REQUEST FOR QUOTATION - EDUCATION MATERIALS (RE - ADVERTISED) tender at Federation Handicap International (HI)
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Request for Quotation (RFQ) ref:RFQ/2024/006 (Re-advert)

Hiring External Consultancy on Business Model Development on 3D Printing Service Delivery in Rwanda

1.Context of activity

Federation Handicap International which operates under the name Humanity & Inclusion (HI), in consortium with the Catholic Relief Services (CRS) which is the Prime and other consortium members including: Umuhuza, Three Stones International and the University of Global Health Equity (UGHE), is implementing disability inclusion and rehabilitation/AT component under a five-year USAID funded program entitled “Inclusive Nutrition and Early Childhood Development (INECD/ USAID GIKURIRO KURI BOSE)”. The INECD program promotes nurturing and responsive care practices, especially in the areas of health, functioning, nutrition, and early childhood development (ECD) for caregivers and children.

Under this specific component, the project addresses social inclusion needs, child development gaps, physical rehabilitation and assistive technology (rehab/AT) needs focusing on improving accessibility, affordability, and availability of durable assistive products to the end-users in Rwanda. In this framework, the INECD program in collaboration with Regional Center of Excellence in Biomedical Engineering of the University of Rwanda (UR-CEBE), have recently introduced a new 3-D Printing technology aimed promoting access to good quality and affordable mobility assistive technology devices in Rwanda. This technology will bring prosthetic and orthotic services closer to the communities, hence reducing the need for the end-users to travel long distances or wait for a long period of time to do the prosthetic fittings.

It is against this background that the INECD program in collaboration UR-CEBE, would like to hire a company or an individual external consultant with a strong business management background, that will develop a business model for the 3-D printing Project. This model will serve as a guiding tool for; defining operational roles and responsibilities of the involved stakeholders, determining the cost of production of the 3 D mobility technology devices vis-à-vis the conventional orthopaedic devices and return on investment, ultimate price of the finished product and cost-sharing between UR-CEBE which in this case will be considered as the service provider in charge of printing 3 D mobility devices (orthotic and prosthetic fittings) and its customers namely: CHUK, CHUB and Gahini hospital that will be responsible for the clients’ assessment, scanning, digital designing of prosthetic sockets using the 3-D printing technology and sending the measurements to UR-CEBE production team for Printing. The business model will also contain strong mechanisms to ensure the sustainability of the 3 D printing program through optimization of returns on investment. The process of developing a business model should be completed in not more than 30 days from the date of signing the contract. 

General objective:

  • Develop a business model with clear information that will guide cooperation between UR-CEBE and various rehabilitation stakeholders including: CHUK, CHUB and Gahini hospital with the intention to enhance; the efficiency, quality, satisfaction of the end users and sustainability of the 3-D printing project.

Specific objectives:

  • Develop a business model with precise information on sustainability mechanisms, the cost of production, return on investment cost-sharing and the price of mobility assistive devices that will be produced using 3D printing technology.
  • Develop a standard operating procedure and collaboration frameworks between UR-CEBE that in in this case be considered as the service provider and 3 relevant stakeholders: CHUB, CHUK, and Gahini hospital that will be considered as the clients

Expected deliverables:

  • An inception report will be shared on 25th July 2024
  • A clear and contextualized business model canvas describing the Frontstage and backstage models describing each element as to:
  1. customer/User segment
  2. Revenue stream

 It should contain a detailed information on; sustainability mechanisms, the cost of production, cost-sharing, pricing structure, return on investment and cooperation framework between UR-CEBE and its 3 customers namely: CHUB, CHUK and Gahini hospital. The final version will be shared on: 12thSeptember 2024.


  • In collaboration with the INECD program, the UR-CEBE will organize 3 consultative meetings that will converge relevant stakeholders namely: RBC, MoH, NCPD, CHUK, CHUB, Gahini hospital, RSSB, CHAI, NUDOR, HVP GATAGARA, RMS, BUFMARA, HI and 3 Rehabilitation associations: RPTO, RWOTA and RSPO. The first 2-day consultative meeting will be aimed at gathering relevant information that will enable the consultant to develop a business model. The second consultative meeting will be aimed at reviewing the drafted business model and provide inputs while the Third consultative meeting will be intended to validate the business model. In this process, the INECD program will provide logistics support such as: meals, refreshments and transport fees for the participants.
  • A participatory approach will be used to allow the participants share their views and opinions with the intention to generate adequate information that will guide the consultant in developing the business model.

Tasks to be completed by the consultant:

  • Assess the existing capabilities and resources of both UR/CEBE and the participating hospitals. This involves evaluating the hospitals' capacity to undertake 3D scanning and designing, as well as UR/CEBE's expertise and infrastructure for 3D printing.
  • Identify both local, regional and international markets in which the 3D printing raw materials can be obtained
  • Provide a realistic price of a 3D prosthetic and orthotic devices taking into consideration the cost of production and delivery of the item to the end-users
  • Provide accurate cost calculation of the annual running cost of the 3 D printing lab
  • Anticipate potential risks associated with the 3 D printing project and develop a risk mitigation plan
  • Develop the standard operating procedures to guide cooperation framework between UR-CEBE which is the service provider and its clients (3 rehabilitation stakeholders) namely: CHUK, CHUB and Gahini hospital
  • Provide a clear picture of the demand for prostheses and orthoses in Rwanda, as well as the competitive landscape.
  • Assess relevant laws, regulations, and standards governing medical device manufacturing and healthcare services. Assess legal and regulatory requirements and incorporate them into the business model to mitigate risks and ensure compliance.
  • Determine the costs associated with 3D scanning, designing, and printing of mobility assistive technology devices, as well as overhead expenses such as equipment maintenance, personnel training, and material costs. This analysis would inform the pricing structure and revenue-sharing model.
  • Based on the findings from the market analysis and financial assessment, the consultant will develop a comprehensive business model outlining how UR/CEBE and hospitals will collaborate in the production of 3D devices and the realistic revenue that can be generated from the whole manufacturing process.
  • Develop a cooperation framework with detailed roles and responsibilities of each party, cost allocation, pricing strategies, revenue-sharing mechanisms, and profit distribution and dispute resolution mechanisms.
  • Establish a pricing structure for 3D prostheses, orthoses and other related devices reflecting on the shared costs and ensures a reasonable profit margin for both UR/CEBE and hospitals.
  • Develop mechanisms for compensation related to the services rendered by each party.
  • Propose the agreement-upon cost-sharing arrangement which shows a profit-sharing model where profits are split between the two parties based on their respective contributions to the manufacturing process.
  • Compare and contrast the cost of production of the 3D printing mobility assistive technology devices such as: prosthesis, orthosis vis a vis the same devices produced using other technologies such as: lamination and Polypropylene

Qualification/Experience of the consultant

  • A Master’s degree in Finance, systems design, health economics, healthcare management, and Advanced Statistical Analysis.
  • Minimum of 5 years of relevant experience in business development particularly in developing business models for 3D printing projects
  • Familiarity with Rwanda’s national healthcare system and different technologies for producing assistive devices most especially the 3 D printing technology
  • Extensive experience working with diverse stakeholders, including government agencies, NGOs, and healthcare facilities.
  • Strong analytical and problem-solving skills, with the ability to develop innovative and sustainable solutions to complex challenges.
  • Demonstrable expertise in financial modelling, income sharing arrangements, and partnership development
  • A strong experience in carrying out research studies, data analysis and financial modelling.
  • Excellent Communication and English writing skills


  • A proof of published/publications of research related to business model development for the 3D printing technology
  • Possess EBM machine and ready to deliver EBM invoices
  • RDB registration certificate
  • VAT / TIN (Tax Identification Number) Certificate
  • Valid RSSB clearance certificate
  • Signed HI declaration of acknowledgement of HI policies, ethics and adhesion to HI code of conduct
  • Bank details (Account name, account number and Bank name)
  • Valid Tax clearance certificate
  • Clear and precise payment condition
  • Three Good completion certificates for similar types of work

Submission of bids

All interested companies and individual consultants with strong expertise in developing a business model, are allowed to apply.

Electronic submissions must be received at the address specified below by July 16, 20245:00PM, Rwanda Standard Time and please make sure that the submission is titled with the exact same solicitation reference number stated above. Submissions must be forwarded in electronic format only in PDF to 

Quotations should not contain any unnecessary promotional material or elaborate presentation formats (black and white is preferred). Companies/individuals must not submit zipped files. Those pages requiring original manual signatures should be scanned and sent in PDF format as an email attachment. Please reference the RFQ Number and RFQ Name in the e-mail subject line.

Thank you and we look forward to receive your proposal.

Job Info
Job Category: Tenders in Rwanda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: Tuesday, July 16 2024
Duty Station: Kigali
Posted: 04-07-2024
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 04-07-2024
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 04-07-2065
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