Open Tender for the Leasing of Counting Machines for AB Rwanda Musanze Branch and Four Branches in Kigali tender at AB Bank Rwanda Plc
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Tender Reference Number: No 2024/007

MAY 2024

AB Rwanda plc wishes to contract a qualified company that will do leasing of Counting Machines in patrneship with ABR. All bidders are encouraged to respond with their best (lowest) initial price offer on a fixed price basis for the whole contract duration. Proposals should be submitted via not later than 4th JUNE-2024 @11:00am

Late bids will be rejected


AB Rwanda plc is a financial institution, established in 2013 in Kigali, Rwanda. It is a member of an international network of microfinance banks providing banking services to micro, small and medium enterprises and private individuals in Africa and Asia.


AB Rwanda plc, invites all willing and qualified companies to submit their proposals. The winner will sign a contract in which the work will be done.



Subject of Tender

open tender for the leasing of counting machines for AB Rwanda Musanze branch and Four branches in Kigali

Type of contract

Leasing Counting Machines

Date tender launched

MAY 21st -2024

Submission Deadline

JUNE 4th,2024 at 11:00am

Opening date

JUNE 4st , 2024 at 2:00 pm

Opening location

AB Rwanda meeting room

Inquiry contact email

Deadline for Inquiries

2 days before submission deadline

Format and contents of bid

Bidders MUST comply with the format and content instructions in the table below. Failure to comply with the submission format and content below may disqualify your offer.

A. General

Procuring Entity



Leasing of Counting Machines

Name and identification of the contract

Leasing of Counting Machines for AB Rwanda Musanze branch and Four branches 2024/007

The Intended Completion Period.

2 weeks

The ceiling for sub contractor’s participation


B. Bidding Documents

  1. The bidders shall provide the original or notified copy of Tax clearance certificate from Rwanda Revenue Authority which is valid.
  2. The bidders shall provide the original or notified copy of Social security fund which is valid.
  3. The bidders shall provide the original or notified copy of certificates of good completion/Recommendation letters for similar works.
  4. Enterprises with certificate of domestic company registration from RDB and VAT certificate for those citizen companies and the small for foreign companies Identifying that it is a company allowed to exercise the service (technical configuration of the devices)
  5. Documents and CVs of staff members who will be involved in the work.
  6. The detailed CVs should be submitted with the bidding documents with a certified copy of the degrees and the exclusive availability certificate for the project
  7. Fill and Sign Anti-corruption form in Annex

Notice: The missing or no presentation of any one of the above documents will lead automatically to the elimination of the bidder.

C. Preparation of Bids

Language of the bid


Bidders shall not submit bids in more than one language. The Contract to be signed with the winning Bidder(s) shall be written in the language in which the bid was submitted (English language) which shall be the language that shall govern the contractual relations between the Procuring entity and the winning Bidder. A Bidder shall not sign a translated version of its Contract

Currency of the Employer


Time validation for bid


D. Submission of Bids

The Procuring Entity’s address for the purpose of Bid submission


AB Rwanda plc

Attention: Managing Director

P.O Box 671, Kigali, Rwanda

Physical location: AB Rwanda Plc., KN 78ST 15 Nyarugenge/ Kiyovu. BCK Building, 1st Floor,

The Bid to be completed and returned shall be submitted via

Deadline for submission

The deadline for submission of bids shall be 4th JUNE 2024

Inquiry contact email

E. Bid Opening andEvaluation

BID opening time and place

Meeting room of AB Rwanda plc, on 4th JUNE 2024 at 2.00pm

F. Award of Contract

The Payment shall be made after implementation.

The Procedures followed by AB Rwanda Plc, in making any award and contract resulting from this Tender Package, as well as the terms and conditions of such award and contract, will be based on the AB Rwanda plc, Procurement procedure


  1. Bids are to be submitted via
  2. In order to be considered, the bid must be received at the above email address not later than the submission deadline. Bidders are solely responsible to ensure the timely receipt of their bids. Bids received after the date and time required will not be considered.
  3. Bids must follow the format and content described in section II.1. Incomplete bids or bids which do not follow the submission guidelines may be disqualified from consideration. Each bid must include a signed stamped one copy, valid for ninety (90) days after the Last Bid Receipt Date.
  4. Bids will be opened on the Opening Date and Location in Part 1.
  5. Once opened, bids will be held secure and intact. Reasonable efforts will be made to protect them from loss, alteration, or disclosure to any person other than AB Rwanda plc, or any person unauthorized by AB Rwanda plc. However, AB Rwanda plc will not be liable to any bidder for any failure to comply with this Section.
  6. Bids may not be altered, corrected or withdrawn after the Last Bid Receipt Date. In exceptional cases, AB Rwanda plc may, at its sole discretion, permit correction of arithmetic errors, transposition errors, or other clerical minor mistakes. This is only possible in cases where AB Rwanda plc can clearly identify the mistake and where the intended bid can be established conclusively on the face of the submission.
  7. Beyond arithmetic errors, transposition errors, or other clerical minor mistakes, no mistakes alleged by a bidder after the Submission Deadline will be permitted to be corrected.


V.1 Definitions and Headings

Except as otherwise specifically provided herein, all time periods specified shall be consecutive calendar days. The term “Tender Package” refers to the entire document, including all attachments thereto. Any headings contained in the text of the Tender Package are for reference only, and do not alter, limit, or waive the content of the full provisions.

V.2 Bank Guidelines and Policies

  1. The procedures followed by AB Rwanda plc, in making any award and contract resulting from this Tender Package, as well as the terms and conditions of such award and contract, will be based on the AB Rwanda plc Procurement Procedure.
  2. Prospective companies providing this service should also note that a primary requisite for AB Rwanda plc is to obtain the most advantageous offer on the market. Whenever possible, bids are sought on a competitive basis, and all prices offered will be subject to detailed scrutiny and negotiation if necessary to ensure a reasonable contract price is obtained.

V.3 Tender package

This Tender package should not be considered an award or contract as it is intended solely for the provision of information to prospective suppliers.

V.4 Review of Tender package

Prospective suppliers are solely responsible to examine carefully all of the terms and conditions of this Tender. Failure to do so will be at the prospective supplier’s risk and expense, and any items requested by AB Rwanda plc, but not submitted by the bidder are grounds for disqualification from the tender.

Any ambiguities in the technical specifications and standards or inconsistencies between or among the various provisions of the Tender shall be resolved against the prospective supplier if the supplier fails to seek clarification prior to award.

V.5 Probity and Ethics

In the purchasing efforts AB Rwanda plc follows, and by virtue of the submission of their bids, all bidders and suppliers commit to follow the guidelines contained in AB Rwanda plc’s Procurement procedure.

V.6 Language

All documents submitted in response to this Tender, as well as all correspondences in connection with the Tender, shall be in the language specified in Section 2.1.c the final contract will be written and signed in English.

V.7 Inquiries

Inquiries concerning this Tender and bid(s) must be submitted in writing two days before the submission deadline to permit a thorough and accurate response by AB Rwanda plc, Such inquiries shall be made by email ( AB Rwanda plc is under no obligation to consider or respond to questions that are not received in a timely manner.

V.8 Evaluation of Bids

Administrative Criteria

The bidders must provide the following documents:

  1. Copy of Calendar Registration certificate or Certificate of Domestic Company Registration allowing the company to carry out such activity.
  2. Copy of VAT/TIN certificate if your company is registered to pay taxes.
  3. Valid original tax clearance certificate from Rwanda Revenue Authority for companies based in Rwanda.
  4. Valid original or certified copy of clearance certificate from Rwanda Social Security Funds for companies based in Rwanda.
  5. Fill and Sign Anti-corruption form

Companies that do not fulfill all aforesaid conditions will be eliminated and their bids will not be considered for the next evaluation stage.

Technical Criteria

  1. At least 1 Reference letters from former client (the client must be a bank) with full contact names and addresses for similar work.
  2. Detailed specifications of the equipment requested in the tender document

Financial Criteria

The financial criteria to be followed will be based on balance between the lowest price and the quality material proposed that will be most preferred after the Technical Criteria score. The overall  winner will be determined after combining both Technical and Financial Scores for Companies that have been prequalified.

V.9 Amendments

If at any time prior to award the contract AB Rwanda plc deems there to be a need for a significant modification to the terms and conditions of this Tender, AB Rwanda plc will issue such a modification as a written Tender amendment to all competing bidders using an addendum posted through all the channels used in sending out the tender. No oral statement of any person shall in any manner be deemed to modify or otherwise affect any Tender term or condition, and no bidder shall rely on any such statement.

V.10 Price Verification

If adequate competition is not achieved in the tendering process, the right is reserved for any otherwise compliant bid to be referred to AB Rwanda plc who may, at their discretion, authorize a price verification exercise to be undertaken on their behalf by an organization of their choice. In such an eventuality, the bidder will be required to give details of the services tendered for, together with details of any costing used or undertaken in preparing the bid.

V.11 Extension of Bid Validity Dates

When necessary and appropriate under the circumstances, AB Rwanda plc may request bidders, in writing, to extend the validity period of their bids and Bid Securities (if any). A bidder may refuse to extend its bid; however, its bid will be disqualified. A bidder agreeing to extend will not generally be permitted or required to modify their bid in any manner other than to extend it.

V.12 Rejection of Tenders

AB Rwanda plc is not bound to accept the lowest bid and reserves the right to reject any tender in whole or in part and to reject any or all tenders without assigning any reason. Circumstances in which rejection of all bids may occur include, without limitation, to the following:

  1. None of the bids adequately responsive to the specifications;
  2. There is evidence of insufficient competition;
  3. The lowest bid exceeds the estimated value or funds available by a significant amount and cannot be reduced by negotiation.
  4. The quality of the tender is deemed insufficient.
  5. The technical or financial bases of procurement have changed materially prior to the award,
  6. The prices of the bid are obviously and clearly excessively high.

V.13 Terms of Awards

  1. All awards are subject to the availability of adequate funds from AB Rwanda plc and the receipt of all required approval from AB Rwanda plc and the indenter.
  2. Upon receipt of AB Rwanda plc, and/or the indenter’s approval of the recommended award, to the extent required, AB Rwanda plc will send a Notice of Award to the winning bidder and will inform unsuccessful bidders that they have not been selected.

V.14 Notification of Tender Award

The bidder whose proposal attains the highest score, in accordance with the evaluation criteria in the present request for proposals shall be selected for award, subject to satisfactory conclusion of negotiations if deemed necessary.

The procuring entity shall notify the successful bidder of its selection results and at the same time inform other unsuccessful bidders of the decision. In the absence of a challenge by any other bidders within seven (7) days of the notice, the contract shall be signed by both parties.

V.15 Delays in Performance

If the company fails to deliver any or all services and execution of works within the period specified in the contract, liquidated damages equivalent to an amount, to be specified by the contract, between 5% of the total contract value shall be deducted from the Company’s dues for each day the service is not performed. However, the liquidated damages shall not exceed 10% of the total contract sum at which point termination of the contract shall be considered.

V.16 Payment Terms

AB Rwanda plc undertakes to pay basing on the agreement with the winner of the market and this will be paid within 30 working days upon reception of an invoice. Any requested advance payment will require a security payment as a guarantee equal to the amount requested.

We welcome your bid in this competitive process!



  • Nyarugenge: 2 Counting machines
  • Kimironko: 2 Counting machines
  • Gisozi: 2 Counting machines
  • Nyabugogo: 2 Counting machines
  • Musanze: 2 Counting machines
Job Info
Job Category: Tenders in Rwanda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: Wednesday, June 05 2024
Duty Station: Kigali
Posted: 22-05-2024
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 22-05-2024
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 22-05-2066
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