must include a description of the company and organization, with appropriate reference to any parent company and subsidiaries. Offerors must include details demonstrating their experience and technical ability in implementing the technical approach/methodology and the detailed work plan.

Additionally, offerors must include 3 past performance references of similar work (under contracts or subcontracts) previously implemented as well as contact information for the companies for which such work was completed. Contact information must include at a minimum: the name of the point of contact who can speak to the offeror’s performance, name and address of the company for which the work was performed, and the email and phone number of the point of contact. Chemonics reserves the right to check additional references not provided by an offeror.

3. Cost Proposal

The cost proposal is used to determine which proposals represent the best value and serves as a basis of negotiation before award of a subcontract.

The price of the subcontract to be awarded will be an all-inclusive fixed price. Nevertheless, for the purpose of the proposal, offerors must provide a detailed budget showing major line items as well as a budget narrative. Please refer to Annex 2 for detailed instructions and a sample cost structure.

No profit, fees, taxes, or additional costs may be added after award. Because Soma Umenye project is a USAID funded project and is implemented under a bilateral agreement between the Rwandan and the U.S. Governments, offerors must not include VAT and customs duties in their cost proposal.

I.8 Evaluation and Basis for Award

This RFP will use the tradeoff process to determine best value as set forth in FAR 15.101-1. That means that each proposal will be evaluated and scored against the evaluation criteria and evaluation sub-criteria, which are stated in the table below. Chemonics will award a subcontract to the offeror whose proposal represents the best value to Chemonics and the Soma Umenye project. Chemonics may award to a higher-priced offeror if a determination is made that the higher technical evaluation of that offeror merits the additional cost/price.

Evaluation points will not be awarded for cost, but for overall evaluation purposes of this RFP, technical evaluation factors other than cost, when combined, are considered significantly more important cost factors. Cost will primarily be evaluated for realism and reasonableness. If technical scores are determined to be nearly equal, cost will become the determining factor.

In evaluating proposals, Chemonics will use the following evaluation criteria and sub-criteria:

Evaluation Criteria

Evaluation Sub-criteria

Maximum Points

Technical Approach, Methodology, and Detailed Work Plan


Technical know-how – Chemonics will assess whether the proposal explains, understands, and responds to the objectives of the project as stated in the Scope of Work

25 points


Approach and Methodology – Chemonics will assess whether the proposed program approach and detailed activities and suggested timeline fulfill the requirements of executing the Scope of Work effectively and efficiently?

25 points

Total Points – Technical Approach

50 points


Management, Key Personnel, and Staffing Plan


Personnel Qualifications – Chemonics will evaluate the curriculum vitae (CVs) of the proposed team members and evaluate if the offer has the experience and capabilities to carry out the Scope of Work?

30 points

Total Points – Management

30 points


Corporate Capabilities, Experience, and Past Performance


Company Background and Experience – Chemonics will evaluate whether the company experience is relevant to the project Scope of Work?

10 points


Chemonics will assess the past performance of the Offerors by contacting three references who may indicate the Offeror's past performance for projects of similar size and scope

10 points

Total Points – Corporate Capabilities

20 points

Total Points

100 points

I.9 Negotiations

Best offer proposals are requested. It is anticipated that a subcontract will be awarded solely on the basis of the original offers received. However, Chemonics reserves the right to conduct discussions, negotiations, and/or request clarifications prior to awarding a subcontract. Furthermore, Chemonics reserves the right to conduct a competitive range and to limit the number of offerors in the competitive range to permit an efficient evaluation environment among the most highly-rated proposals. Highest-rated offerors, as determined by the technical evaluation committee, may be asked to submit their best prices or technical responses during a competitive range. At the sole discretion of Chemonics, offerors may be requested to conduct oral presentations. If deemed an opportunity, Chemonics reserves the right to make separate awards per component or to make no award at all.

I.10 Terms of Subcontract

This is a request for proposals only and in no way obligates Chemonics to award a subcontract. In the event of subcontract negotiations, any resulting subcontract will be subject to and governed by the terms and clauses detailed in Section III. Chemonics will use the template shown in section III to finalize the subcontract. Terms and clauses are not subject to negotiation. By submitting a proposal, offerors certify that they understand and agree to all of the terms and clauses contained in section III.

I.11  Insurance and Services

 Within two weeks of signature of this subcontract, the Offeror at its own expense (except that DBA shall be reimbursable to the Offeror at cost), shall procure and maintain in force, on all its operations, insurance in accordance with the charts listed below. The policies of insurance shall be in such form and shall be issued by such company or companies as may be satisfactory to Chemonics. Upon request from Chemonics, the Supplier shall furnish Chemonics with certificates of insurance from the insuring companies which shall specify the effective dates of the policies, the limits of liabilities there under, and contain a provision that the said insurance will not be canceled except upon thirty (30) days' notice in writing to Chemonics. The Supplier shall not cancel any policies of insurance required hereunder either before or after completion of the work without written consent of Chemonics.



The Subcontractor shall (a) provide, before commencing performance under this Subcontract, such workers’ compensation or security as the Defense Base Act (DBA) (42 U.S.C. 1651, et seq.) requires and (b) continue to maintain it until performance is completed. The Subcontractor shall insert, in all lower-tier subcontracts authorized by Chemonics under this Subcontract to which the Defense Base Act applies, a clause similar to this clause imposing upon those lower-tier subcontractors this requirement to comply with the Defense Base Act. DBA insurance provides critical protection and limits on liability. The Subcontractor shall provide a proof of DBA insurance coverage to Chemonics upon request. Chemonics will verify coverage for, at least, projects in high risk environments and where Chemonics may be providing security.

(b) AIDAR 752.228-3 WORKERS’ COMPENSATION (DEFENSE BASE ACT) [Updated by AAPD 05-05 — 02/12/04] As prescribed in AIDAR 728.308, the following supplemental coverage is to be added to the clause specified in FAR 52.228-3.

(b)(1) The Subcontractor agrees to procure DBA insurance pursuant to the terms of the contract between USAID and USAID’s DBA insurance carrier unless the Subcontractor has a DBA self-insurance program approved by the U.S. Department of Labor or has an approved retrospective rating agreement for DBA.

(b)(2) If USAID or Subcontractor has secured a waiver of DBA coverage (See AIDAR 728.305-70(a)) for Subcontractor’s employees who are not citizens of, residents of, or hired in the United States, the Subcontractor agrees to provide such employees with worker’s compensation benefits as required by the laws of the country in which the employees are working, or by the laws of the employee’s native country, whichever offers greater benefits.

(b)(3) The Subcontractor further agrees to insert in all lower-tier subcontracts hereunder to which the DBA is applicable a clause similar to this clause, including the sentence, imposing on all lower-tier subcontractors authorized by Chemonics a like requirement to provide overseas workmen’s compensation insurance coverage and obtain DBA coverage under the USAID requirements contract.

(b)(4) USAID’s DBA insurance carrier. Pursuant to the clause of this Subcontract entitled "Worker's Compensation Insurance (Defense Base Act)" (AIDAR 752.228 03), the Subcontractor shall obtain DBA coverage from USAID's current insurance carrier for such insurance. This insurance carrier as of the effective date of this Subcontract is AON Risk Insurance Services West, Inc. Address is: AON, 2033 N. Main St., Suite 760, Walnut Creek, CA 94596-3722. Point of contact is Fred Robinson: (o) 925-951-1856, fax: 925-951-1890, E-Mail:  Fred.Robinson@aon.com.  Subcontractor must apply for coverage directly to AON Risk Insurance Services Inc., the agent for AWAC DBA Insurance. For instructions on the required application form and submission requirements, please refer to AAPD 17-01. Pursuant to AIDAR 752.228-70, medical evacuation is a separate insurance requirement for overseas performance of USAID funded subcontracts; the Defense Base Act insurance does not provide coverage for medical evacuation. The costs of DBA insurance are allowable and reimbursable as a direct cost to this Subcontract.

(c) AIDAR 752.228-7 INSURANCE ON PRIVATE AUTOMOBILES Pursuant to the clause of this Subcontract entitled “Insurance Liability to Third Persons” (AIDAR 752.228-07), if the Subcontractor or any of its employees, consultants, or their dependents transport or cause to be transported (whether or not at Subcontract expense) privately owned automobiles to the Cooperating Country, or if any of them purchase an automobile within the Cooperating Country, the Subcontractor shall, during the period of this Subcontract, ensure that all such automobiles during such ownership within the Cooperating Country will be covered by a paid-up insurance policy issued by a reliable company providing minimum coverage of US$10,000/US$20,000 for injury to persons and US$5,000 for property damage, or such other minimum coverages as may be set by the cognizant Mission Director, payable in U.S. dollars or its equivalent in the currency of the Cooperating Country. The premium costs of such insurance shall not be a reimbursable cost under this Subcontract.

(d) AIDAR 752.228-70 Medical Evacuation Services (MEDEVAC) Services (JULY 2007) [Updated by AAPD 06-01].

(1) The Subcontractor shall provide MEDEVAC service coverage to all U.S. citizen, U.S. resident alien, and Third Country National employees and their authorized dependents (hereinafter “individual”) while overseas under a USAID-financed direct contract. Chemonics will reimburse reasonable, allowable, and allocable costs for MEDEVAC service coverage incurred under this Subcontract. The USAID Contracting Officer through Chemonics will determine the reasonableness, allowability, and allocability of the costs based on the applicable cost principles and in accordance with cost accounting standards.

(2) Exceptions: (i) The Subcontractor is not required to provide MEDEVAC insurance to eligible employees and their dependents with a health program that includes sufficient MEDEVAC coverage as approved by Chemonics.  (ii) The USAID Mission Director through Chemonics, may make a written determination to waive the requirement for such coverage. The determination must be based on findings that the quality of local medical services or other circumstances obviate the need for such coverage for eligible employees and their dependents located at the post.

(3) If authorized to issue lower-tier subcontracts, the Subcontractor shall insert a clause similar to this clause in all lower-tier subcontracts that require performance by Subcontractor employees

e) In addition to the foregoing insurance requirements, the Supplier shall, as a minimum, obtain the following insurance in form and substance satisfactory to Chemonics that are covered by the standard fixed rates in Section 3.



(a) Defense Base Act or equivalent for waived nationals per FAR 52.228-3 and 52.228-4. The coverage shall extend to Employers Liability for bodily injury, death, and for occupational disease.

As required by DBA

(b) Comprehensive General Liability Each Occurrence Combined Single Limit for Personal Injury and/or Property Damage.



(c) Automobile Liability Combined Single Limit each occurrence

As per AIDAR 752.228-7 and


  (d) Other Required Insurance- Umbrella Insurance additive to (b) and (c) above

$1,000,000/ $2,000,000

I. 12 Privity    

By submitting a response to this request for proposals, offerors understand that USAID is NOT a party to this solicitation and the offeror agrees that any protest hereunder must be presented—in writing with full explanations—to Chemonics International for consideration, as USAID will not consider protests made to it under USAID-financed subcontracts. Chemonics, at its sole discretion, will make a final decision on the protest for this procurement

Section II    Background, Scope of Work, Deliverables, and Deliverables Schedule 

II.1. Background

The goal of the Soma Umenye project is to improve reading outcomes in Kinyarwanda for at least 1 million children in public and government-aided schools in Rwanda. Specifically, Soma Umenye will target all children in Grades P1-P3 attending public and government-aided schools nationwide and ensure that at least 70 percent of students are able to read grade-level text with fluency and comprehension.

The Ministry of Education (MINEDUC) and the Rwanda Basic Education Board (REB) are committed to promoting ICT in the education sector and this is reflected in the current Education Sector Strategic Plan (ESSP) 2018/19 – 2023/24, the ICT in Education Policy of 2016, as well as priorities that emerged during the COVID-19 school closure period.

USAID Soma Umenye has previously supported REB to develop, print, and distribute teacher guides for P1-P3 Kinyarwanda teachers. To support REB’s vision of integrating ICT in the education system, USAID Soma Umenye will work with REB to digitize the P1-P3 Kinyarwanda teacher guides. Digitizing the teacher guides will enable teachers to access content in the event that they do not have a printed version. Digitizing the teacher guides will also enable REB and USAID Soma Umenye to integrate additional content related to instructional delivery that was developed after the initial creation of the printed teacher guides. The digitized guides, once completed, will be hosted on REB’s new eLearning platform. The goal of this platform is to host teaching and learning materials for all subjects and grade levels.

The purpose of this RFP is to solicit proposals from eligible suppliers for the development of digital versions of USAID Soma Umenye’s P1-P3 Kinyarwanda teacher guides.

A.2.  Scope of Work

The successful offeror shall adopt three existing Kinyarwanda teacher guides (P1, P2, and P3) into digital versions and, following approval from REB, integrate them into REB’s eLearning platform. Each teacher’s guide follows a similar structure, including introductory chapters (including brief explanations of teaching methodology, the key components of literacy, supporting students with special needs, etc), a sample lesson plan, and then detailed lesson plans for the entire curriculum (broken up into units and weeks). Each teacher’s guide can be found at the links below:

At a minimum, each digitized teacher’s guide should meet the following standards. Note that all instructional content will be provided by Soma Umenye; the offeror is not expected to create additional instructional content.

  • Ability to be seamlessly integrated into REB’s eLearning platform
  • Provides some level of interactivity (ex: if a teacher is reading a phonics activity in a particular lesson plan, she can also click on a button that will take her to additional phonics activities or an instructional video on teaching phonics; or if a lesson plan references a story in a read-aloud book, the teacher can click a link that will take her to a PDF version of the read-aloud book).
  • Integrates instructional methodology documentation provided by USAID Soma Umenye. Soma Umenye expects the following to be linked within the digitized teacher guides. Note that all content below has already been created/approved and USAID Soma Umenye will provide instructions to the successful offeror as to where to integrate the following materials in the P1-P3 teacher guides.
    • Video content (these videos would be linked in various places throughout the digitized teacher’s guide so teachers can reference them as needed):
      • 6 self-learning videos (on phonics phonemic awareness, vocabulary, reading comprehension, fluency, and writing)
      • 6 classroom library videos
      • 6 Local Early Grade Reading (LEGRA) instructional videos (LEGRA process, pre-assessment meeting, post-assessment meeting, school-level inama)
      • 1 video on the coaching process
      • 1 video on formative assessment
      • 1 video on decodable readers
    • Guides (these guides would be linked in various places throughout the digitized teacher’s guide so teachers can reference them as needed):
      • Formative assessment
      • Student reading benchmarks
      • LEGRA
      • Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
    • Include a table of contents that allows teachers to go directly to certain sections of the teacher guide
    • Soma Umenye will also provide to the offeror a list of icons that can be used to help teacher navigate within lessons (ex: an icon that allows a teacher to go to a PDF version of the student textbook, or an icon that shows a number of different classroom management strategies).

A.3.  Deliverables

The Subcontractor shall deliver to Chemonics the following deliverables, in accordance with the schedule set forth in Section A.4, below.

Deliverable No. 1: Project Plan/Timeline

The Subcontractor shall prepare and submit a project plan describing the overall technical approach/methodology and specifying key deliverables and timelines for various phases of the P1-P3 teacher guide digitization process. The plan must also include how the Subcontractor will coordinate with REB (ICT team) to accomplish the overall output. The project plan shall be submitted in Microsoft Word.

Deliverable No. 2: Draft storyboard of the P1 digitized teacher’s guide

 The Subcontractor shall prepare and submit a storyboard for the digitized P1 teacher’s guide (using the content provided by Soma Umenye). The storyboard will provide an overall outline of the digitized P1 teacher’s guide. For example, the storyboard will provide the layout for the various elements of the teacher’s guide (including units, lesson plans, additional content provided by Soma Umenye such as videos, and buttons that take users to different elements of the guide). Prior to approval, the storyboard will also be reviewed by REB. The storyboard shall be submitted in Microsoft Word.

 Deliverable No. 3: Sample section (introductory chapters and Unit 1) of the P1 digitized teacher’s guide

 The Subcontractor shall digitize and submit a sample section of the P1 teacher’s guide. This section will include the introductory chapters and all lessons in Unit 1. The sample section shall be submitted electronically, in a form that is compatible with REB’s eLearning platform.

 Deliverable No. 4: Draft digitized P1 teacher’s guide

 Following approval of the sample section, the Subcontractor shall submit a full digitized version of the P1 teacher’s guide. The draft guide shall be submitted electronically, in a form that is compatible with REB’s eLearning platform.

 Deliverable No. 5: Final digitized P1 teacher’s guide

 Following approval of the draft digitized guide, the Subcontractor shall incorporate any revisions and submit a final digitized version of the P1 teacher’s guide. The final guide shall be submitted electronically, in a form that is compatible with REB’s eLearning platform.

Deliverable No. 6: Draft digitized P2 teacher’s guide

 The Subcontractor shall submit a draft digitized version of the P2 teacher’s guide. The draft guide shall be submitted electronically, in a form that is compatible with REB’s eLearning platform.

 Deliverable No. 7: Final digitized P2 teacher’s guide

 Following approval of the draft digitized guide, the Subcontractor shall incorporate any revisions and submit a final digitized version of the P2 teacher’s guide. The final guide shall be submitted electronically, in a form that is compatible with REB’s eLearning platform.

 Deliverable No. 8: Draft digitized P3 teacher’s guide

 The Subcontractor shall submit a draft digitized version of the P3 teacher’s guide. The draft guide shall be submitted electronically, in a form that is compatible with REB’s eLearning platform.

 Deliverable No. 9: Final digitized P3 teacher’s guide

 Following approval of the draft digitized guide, the Subcontractor shall incorporate any revisions and submit a final digitized version of the P3 teacher’s guide. The final guide shall be submitted electronically, in a form that is compatible with REB’s eLearning platform.

II.2. Deliverables Schedule

 The successful offeror shall submit the deliverables described above in accordance with the following deliverables schedule:

Deliverable No.*

Deliverable Name*

Due Date


Deliverable No. 1: Project Plan/Timeline

5 calendar days after the start of the subcontract


Deliverable No. 2: Draft storyboard of the P1 digitized teacher’s guide

10 calendar days after the approval of Deliverable No. 1


Deliverable No. 3: Sample section (introductory chapters and Unit 1) of the P1 digitized teacher’s guide

5 calendar days following REB’s approval of storyboard.


Deliverable No. 4: Draft digitized P1 teacher’s guide



Deliverable No. 5: Final digitized P1 teacher’s guide

5 calendar days following approval of digitized P1 teacher’s guide


Deliverable No. 6: Draft digitized P2 teacher’s guide



Deliverable No. 7: Final digitized P2 teacher’s guide

7 calendar days after obtaining approval of digitized P2 teacher’s guide


Deliverable No. 8:  Draft digitized P3 teacher’s guide



Deliverable No. 9: Final digitized P3 teacher’s guide

7 calendar days following REB’s approval of draft digitized P3 Kinyarwanda teacher’s guide

*Deliverable numbers and names refer to those fully described in II.3 above.

Section III   Firm Fixed Price Subcontract (Terms and Clauses)






 Hereinafter referred to as the Subcontractor


 (insert Contract Name here)

USAID PRIME CONTRACT NO.  (insert contract number here, and Task Order No

Job Info
Job Category: Consultant/ Contractual jobs in Rwanda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 09 September 2021
Duty Station: Kigali
Posted: 30-08-2021
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 30-08-2021
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 30-08-2065
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