Head of Human Resources, Organisation, Development and Administration job at SOS Children's Villages Rwanda
378 Days Ago
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Vacancy title:
Head of Human Resources, Organisation, Development and Administration

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Human Services , Category: Human Resources ]

Jobs at:

SOS Children's Villages Rwanda

Deadline of this Job:
Thursday, March 07 2024 

Duty Station:
Within Rwanda , Kigali, East Africa

Date Posted: Thursday, February 22 2024, Base Salary: Not Disclosed

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SOS Children's Villages Rwanda jobs in Rwanda

SOS Children’s Villages located in Rwanda wishes to recruit Head of HROD and Administration who will oversee and supervise the Human Resources, Organisation, Development and Administration Department.
The position of Head of HROD and Administration supports SOS’s mission and goals.
As a member of the National Management Team, the Head of HROD & Administration actively participates in developing and implementing the national strategy and plans and ensures their implementation particularly in the field of HROD and Administration
The Head of HROD & Administration provides advice, services that support the work and decisions of the National Director, the National Management Team, Programmes managers/advisors and the entire staff community regarding HROD & Administration.
He/she is fully responsible and leads the HR cycle but also develops and implements all plans related to procurement, logistics, maintenance in compliance with related policies and procedures
S/he will also be responsible and managing the organisation's procurement in order to strategize with team members to cut procurement expenses. He will strongly contribute to processes that lead to enhanced organisation development and leadership.
The Head of HORD & Admin will also be fully responsible and leads the HR cycle but also develops and implements all plans related to procurement, logistics, maintenance in compliance with related policies and procedures.

I. Human Resources, Organizational & Development role
1. Key responsibilities:
Key responsibilities include coordinating staff employment matters, and ensuring that established guidelines, policies and procedures are complied with in staff recruitment, orientation and management, with particular reference to the SOS Human Resource policy guidelines; development of systems for managing staff performance, reward and motivation; development of HR policies; aligning local HR practices to international practices and standards; implementing HR manual, as well as communicating and orienting staff on new or amended HR policies.
S/he will lead the staff training and development function, seeking and implementing programmes that help staff to gain new skills and sharpen their abilities for better performance. Through balanced action, s/he will be an advocate for both staff concerns and relations, and the organisation’s desired direction. She / he will apply knowledge of current labour laws into the NA staff conditions of service. She / he will also be strongly involved in matters of staff counselling and discipline, ensuring that staff get the up-building advice, and that such cases are conducted with due fairness. She will constantly seek information and resources on a wide range of topics of HR importance, and promptly communicate them to management in order to support them in their day-to-day responsibilities.
Owing to the highly sensitive and strategic nature of what is involved, the position of Head of HROD shall regularly consult, and work very closely with the National Director on major aspects of his/ her work, also advising him on various HR matters. She/ he will also support the development of major management-improvement projects. For all purposes of this position, a high degree of confidentiality will be required.
Provides advice, services that support the work and decisions National Director, the National Management Team, Programmes managers/advisors and the entire staff community regarding.
As a member of the National Management Team and the leader for Strategic Initiative One Movement, the Head of HROD & Administration actively participates in developing and implementing the national strategy and plans and ensures their implementation particularly in the field of HROD and Administration.
He/she is fully responsible and leads the HR cycle but also develops and implements all plans related to procurement, logistics, maintenance in compliance with related policies and procedures.

II. Administration role
1. Procurement area:
• Develop, implement and maintain procurement strategies for the efficient and effective management.
• Provide direction and advice to management and staff regarding procurement and drive/initiate the reform and effectiveness of ongoing procurement policies and procedures.
• Optimizing procurement processes for increased efficiency and cost savings
2. Logistic area:
• S/he will be responsible for planning and directing logistics personnel and systems.
• Provide direction and advice to management and staff regarding logistic and drive/initiate the reform and effectiveness of ongoing logistic policies and procedures
General objectives of the position
• Effective implementation of SOS CV Rwanda HROD and Administrative Policies and Procedures
• Strategic and timely undertaking of HROD and administration related responsibilities as assigned and needed
• Provides strategic inputs and direction to the organization, including OD as needed and called for
• Ensures timely support to staff and National Director and NMT as and when needed.
• Effectively manage and champion’s change
• Cost effectively manage Administration, of the organization entailing, procurement, logistics and maintenance of equipment and facilities

Key results areas and main responsibilities
Enable and ensure that effective HR/OD Strategy, Policy and Systems are in place that support overall organizational strategy and direction
• Draft an HR/OD strategy / policy that guides staff comportment, competencies, and commitment in line achieving organizational mission and objective
• Prepare department's Annual Plan & Budget to complement the above strategy and policy needs and compliances
• Coordinate with the concerned departments, to ensure procedures, practices and processes are in place to support strategic work and directions.
• Regularly and continuously conducts organizational diagnostic surveys to identify areas calling for system, structure and group interactions and recommend appropriate OD/ HRD interventions.
• Participate in managing change.
• Build and promote leadership and managerial competencies of HR/OD staff by assigning higher level responsibilities as and when needed
• Process timely organizational development interventions to effectively support and build staff's capacity and commitment to perform in line with their work responsibilities;
• Enable and sustain a motivating working environment throughout the organization that nurtures and sustains staff motivation and morale to deliver the overall organizational mission;
Facilitate Organizational reviews
• In collaboration with ND and NMT, identify and analyze organizational issues and possible solutions
• Develop TORs and facilitate recruitment of consultants, review milestones, coordinate follow up actions, coordinate availability of expertise from other parts of the MA if necessary
Monitor organizational effectiveness and Staff engagement
• Conduct or facilitate employee satisfaction surveys, analyze results, facilitate action planning, follow up and support
• Promote the culture of recognizing and rewarding outstanding individual performance.
• From findings and recommendations, draw a summary of key lessons to improve organization effectiveness, employee satisfaction, motivation and engagement
• Share detailed insights from the engagement surveys with NMT and Managers (a summary of key findings/recommendations is communicated to all staff)
Develop and deliver plans for new staff recruitment
• Map out and manage staffing needs, vacancies through recruitment, secondment, or exchanges as appropriate
• Prepare and draft job analysis to match emerging staffing needs
• Supervise setting up of staff database
• Supervise staff files setting and maintenance
• Ensure processes of on boarding, orientation, induction and probation are performed by supervisors to new recruits
Compensation management
• Apply Job evaluation as per SOS CV IO/IOR policy and guidelines
• Establish a job grading proposal, request IOR for review if needed and to the NMT for approval (final approval is sought from the Board by ND)
• Set up a salary structure in relation to the job grading request IOR for review if needed and to the NMT for approval (final approval is sought from the Board by ND)
• Carry out or facilitate a periodic salary survey (ideally every 2 years), with the support of IOR or external expert, contribute in the report interpretation
• Use the salary survey report to review individuals’ salaries, discuss proposal with ND and Head of Finance before ND submits to Board of Director for approval followed by implementation of salary review
• Set up, manage and review a system of benefits both monetary and non-monetary, seek approval from ND (NMT if appropriate) and ND to get approval from the Board of Directors prior to implementation.
• Supervise payroll management, verifies and provides first approval on all payments related to employees’ salaries and benefits.
Develop and deliver plans for Learning and Development
• In collaboration with line managers, map out learning needs from individual development plans in the PAT or from other sources, establish an annual (or 2-3 years) L&D plan including related budget, discuss L&D plan in the NMT which provides first approval, ND seeks for final approval in the BoD.
• Develop training programs and or participate, facilitate in development of learning programs
• When necessary to recruit external learning facilitators, develop ToRs and facilitate the recruitment, monitors and evaluate work done by external facilitators and ensure timely payment after submission of final reports
• Supervise implementation of L&D plan
• Carry out learning evaluation at least on level 2 of Donald Kirkpatrick’s evaluation model
• Collect, document best practices and lessons learned from training evaluations and disseminate to concerned department/staff.
Develop and deliver plans for Career growth and Succession
• Collaborate with line managers to design exit plan and succession plans to ensure business continuity
• Identify positions that will be vacant in the next 1 to 5 years
• Identify employees who have the potential to take over identified positions, document current experience, skills, competence and needed development
• Facilitate preparation/development of identified and confirmed successors notably by learning, coaching, secondment, etc
• Implement and monitor the succession process.
• Establish a career map by identifying career growth opportunities for positions from lower level to higher level.
• Provide coaching, mentoring and opportunities for departmental staff's growth and career planning on a regular and timely basis
Smoothly manage Exit
• Ensure that the process for exit is conducted in a manner that staff feels he/she is valued, exits in dignity and as much as possible keeps a positive image of the organization
• Report number of exits, reasons for exit and exit interview conducted
Implement an effective Performance Management System
• Coordinate performance management process and support line managers to ensure the following are carried out timely and in respect of provided process and standards: objective setting (individual work plan or IWP), mid-term appraisal and end of year performance appraisal (also called performance appraisal talk PAT)
• Establish performance reports and particularly rate of IWP and PAT completion and address issues raised.
• Conduct regular HR conferences with NMT and line managers to ensure the process is conducted the same way by all managers and performance rating are correct and harmonious across the MA
Maintain discipline and harmonious employee relations
• Co-ordinate and follow up on relation to staff concerns and issues
• Ensure timely dissemination of pertinent information to concerned staff, manager and departments for their update
• Develop staff discipline procedure, discuss in and seek approval from the NMT
• Ensure staff discipline process and procedure is applied and enforced
• Develop staff grievance procedure, discuss in and seek approval from the NMT
• Effectively handle staff grievances notably:
• Gather information from different sources and shared communication/meeting minutes to identify issues and concerns relating to staff
• Follow up and wrap up issues/concerns relating to staff in a timely manner
• Ensure proper documentation and sharing staff grievances as appropriate
• Maintain confidentiality of sensitive information
Ensure staff safety, welfare and security
• Assist in preparing guidelines, policy and systems for staff security measures
• Effectively delegate and oversee staff participation in orientation / trainings related to emergency preparedness
Child Protection and Safeguarding:
• Responsible within own area of work to raise awareness of the SOS Child Protection Policy principles and to prevent and protect children from all forms of abuse, abandonment, exploitation, violence and discrimination.
• Responsible to report any CS suspicion, concern, allegation or incident immediately following Child Safeguarding reporting procedures. CS reports should be made to the IOR CS focal person and/or to the respective line manager
Build effective network relations within wider SOS Society globally
• Develop wider networks and links with other HR/OD functionaries with other National Associations to be updated about HR/OD issues, concerns and emerging trends or best practices
• Plan and pursue effective bilateral links with other SOS National Associations on further organization development concepts Regional / Continental secondment, peer exchange programs and exposure visits
Manage the Administration, Logistics and Maintenance of SOS Rwanda
• Plan, organize and maintain effective internal control systems to ensure all Administration policies and procedures are adhered to
• Review and monitor the implementation of SOS CV travel policy, vehicle maintenance, fleet management.
• Review and monitor the implementation of the administration procedures
• Ensure conducive health and security conditions in SOS CV premises/facilities
• Ensure staff benefits including medical insurance, end of service benefits and other allowances are provided on time.
• Ensure RSSB contributions and RRA taxes comply with the national regulations.
In particular manage the Procurement
• Heads and participate in the activities of the National Procurement Committee
• Provide support to the Location procurement committee;
• To undertake and review the existing procurement processes
• Establish, harmonise and maintain appropriate formalised purchasing policies, compliance and procedures of the organisation.
• To monitor suppliers’ performance in line with contractual obligation and service level agreements.
• Reviews and advises on procurement contracts
• Formulate and drive a consistent approach towards all sourcing, purchasing and tendering activities within the business
• Ensure the value for money is maximized and cost savings are generated.
• Effectively engage with the departmental event planners about procurement and tendering processes
• Takes part in handling litigations pertaining to contract execution
• Takes part in mediations on procurement disputes
• Ensure adequate internal training and processes are understood and best practices adhered to.
• Ensure compliance to procurement laws and regulations (transparency, integrity.
• Ensure full compliance with SOS CV procurement policies and procedures...

Functional supervisor:
The Employee supervises directly the following co-workers:
• Administration, Logistics & Procurement
• Learning & Development Coordinator
• HR Administration Officer & HR Manager
• Required skills and competencies
• Functional competencies (e.g. knowledge, skills, understanding, abilities…)
Knowledge of Human Resources and Law, especially Law regulating labour.
• Ability to work effectively in a multi-site organisation with a remote management ability to work with geographically-dispersed team.
• Work experience in HR and Management that build self-reliance and sustainability at family and/or community level.
• Ability to understand and apply community development participatory methodologies.
• Ability to work independently with sense of initiative
• Keen to fulfil commitments and meet deadlines
• Willingness to travel within the country, region and sometimes continentally or internationally
Core and Lead competencies
• Good written and verbal communication skills
• Good reporting, facilitation and presentation skills
• Strong in planning and reporting
• Good judgement to solve problems and make right decisions at his/her level
• Cooperating effectively with external partners and programme participants
• Leading and managing people:
• Oorganizing self and others, Team working/ effective collaboration within his/her team and across the organization, Managing Performance: ability to establish SMART objectives, KPIs and deliverables
• Process development & Review
• Organizational development
• Strategic HR practices
• Influencing skills
• Superior interpersonal skills

Language skills
• Proficiency in English level 3 or 4 on a scale from 0 to 5 and Kinyarwanda (native level), French is an added value
• Computer literacy
• Microsoft office: must possess good level of literacy in Word, Excel, PowerPoint (Access is an added value)

III. Required experience and qualification:
• Bachelor's degree in Human Resources Management, Public Administration & Management.
• Master’s degree qualification in the same academic fields is an added value
• Strong knowledge of national labor laws and other regulations including procurement and logistics policies and procedures
• 7 years of Human Ressources, Organisation, Development and Administration practice in NGOs, public or private sector, experience with international NGOs is an added value.

Work Hours: 8

Experience in Months: 84

Level of Education:
Bachelor Degree

Job application procedure
• Candidates meeting the requirements shall submit application letter, CV (with 3 traceable professional referees) and copies of education qualification. Please mention in the subject of your email “Head of HROD and Administration”. All documents should be written in English and directly submitted to: sos.recruitment@sos-rwanda.org  and properly fill the application form found via the following LINK not later than 11 Mach 2024 at 5:00 pm local time.
• The applications from qualified female are strongly encourage
• Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted
• Late applications will not be accepted.
• “SOS Children’s Villages Rwanda/ International holds strict child safeguarding principles and a zero-tolerance policy for conducts of sexual harassment, exploitation and abuse in the workplace and other places where the organization’s activities are rendered. Parallel to technical competence, recruitment, selection and hiring decisions will give due emphasize to assessing candidates value congruence and thorough background checks, police clearance reference check processes”.
• Done in Kigali on February, 19th, 2024.
• KWIZERA Jean Bosco
• National Director
• SOS Children villages in Rwanda

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Job Info
Job Category: Human Resource jobs in Rwanda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: Thursday, March 07 2024
Duty Station: Kigali
Posted: 22-02-2024
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 22-02-2024
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 22-02-2066
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