Improving Resilient Livelihoods for Rural Population Especially Women Lliving in Nyamagabe District, Cyanika Sector At Initiative Pour la Promotion de la Famille et du Genre (IPFG)
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Title of the project: Improving Resilient Livelihoods for Rural Population Especially Women Lliving in Nyamagabe District, Cyanika Sector
Project reference number: RWA 1702-03
Implementer: IPFG
August , 2022

IPFG is a public-profit making organization created in 2002 and legally registered by the Ministerial Order N0 17/11 of 31 January 2006 which was published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Rwanda O.G N0 10 bis of 15 May 2006. It is based (Office) in Nyamagabe district, and operates in Nyamagabe, Nyaruguru and Nyamasheke Districts. With Vision to have a democratic society where women and men are aware of their problems, complement one another and actively participate in the actions of the entire development, it has a Mission to promote and reinforce complementarity between woman and man as well as their participation in the actions which aim the social and economic development based on fairness.

To achieve these, IPFG intervenes mainly in 3 areas including:
• Agricultural production chains, climate change adaptation and mitigations;
• Youth and Women empowerment (Economic and leadership); and
• Citizen participation.
With financial support from TROCAIRE/IRISH AID, IPFG is implementing the project entitled” Improving resilient livelihoods for rural population especially women living in Nyamagabe District, Cyanika sector”
It is in this framework under the activity of “installation of plastic rain water harvesting and storage tanks of 5m3 each” IPFG is looking experienced technicians to install 91 plastic tanks to the targeted communities mainly in Gitega Cell of Cyanika sector and 1 in Nyabivumu Cell of Gasaka Sector in Nyamagabe District.

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Learn more about Initiative Pour la Promotion de la Famille et du Genre (IPFG)
Initiative Pour la Promotion de la Famille et du Genre (IPFG) jobs in Rwanda

Scope of Tender
The objective of this tender intends to look for qualified technicians in installation of water tanks to install 92 plastic tanks to 92 households’ beneficiaries of the above-mentioned project.
Information with regard to tanks specifications
The water tanks to be provided under this tender will be purchased and transported by Trōcaire to the site where they will be installed and will be:
• In plastic material/polyethylene tanks
• Able to store 5,000 liters (or five cubic meters = 5m3).
Specifications with regard to water tanks’ Installation
Materials and installation of tanks should fulfill the following criteria and specifications.

The foundation of the tank:
• Height: 60 Cm.
• Materials to be used: Stones, gravels, sand (kinyangara); cement (Cimerwa 32.5),
• Diameter: 2,20m
• Strong enough to hold the tank of 5m3 of holding capacity

Gutters installation for collection of water:

• Gutters should be made in iron sheet,
• Their measure should be proportional to the size of the roof of the house to be installed
• Gutters should be fixed using nails and galvanized iron wires
• Gutters should be installed to all parts of the houses, to favor the collection of all water from the roof of the houses

Pipes, T(s), elbows installation for connection:
• Should be of 90 mm of diameter
• Should be plastic of PN 6 of strength

Taps intallation
• Taps should be of ¾ size
• Taps should be of type sanya (no.1or bosny (no.1)
• Taps should be installed using muffs (in iron) in and outward, ganga pipes of ¾ size and tefflons
The interested company (ies) to participate in this tender should take into consideration on above technical specification and ensure appropriate installation of the 92 water tanks in targeted households in 30 Days.

General conditions of the tender

Criteria of eligibility for bidders
To be eligible, any bidder interested to apply for this tender has to fulfill the following conditions:
1. The bidder shall be established and operational in Rwanda with proven experience in rain water harvesting and storage processes (to provide certificate or attestation of similar rendered service);
2. The bidder shall have a good record in installation of different types of water tanks especially plastic tanks;
3. To use local experienced technicians in installation processes to foster ownership by the beneficiaries.

Content of bidding documents
The submitted bid document shall provide the following information: The proposal documents shall include separate documents including:
• Professional/Technical proposal
• Financial proposal.

Composition of Professional/ Technical documents
Technically the following documents shall be examined:
1. Letter addressed to IPFG’s president of Board of Directors explaining that the bidder has well understood the minimum requirement and is complying with them;
2. Registration Certificate from RDB demonstrating that the company is registered under Construction and Water Harvesting/Collection as business activity
3. VAT registration ;
4. Up to date tax clearance from Rwanda Revenue Authority;
5. Valid Good Standing Certificate from RDB
6. Prior experience
7. Five recent attestations of good completion for installation of water tanks especially plastic tanks issued by reputable Institutions in Rwanda;
8. Installation plan for all water tanks

Composition of Financial proposal
The financial proposal shall contains :
• Cost of all needed items or materials to enable installation of 92 tanks indicating unit prices and total prices including all related taxes
• Ability to use EBM for invoice delivery

The quotations shall be established as follow:
S/N Item Specification Quantity Unit price (RwF) Total price (RwF)

The prices are given with all taxes included and quotated in Rwandan Francs (RwF).
Payment conditions
The conditions include:
• Electronic generated bill (EBM Invoice) printed with IPFG’s TIN Number: 101353343

Mode of application
The document (bid) needs to constitute of:
1. Motivation letter addressed to IPFG’s President of Board of Directors
2. Two original documents namely professional proposal (1 document) and financial proposal (1 document) both sealed in one envelop namely “TENDER DOCUMENTS TO INSTALL 92 PLASTIC TANKS”

Submission of proposals, opening and bid evaluations
Submission of bid documents
The deadline for submission of the offers is 10th August, 2022 by 5h00 p.m. The application documents should be hard copies and should be submitted at IPFG office located in opposite Nyamagabe District office not later than the above-mentioned date and time. Late application documents will not be received.

Opening for technical and financial proposals
The technical and financial documents received will be opened not later than 12th August, 2022 and analyzed by the procurement committee.

Final bid analysis and selection of bid winner
Only the bidder to whom his or her technical proposal was evaluated successfully and his or her financial proposal was evaluated to be the most competitive (reasonable cost) will be awarded this tender as bid winner. The best bidder should be negotiated to make sure that the bid is given in respect of available budget and the negotiation will be looking only for financial document and not for professional/technical documents. The failure during negotiation shall be subject of republication of this tender.
Note that the successful bidder must adhere to IPFG’s safeguarding policy and code of procurement ethics.
Done at Nyamagabe on 01st August, 2022
President of Board of Directors/ IPFG.
Job Info
Job Category: Tenders in Rwanda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 12 August 2022
Duty Station: Kigali
Posted: 03-08-2022
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 03-08-2022
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 03-08-2065
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