Provision of Governance and Leadership Training for Partners tender at Trócaire
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Request for Tender (RFT) 

Trócaire Rwanda invites tenders for the provision of Governance and Leadership Training for Partners.  Tenderers’ must demonstrate that they have the resources and expertise to supply the services required. 

Tender Release Date: 18/07/2023

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Deadline for tender submission: (5pm/28/July/2023)

  1. Introduction

Tenders are invited from suppliers who wish to be considered for selection as the supplier of below services to Trócaire.

This tender document deals with:

  • Section 2 : Confidentiality
  • Section 3 : Profile of Trócaire
  • Section 4 : Scope of the work
  • Section 5 : Content and format of Tenders
  • Section 6 : General Terms and Conditions
  • Section 7 : Conflict of Interest
  • Section 8 : Safeguarding
  • Section 9 : Selection criteria
  • Section 10 : Intellectual property
  • Section 11 : Termination of Contract
  • Section 12 : Submission of Tenders 
  1. Confidentiality

Trócaire will treat the content of all tenders as strictly confidential and information provided in the tender will be used solely for the purpose of deciding on the award of a contract as described in this document. 

  1. Profile of Trócaire

Trócaire is the official overseas development agency of the Catholic Church in Ireland, established in 1973 and currently has presence in more than 15 countries in Latin America, Africa and Asia including Rwanda. Trócaire has been operating in Rwanda since 1994 and is currently focusing on 3 strategic areas: Resource Rights, Women's Empowerment, and Localisation &Partnership. Trócaire does not implement programmes directly, instead, the organisation works in partnership with local civil society organisations as direct implementors.  More information about Trócaire can be found on our website at

  1. Scope of services required.

The purpose of this Request for Expression of Interest is to solicit the services of a consultancy firm to conduct trainings and coaching for partners’ board members and Executive Secretaries/Directors on Governance and Leadership based on the capacity needs expressed by partners.  The support will be piloted for 4 partner organisations (local NGOs) then be escalated to all Trocaire partners. The training is expected to cover the following topics and any other additional topic proposed by the consultants based on their experience:

Setting up the scene of CSO governance in Rwanda

  • Types of CSOs in Rwanda.
  • Legal framework and Role of CSOs in Rwanda; and
  • Overview of relevant corporate governance frameworks.

The role of the board and division of roles and responsibilities

  • Organisational structure, its function and respective roles and responsibilities.
  • Distinction of the role of the board and management.
  • Required capabilities of board members.
  • Elections and induction for new board members.
  • Board committees and their roles/terms of reference.
  • Relationship between board committees and the main board.
  • Strategy development and strategic risk management.
  • Overview of tax obligations in Rwanda.
  • Division of tasks between the board, the board committees and the ES/director and staff members.
  • Stakeholder management and communication strategy (Line ministries/Government departments, Donors, District JADFs, Umbrella organisation); and
  • Organisational commitment to promotion of gender equality & gender mainstreaming.
  • Inclusion

Organizing effective board meetings and general assembly

  • Effective general assembly meetings.
  • Organising board meetings (frequency, valid meetings, agenda setting, preparation of relevant documents, reporting and filing).
  • Timing and provision of information to allow board making informed decisions – key reports.
  • Monitoring of board decisions and resolutions; and
  • Accountability towards members/transparent recordkeeping
  • Effective communication
  • Finances within non-profit boards

Performance management and conflict resolution

  • Responsibilities of board audit & risk committee.
  • Addressing conflict of interests.
  • Performance management of the board and the Executive Secretary; and
  • Mechanisms of conflict prevention / resolution
  • Board self-evaluation

4.1. Expected deliverables.

The successful consultant/consultancy firm will be expected to work on the following deliverables:



Time allocated


Call for tenders

TOR advertised

10 days

28 July 2023

Inception Meeting/Initial briefing

Meeting notes

1 day

17 August 2023

Developing training materials, and coaching plan and strategy

Training materials in PowerPoint format

Coaching plan and strategy in Word format

5 days

24 August 2023

Validation of the training materials, and coaching plan and strategy

Validation workshop

Brief presentation of the materials

1 day

29 August 2023

Submission of the final training materials, and coaching plan and strategy

Final training materials, and coaching plan and strategy

2 days

31 August 2023

Delivering the training & coaching to partners

Attendance list

Partner improvement plans

Delivery report

To be agreed with the consultants

To be discussed with the consultants

  1. Content and Format of Tenders

Consultants/Consulting companies submitting EOIs should submit the following:

  • Technical bid showing clear understanding of the scope of assignment and examples of similar assignments done before.
  • Financial bid with clear breakdown of costs in RWF.
  • VAT registration and tax clearance certificate.
  • Payment terms and pricing structure.
  • Proposed turnaround time
  • Contact details of 3 references.
  • Proof of registration
  • Contacts of account relationship manager(s) proposed.

Interested registered consulting firms should demonstrate relevant experience in the following areas:

  • Participatory training methodologies.
  • Strong understanding of CSO legal framework and relevant policies in Rwanda.
  • Strong background and experience of working in the country and programme context.
  • Knowledge of governance frameworks and functions of boards.
  • Good command of English, French and Kinyarwanda with ability to present and moderate discussions in any of these languages; and
  • Working within agreed deadlines while producing high quality work output. 
  1. General Terms and Conditions of this RFT 
  • Trócaire does not bind itself to accept the lowest priced tender.
  • Trócaire does not guarantee exclusivity and reserves the right to engage other companies for the same services (if required) during the term of the contract.
  • Trócaire shall be free to
    • To accept the whole, or part only, of any tender.
    • To accept none of the proposals tendered.
    • To republish this Request for Tenders.
  • In the event of not accepting any of the tender submissions received on foot of this RFT, Trócaire shall be free to make such arrangements as it considers necessary in relation to the provision of the goods/services.
  • Trócaire will not be liable for any costs or expenses incurred in the preparation of a tender.
  • The contract shall be considered as a contract made in Rwandaaccording to Rwanda law and subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Rwandan courts.
  • The standard terms and conditions to which Trócaire expects all of its supplier to respect is attached in Appendix 1.
  • Thesuppliers Code of Conduct to which Trócaire expects all of its suppliers to respect is attached in Appendix 2
  1. Conflicts of interest 

Any conflicts interest involving an tenderer/applicant must be fully disclosed to Trócaire. Failure to disclose a conflict may disqualify an tenderer/applicant or invalidate an award of the contract. Tenderers/applicants are required to declare any current or past work which might reasonably be considered to represent a conflict of interest. It will be for Trócaire to decide if a material conflict of interest exists and applicants in doubt in this regard should seek the advice of Trócaire. 

  1. Safeguarding 

Trócaire is committed to safeguarding programme participants from any form of exploitation or abuse as a result of our programmes or activities.  Anyone working for or on behalf of Trócaire must share this commitment. Trócaire’s Position Statement on Exploitation and Abuse and Trócaire’s Child Safeguarding Policy Summary document outline expectations in this regard, including a Code of Conduct.   All consultants, representatives, and volunteers of Trócaire will be expected to sign these documents along with a Declaration Form and a Self-Declaration Form. 

  1. Selection criteria 

The consultant will be selected according to the following criteria: 

  • Understanding of the Terms of Reference.
  • Proposed methodology and planning of the assignment.
  • Proven experience in delivering governance and leadership training/coaching for NGOs.
  • At least 3 certificates of good completion of services for similar work with international organizations, donor organizations or government agencies delivered in the last 2 years.
  • Overall quality of the proposal; 
  1. Intellectual Property

Any concept, guidelines or other material developed during the contract will be considered the property of Trócaire and may be used by Trócaire at any time.

  1. Termination of Contract 
  • Trócaire reserves the right to terminate the contract at any stage on payment of reasonable and agreed costs accrued to the date of termination. The contract may be terminated by either party on giving appropriate written notice. 
  • If at any stage during the contract, the goods / services delivered by the tenderer is found to be unsatisfactory, the contract may be terminated by Trócaire. In the event of such a termination, the tenderer will only be entitled to receive payment in relation to the acceptable goods / services rendered at that time. 
  1. Submission of Tenders

Your proposal marked “EOI to conduct governance and leadership training for Trocaire partners” should be submitted ONLY through email on  Any queries relating to this Request for Tender should be directed by e-mail to

The financial proposal should be inclusive of tax and quoted in Rwandan Francs (RWF) clearly indicating the services/goods in the subject heading. Only suitably qualified local/international consulting firms will be contacted for further engagement.

The deadline for the receipt of Tender is 5PM 28 July 2023

  1. Appendices
  • Appendix 1 - Standard Terms and Conditions for procurement
  • Appendix 2 - Suppliers Code of Conduct
Job Info
Job Category: Tenders in Rwanda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: Friday, July 28 2023
Duty Station: Kigali
Posted: 18-07-2023
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 18-07-2023
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 18-07-2066
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