Hiring a Consultant/consultancy Firm to Conduct a Quick Needs Assessment for Cyabitana Marshland Rehabilitation tender at DUHAMIC-ADRI
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The deadline for submission of bids: Monday June 24,2024

Bid submission Time: 02:00PM

Bid Opening Time: 02:30PM


DUHAMIC -ADRI is a Kinyarwanda acronym that stands for Duharanira Amajyambere y’Icyaro.

Translating to ‘’ we strive for the development of the rural community ‘’in English. It is a non-profit organization located in Kigali, the capital city of Rwanda, within the kicukiro district, Niboye sector.it was established in 1979 by a group of Rwandans who identified the crucial need for rural development in the country.

DUHAMIC-ADRI is a Non-Governmental Organization legally granted by Rwandan law and legally recognized by the Ministerial Order No. 943 of July 12, 1985. Its statutes were amended and accepted by the Ministerial OrderNo.025/11of21th March 2005. With the vision to have « A rural world responsible for its self-socio-economic development », DUHAMIC-ADRI has a mission of « Supporting integrated development through the initiatives of the rural population in their struggle for self-development». DUHAMIC-ADRI’s interventions reaches 27 districts of Rwanda

Project background

DUHAMIC-ADRI in partnership with CARE Rwanda and its implementing partners are implementing the five year Supporting and Enhancing Resilient and Viable Employment Opportunities (SERVE) Project. This project is funded by MasterCard Foundation through the partnership with CARE and focuses on building a resilient, sustainable, gender equitable, and inclusive entrepreneurial environment that increases dignified and fulfilling work opportunities for predominantly female youth in agricultural value chains in 10 districts across Rwanda, namely Rulindo, Gakenke, Nyabihu, Rubavu, Rwamagana, Kayonza, Kirehe, Ngoma, and Huye.

The project supports MSE owners and high-potential entrepreneurs to start and/ grow their businesses sustainably to create employment opportunities for more youth. It strengthens market-oriented agricultural skills that increase productivity and diversity in response to market needs and opportunities, all using market systems approaches, good agronomy practices and sustainable climate-smart principles. The project targets youth aged between 18 and 35 years and 70% of them must be women, 3% persons with disabilities and 3% refugees engaged in or with the potential to engage in micro and small agricultural enterprises (SMEs).


The primary objective of this quick assessment is to identify rehabilitation activities to be undertaken to make Cyabitana marshland up to the level that would allow project participants fully exploit it. This assessment will also quickly examine soil compatibility against project targeted crops to ensure minimizing risks that may end up affecting all the planned investments thus back slashing the project overall objectives.

 Scope of Work

The consultant will be responsible for the following tasks:

Site Assessment:

  • Conduct a quick scan of the current condition for Cyabitana marshland, including soil quality, water availability, and existing vegetation.
  • Evaluate the feasibility of land development and the potential factors for the successfulness of the SERVE project targeted crops to be cultivated in the area.

Needs Identification:

  • Identify key rehabilitation activities for cyabitana marshland, including but not limited to water canalization, soil preparation and infrastructure development.
  • Assess the required inputs, such as seeds, fertilizers, and farming equipment necessary for the successful cultivation of chili, green beans, and tomatoes.

Cost Estimation:

  • Provide a detailed cost estimate for the rehabilitation and development of the marshland, including labor, materials, and any other expenses.

Recommendations and Action Plan:

  • Provide recommendations on activities to be prioritized along the initial phase for Cyabitana marshland rehabilitation process.
  • Develop an implementable action plan outlining key activity to be undertaken and steps required to prepare the marshland for agricultural use.

Tender Procedure


The consultant is expected to deliver the following:

  • A detailed needs assessment report and cost estimation.
  • A comprehensive action plan with a timeline for the rehabilitation of the marshland.
  • Recommendations on necessary interventions and best practices for land development.
  • A final presentation to the SERVE project team and local authorities summarizing the survey results and proposed action plan.


The consultancy is expected to commence immediately upon contract signing. This quick assignment is expected to take a period not more than 15 working days up on signing of the contract.


The consultant/consultancy firm should possess the following qualifications:

  • Proven experience in land rehabilitation, agriculture mechanization, irrigation and marshland development,
  • Strong background in agriculture extension, soil science, or other relevant related fields,
  • Having been involved in similar assignments at least in the past five years,
  • Practical experience working with local communities and engaging with multiple stakeholders,
  • Excellent analytical and report-writing skills,
  • Practical and relevant knowledge on the targeted agricultural value chains to be practiced in the identified site (chili, green beans, and tomatoes).

Evaluation criteria

The following is the criteria that shall be observed during evaluation:


Criteria description


Consultant qualification

The applicant or his employee (Atleast one team leader) must have at least bachelor’s degree in Agriculture, soil and water management, Agriculture mechanization, irrigation and drainage and other related fields.


Experience conducting similar work and reference checks

Demonstrated extensive experience in marshland rehabilitation and/or other related works. Experience in conducting the feasibility study for marshland rehabilitation. And/or other related works.

Provide at least 3 similar references from the recognized agencies (NGOs, or Governmental agencies) of work performed under consultancy that can verify the applicant’s ability to deliver quality work efficiently and in an organized fashion. Please share your detailed CV and contacts for personal references for key similar assignments.


Proposed work plan and methodology

Proposes a reasonable, detailed, clear work plan and methodology of 3-4 pages describing how the applicant will complete the needs survey and tasks outlined in the point 4 of this concept note.

The applicant should develop a clear methodology that demonstrates that he/she understands the assignment and illustrates very well how the assignment is going to be executed.

Demonstrates good report writing and communication skills as well as ability to compose clear, compelling written documents in English.

The workplan should demonstrate how the work shall be completed within 15 calendar days and take into consideration the specific Rwanda context and demonstrates familiarity with proposed research, analysis and associated tasks to achieve results.



Reasonableness and allowability of proposed cost relative to the above-mentioned qualification requirements and level of assignment. Cost should include daily rate and transport cost (if any).




Application requirements

Interested consultants are invited to submit their proposals, including the following:

  • A cover letter addressed to DUHAMIC-ADRI executive secretary outlining their relevant experience and qualifications,
  • A detailed CV and contacts for personal references for key similar assignments.
  • Copy of diploma/degree of applicant and/or his/her employee (Atleast one team leader)
  • A detailed work plan and methodology describing how the applicant will complete the needs survey and tasks outlined in the point 4
  • Quotation/ Budget breakdown,
  • Commitment letter indicating that the bidder will be able to complete the works within 15 working days starting from the date of contract signing,
  • RDB Certificate,
  • Valid Tax clearance certificate,
  • At least relevant 3 certificates of good completion for similar assignments.
  • Proof of using EBM

Bids will be submitted in a sealed envelope and addressed to the Executive Secretary of DUHAMIC-ADRI at Kicukiro head office no later than Monday, June 24,2024 at 02:00PM

The public opening of bids is scheduled on the same day at 02:30PM at the headquarters of DUHAMIC-ADRI.

Done at Kigali, June 17,2024


Executive Secretary

Job Info
Job Category: Tenders in Rwanda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: Monday, July 01 2024
Duty Station: Kigali
Posted: 17-06-2024
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 17-06-2024
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 17-06-2066
Apply Now
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