Labour Inspector job at Ministry of Public Service and Labour(MIFOTRA)
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490 Days Ago
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Vacancy title:
Labour Inspector

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Public Administration, and Government , Category: Management ]

Jobs at:

Ministry of Public Service and Labour(MIFOTRA)

Deadline of this Job:
Thursday, November 30 2023 

Duty Station:
Within Rwanda , Kigali, East Africa

Date Posted: Thursday, November 09 2023, Base Salary: Not Disclosed

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Learn more about Ministry of Public Service and Labour(MIFOTRA)
Ministry of Public Service and Labour(MIFOTRA) jobs in Rwanda

- Key Responsibilities: Labour inspector is responsible of ensuring decent and productive jobs through ensuring labour governance, compliance inspections, labour disputes prevention and mediation, occupational safety and health and prevention of child labour.
- Functions:
1. Ensuring decent and productivity-based compliance inspections
- Ensuring the development of informed annual compliance plans
- Conducting compliance-based instead of traditional inspection inspections
- Building competent labour inspection personnel
- Enhancing digitalization of labour inspection systems
- Influencing the review National procurement Laws and Regulations to make Decent Work a bidding requirement
- Ensuring the establishment of partnership agreements with various Stakeholders
- Ensuring mainstreaming Decent Work into annual action plans by various Stakeholders
- Ensuring the development of reporting templates for Decent Work mainstreaming
- Conducting trainings on Decent Work mainstreaming among Stakeholders
- Establishing Decent Work mainstreaming steering committee
- Monitoring the implementation of Decent Work requirement among successful bidders
- Enhancing the role of labour inspections with priority to Decent Work indicators such as: Notification and payment of employees’ contributions to RSSB, payment of employees’ salaries through banks and other financial institutions, issuance of employment contracts to employees, etc.
- Conducting awareness campaigns among employers through media, meetings and forums on formalization of informal workers
- Enhancing the involvement and partnership with various Government Institutions, Employers and Trade Unions in the journey to formalization
- Incentivizing formalization with various opportunities

2. Ensuring workplace safety and health for conducive working environment, decent work and productivity
- Communicating the benefits of workplace Safety and Health to enterprises through media columns, trainings, brochures, meetings, forums and other means of communication;
- Providing practical guidance and tools to support a systematic, effective and efficient management of Safety and Health;
- Developing and promote practical tools to help workplaces identify and quantify business benefits;
- Conducting research studies on workplace safety and health in the business and national development
- Reinforcing enterprises to conduct prior Risk Assessment to prevent workplace hazards;
- Promoting a systematic and effective management of Safety and Health through sector/industry accreditation/certification programmes and industry training programmes;
- Recognizing excellence in Safety and Health management through awards and other schemes
- Enhancing the effectiveness of OSH committees.

3. Ensuring elimination and prevention of child labour
- Enhancing child labour prevention mainstreaming into decentralized entities Imihigo
- Enhancing community involvement in child labour prevention through awareness campaigns
- Enhancing the role of child labour prevention committees especially at Village level
- Enhancing the role of community opinion leaders in prevention of child labour
- Enhancing seamless coordination of stakeholders’ efforts on child labour.

4. Enhancing labour governance and social dialogue
- Promoting workplace cooperation for better labour relations and productivity
- Promoting collective bargaining for more enhanced working conditions
- Conducting awareness campaigns among employers and employees on the importance of social dialogue practices at establishment level in conducive employment relations and productivity
- Supporting enterprises on establishment of social dialogue practices
- Enhancing the role of compliance forums in promoting social dialogue at establishment level
- Conducting awareness campaigns on the role of collective bargaining in DW attainment
- Facilitating Social Partners on collective bargaining practices
- Conducting trainings to build effective workers representatives
- Conducting awareness campaigns among employers to embrace the role of workers representatives.

Job Experience: No Requirements

Work Hours: 8

Experience in Months:

Level of Education:
Bachelor Degree

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Job Info
Job Category: Management jobs in Rwanda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: Thursday, November 30 2023
Duty Station: Kigali
Posted: 09-11-2023
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 09-11-2023
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 09-11-2066
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