Monitoring & Environment Specialist job at Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA)
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260 Days Ago
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Vacancy title:
Monitoring & Environment Specialist

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Public Administration, and Government , Category: Management ]

Jobs at:

Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA)

Deadline of this Job:
Thursday, June 27 2024 

Duty Station:
Within Rwanda , Kigali, East Africa

Date Posted: Thursday, June 13 2024, Base Salary: Not Disclosed

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Learn more about Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA)
Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA) jobs in Rwanda

• Develop the overall framework for the implementation of an M&E of the project activities in accordance with the project documents
• Conduct readiness assessment regarding M&E within the Project Team by clarifying M&E contributions required by project team;
• Ensure that the baseline is available and take overall responsibility in its implementation;
• Ensure that sources of data, collection methods, who collects data, how often, cost of collection and who analyzes it is understood across the projects;
• Build the capacity of all beneficiaries of the project to collect, collate, analyze, and disseminate information based on results;
• Lead the creation of a culture of evidenced-based decision-making within the SPIU project team.
• Ensure all critical risks are identified and reported to the project manager
• Contribute to the development of the Annual Work Plan and budget (AWP &B), ensuring they are aligned with project documents.; also include the M&E activities in the work plan and budget;
• Prepare calendar of M&E activities;
• Ensuring knowledge management documentation for the project regarding lessons learnt, insights, best practices, results and impacts;
• Based on the annual work plan and budgets, design the framework for the physical and process monitoring of project activities;
• Oversee and execute M&E activities included in the annual work plan, with particular focus on results and impacts as well as in lesson learning, through data collection, collating, analysis, and reporting;
• Monitor the implementation of the project through conducting filed visits and preparation of progress reports and any required technical reports;
• Work closely with project staff responsible for M&E at the local level to collect, analyse, and consolidate data as well as verify the internal consistency and validity of data submitted by the beneficiaries;
• To promote and monitor M&E activities.
• Coordinate the preparation of all M&E reports and take an active part in the preparation of Financial Monitoring Reports;
• Prepare consolidated M&E reports for project management including identification of problems, causes of potential bottlenecks in project implementation, and providing specific recommendations;
• At the end of each activity, the M&E Expert will have to document on what happened as a result of the activity and why it happened;
• Check that monitoring data are discussed in the appropriate forum (such as National Technical Advisory Committee meetings) and in a timely fashion in terms of implications for future action. If necessary, create such discussion fora to fill any gaps;
• Undertake regular visits to the field to support implementation of M&E and to identify where adaptations might be needed. Review and comment on those visits and prepare monthly monitoring reports in coordination with district level. Reports in the local language for local committees shall be prepared where required;
• Foster participatory planning and monitoring by training and involving stakeholder groups in the M&E of activities;
• Work with local district staff(Project intervention areas) to ensure consistency and compatibility of data and information collection templates/forms, in collection and dissemination of data within and outside the project;
• Provide overall support to the District staff to prepare their periodic work plans;
• Make regular reports to the National Project Steering Committee through the Project Coordinator, highlighting areas of concern and preparing the documentation for review at meetings;
• Continuously evaluate the MIS and consult with project staff and other project stakeholders to assure that it meets their needs;
• Recommend changes or additions to the MIS, when deemed necessary;
• Help project staff with timely accurate data storage and dissemination of information;

Work Hours: 8

Experience in Months: 60

Level of Education:
Bachelor Degree

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• Interested and qualified? Click here to apply

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Job Info
Job Category: Management jobs in Rwanda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: Thursday, June 27 2024
Duty Station: Kigali
Posted: 13-06-2024
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 13-06-2024
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 13-06-2066
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