Feasibility Study Of Kavumu Waste Power Plant tender at Waste Power Plant(WPP)
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Project background

The expansion of cities in Rwanda and the increase of settling of people in town lead to the increase of Municipal Solid Waste which causes potential negative effects including the following : promotion of microorganisms that causes diseases , attraction and support of disease vectors ( rodents and insects that carry and transmit diseases causing microorganisms) , generation of noxious odors , degradation of esthetic quality of environment, occupation of space that could be used for others purposes, leaching problems and air pollution.

This is why, Waste Power Plant Ltd have initiated this Waste to Power Plant project of incineration to clean hazardous solid waste and energy recovery. 

The Waste Power Plant Ltd (WPP) will be the counterpart for Switchyard and Transmission Line design and integration into the National Power Transmission Network.

Within this context, WPP wishes to engage a Technical Consultant to provide the plant Feasibility Study, with a team of personnel having demonstrable experience in providing services related to Feasibility Studies, independent power producers and engineering procurement and construction tendering.


The 50% of the plant is environmental protection through incineration of 400 tons of Municipal Solid Waste per day. Treatment of solid waste, liquid waste effluents and gaseous from row material will eliminate their environmental effects. The plant treatment operations will reduce the greenhouse gases emissions by transforming methaneinto carbon dioxide, thus lowering the global worming potential of the landfills. From bubbling and circulating fluidized bed gasifiers the cooled flue gases would be treated by gas cleaning equipment such as scrubbers, activated carbon powder injection and fabric filter systems. In order to minimize the flue gas dioxin concentration, the dioxin is removed from vapour phase to solid phase by lime scrubbing and activated carbon injection to adsorb dioxin. The cleaned flue gases would then be released to the atmosphere via the stack. Ash from incinerator and a relatively smaller amount of ash collected from the boiler and gas cleaning equipment would be stabilized with cement or other suitable material before final disposal, the liquid effluents and water supply would be treated to potable water

The 30% of the plant is unemployment reduction by employment of 323 permanent workers and 207 during plant installation and different international and national companies with associated local warehouses for implementation.

For energy recovery which is 20% of the plant the hot flue gases from the furnace would flow through the boiler, releasing thermal energy which turns water into steam. The steam produced would be used to drive the turbo alternators for electricity generation.

The factory is a multipurpose on municipal solid waste and environmental protection, to reduce greenhouse gases effect, to reduce the problem of unemployment, to energy recovery and generate continuously around 15 MW in the national and regional electricity grid. 

The key objective of this assignment is to develop the Feasibility Study for the fourth

Waste Power Plant area, within a defined timeframe from signature of the contract and notice to proceed. The Feasibility Study shall reveal essential obstacles of regulatory, technical, environmental, commercial, social kind for project development and power generation.

The assignment should include a techno-economic assessment of the waste to power plant and preparation of detailed design and tender documents will be part of this assignment.

In this regard, the consultant shall collect all necessary information and data on technical, economic, environmental and social aspects in order to make required assessments.

Working landfills:

The allowed working dumping site are in the following cities: Musanze city, Rubavu city, Karongi city, Rusizi city, Nyamagabe city, Huye city, Muhanga city, Nyamata city, Rwamagana city, Kayonza city, Ngoma city, Nyagatare city and Gicumbi city

Technical consultant’s scope of work

The tasks of the technical consultant will consist of the following:

  • Municipal solid waste utility assessment
  • Preparation of the technical feasibility study
  • Preparation of plant revenues estimation and investment recovery projection
  • Preparation of grid study impact
  • Preparation of topographical & boundary survey report, geophysical
  • Geotechnical survey
  • Preparation of environmental and social impact assessment of the plant
  • Collectall necessary information and data on technical, economic, environmental and social aspects make required assessments.
  • Consultant ‘s organization

The consultant shall provide a brief description of the Consultant’s organization and an outline of the recent experience of the Consultant that is most relevant to the assignment.

In the case of a joint venture, information on similar assignments shall be provided for each partner. For each assignment, the outline should indicate the names of the Consultant’s Key Experts and Sub-consultants who participated, the duration of the assignment, the contract amount (total and, if it was done in a form of a joint venture or a sub-consultancy, the amount paid to the Consultant), and the Consultant’s role/involvement.

Consultant duties and responsibilities

The Consultant shall perform all tasks, duties and responsibilities foreseen under scope of Works, including preparation of deliverables with high professional skills, based on its experience. The Consultant shall perform the work in an efficient manner and shall avoid unnecessary expenses by assigning appropriate personnel, utilizing appropriate means of communication and through other appropriate means, without compromising the thoroughness or quality of the work and duties of consultant are but not limited to the following:

The technical consultant’s key activities during this phase will include the following:

  • Collect the initial data on plant location, interface points and available capacities
  • Power plant discharges, land access and transportation route from the landfills, geotechnical data and underground obstacles, any constraint or obstacle to be considered in the project development
  • Review the specifications of the prefeasibility study
  • Preparation of concept design including plant systems description for the selected and required configuration
  • Preparation of the project implementation schedule
  • Preparation of the risk assessment study for the project
  • Preparation of a final report of the feasibility study, incorporating all different streams of work
  • Grid impact study

The plant capacity would be ≤15MW but not limited to for a period of 30 years, considering the size of the Rwanda power system of over than 350MW installed capacity, this unit represents a significant part of the total installed capacity. Disturbances leading to tripping a power plant of that size might lead to undesirable system operational consequences such as under frequency, load shedding or even cascaded outages of other units and voltage stability problem. Hence, it is necessary to perform a comprehensive grid impact study to identify such risks in advance and to design the power evacuation scheme of the project accordingly.

The Technical Consultant is expected to perform the following studies:

  • Load flow and contingency analysis.
  • Short circuit current calculations (three phase and ground fault current)
  • Transient stability analysis to identify critical fault clearing time
  • Voltage stability analysis (dynamic performance studies)
  • Unit trip simulations and impact on all components of the units (feeding system, furnace, boiler, turbine and alternator) and confirm the life cycle for the proposed brand news

The above mentioned studies should be performed considering a system high and a low load case. The studies should be performed in power system simulation for engineering or with a tool with similar or improved parameters.

The study outcome should be written in a report, which clearly identifies the assumptions, methodology, simulation output, conclusion and recommendations.

Topographical & boundary survey report, geophysical & geotechnical survey

The consultant within this assignment shall carry out (but not limited) following tasks:

  • Topographical & boundary survey report
  • Topographic mapping
  • Boundary surveys
  • Site characterization investigation Overview
  • Geotechnical, Geological survey and Hazards Assessment

Environmental and social impact assessment

The Consultant has to execute an assessment of environmental and social impacts expected from the project development. Within this assignment the advisor shall carry out following tasks:

  • Preparation of environmental scoping document (including screening check list) for the project and for obtaining relevant Environmental permit/approval;
  • Preparation of Environmental and Social Impact Assessments (ESIA), for the entire project and for obtaining of environmental permit/approval;
  • Preparation of Technical Health and Safety Protection (HSE) Plan for the entire project;
  • Preparation of environmental and social management plan for the entire project
  • Preparing as a separate document Project Non-Technical Summary (NTS) for the entire project for obtaining a relevant environmental permit/approval;
  • Legal context, environmental and social regulations and applicable requirements.
  • Baseline environmental and social assessment of the project area
  • Expected main environmental and social impact from the project development
  • Environmental and social management and monitoring including ESAP.
  • Preparing reports on types and volume of anticipated for entire project and prove its cancellation for obtaining a relevant Environmental permit/approval;
  • Detail outputs (key deliverables to be accomplished)

Successful Consultant will prepare and submit the following reports:

  • Inception Report,
  • Waste and water availability report
  • ESIA and Gender equity report
  • Draft detailed report,
  • Final detailed Report.
  • Bid document for Kavumu WPP

PHASE I: Inception

The consultant shall collect and review previous documents related to waste management and the Rwanda power sector. The Consultant shall review and understand the government’s long term waste generation and management plan, and review/evaluate energy resources.

Site visit

The date of site visit shall be communicated to the 3 shortlisted best candidates to conduct initial site visit of project location at Kavumu village, Kigombe cell, Muhoza sector, Musanze district and Mpenge river site, and landfills location. From the step any potential topographical surveys or technical investigations required for the feasibility of project implementation should be planned.

Environmental and social screening

The consultant shall make an overview of any potential environmental and social risks and impacts of a waste to power plant may have and confirm there are no ‘showstoppers’ from an environmental and social point of view for the such plant.

Inception Workshop

The consultant shall prepare an Inception Report with their findings during the inception phase and report this at an Inception Workshop. The Inception Report shall include what data and information have been collected, the results of the initial review and site visits, the proposed plan conducting the study. Based on the feedback from the Client the consultant shall update the final methodology and time plan for the study, and submit the final Inception Report.

PHASE II: Techno-Economical Assessment 

Analysis of waste generation in Rwanda

The consultant shall collect and analyze waste generation and management data to assess the demand for further capacity enhancement. This includes the disposal of waste and waste treatment together with monitoring and regulation of the waste management process and waste-related laws, technologies, and available economic mechanisms in Rwanda.

Analysis of power system demand in Rwanda

The consultant shall collect and analyze load demand forecasts and recent years’ dispatch data to assess the demand for further capacity enhancement the waste to power plant function. This would include analysis of availability and cost of electricity for the plant, taking into account availability and commercial constraints of existing power plants in Rwanda and the municipal solid waste harmful effects.

Environmental and social scoping

The Consultant will undertake an E&S Scoping Study and ultimate purpose of the E&S Scoping Study is to:

  • assess the suitability of the proposed site location of the Kavumu waste power plant from E&S perspective, identify key E&S issues affecting the project
  • develop Terms of Reference (ToR) for ESIA and EIA compliant with Government of Rwanda regulations.

The scoping report will identify:

  • adequacy of the alternative analysis for the proposed site;
  • the actions needed at this preliminary/scoping stage to ensure the Client:
  • project viability from the E&S standpoint,
  • potential E&S risks and impacts and
  • feasibility of proposed mitigation measures, including expected associated costs.
  • the actions needed to be performed at a later stage and components that need to be integrated in the ToR for EIA/ESIA compliant with national legislation/regulations.

Power System Benefits and Economic Assessment

The consultant shall conduct simulations for how Kavumu waste Power Plant would be operated and estimate the following:

  • Value of bulk power capacity and energy arbitrage,
  • Value of the plant ancillary services,
  • Power system stability benefits,
  • Kavumu power Plant energy and transmission lines benefits,

Feasibility Study

Surveys and field investigations

The consultant will conduct any necessary surveys or field investigations to confirm data and information required for the optimization and detailed design of the Kavumu waste Power Plant.

Detailed design and Construction Work Plan

Consultant shall, after detailed technical studies and taking into account results from the parallel ESIA study, carry out detailed designs of civil works, furnace, boiler, electro-mechanics and power evacuation for Kavumu waste power Plant. The design shall include all aspects of the chosen development options, covering temporary and permanent facilities required, installations of all technical equipment, testing and commissioning.

The consultant shall estimate a realistic work plan for the construction/installation of the plant, considering the waste availability. The work plan shall include estimation of needed labor and equipment.


The Consultant shall prepare a cost estimate with break-down in local and foreign currency. The cost estimate shall be prepared on the basis of prevailing market prices. The reference price level and exchange rate(s) should be provided. The civil works, furnace, boiler and electro mechanics prices should be derived specifically for the project taking into account construction methodology and cost for construction equipment, local labor, materials, etc. For all equipment, the prices should be based on collected information from potential suppliers. An estimate for engineering, supervision, administration, and legal costs shall be included along with the basis for their estimate.

The consultant shall further estimate the annual operation and maintenance costs the Kavumu Waste Power Plant.

Risks evaluation and mitigation

Development of waste management and waste to power projects involves various sorts of risks at planning, design and construction stage. Risk management will be carried out by the consultant through the use of Risk Assessments and Risk Registers. The primary task is to define various risks, to identify measures to be taken in case the risk materializes and to allocate the risk to Employer and Contractors.


The consultant shall present results of the feasibility study of the plant in a complete draft Feasibility Report, including drawings of the detailed design. This report will include the detailed technical study as well as the economical/financial studies and project justification. The draft Feasibility Report will be presented to the Waste Power Plant Ltd at a workshop whether physical or online conference. Based on the feedback the consultant shall finalize the Feasibility Report, which will be used as input for the subsequent Tender Documents.

Environmental and Social Impact Assessment

The consultant shall conduct a complete Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) based on the ToR that will be developed at the scooping phase to assess and define magnitude of KEY E&S risks and impacts associated with the project, with feasibility of proposed mitigation measures, including expected associated costs, prepare, E & S clauses for the bidding process.


Gender Assessment

As an additional item to the ESIA, the consultant shall prepare a Gender Assessment, to include a sex-disaggregated assessment of the needed labor force for the project; the assessment will be based on relevant stakeholders’ consultations / focus groups and will seeks to answer the focused aspects.

The assessment will help identify patterns and suggest best practices / action points to be considered by the government of Rwanda, with tangible actions on both the short term of the plant construction and long term of the plant operations and maintenance.

Tender documents

Choice of contract

Both parties shall decide on the type of contract (EPC or traditional) and legal framework for which the construction of the plant shall be done. IFIs require procurement through International Competitive Bidding and the use of Standard Bidding Documents.

Tender documents

Based on the chosen type of contract and legal framework the consultants shall produce a full set of tender documents for the plant. This will include description of the project, design drawings, and technical specifications. The full tender document package shall be delivered to WPP for the implementation of the project.


WPP considers of utmost importance the timely elaboration and submission of pertinent reports and briefings during the course of the work of very high importance. Therefore, apart from submitting the reports, the consultant shall be expected to hold monthly updates/briefings on works in progress and problems encountered. The reports and briefing shall be written and held in English.

The draft and the final reports shall be submitted after incorporating the necessary modifications to the drafts in electronic form to WPP no later than 3 weeks after approval of the draft report.

The following deliverables are expected:

  • Inception Report,
  • Techno-Economic Assessment Report development, including the E&S scooping report.
  • Draft Final Feasibility Report for chosen development, including the draft ESIA report.
  • Final Report Feasibility Report for chosen development, final ESIA report.
  • Bid documents of Kavumu Waste Power plant

Equipment and Tools

All equipment and tools needed to undertake the study shall be provided by the consultant.

Office Space and Facilities

The consultant shall provide own office facilities, for the execution of the services, including telephone, electricity, internet connection. The Client shall render all possible assistance to the Consultant in the timely acquisition and securing of such office space required for the execution of the Services.

Duration of the assignment

The estimated duration for this study is 5 months however the bidder is allowed to propose a different duration based on his own experience not exceeding 8 months. The technically and financially qualified bidder with lower proposal of the duration of the assignment will be considered.

Standard of Performance

The Consultant shall perform the Services and carry out the Services with all due diligence, efficiency and economy, in accordance with generally accepted professional standards and practices, and shall observe sound management practices, and employ appropriate technology and safe and effective equipment, machinery, materials and methods. The Consultant shall always act, in respect of any matter relating to this Contract or to the Services, as a faithful adviser to the Client, and shall at all times support and safeguard the Client’s legitimate interests in any dealings with the third parties.

The Consultant shall employ and provide such qualified and experienced Experts and Sub-consultants as are required to carry out the Services.

Prohibition of Conflicting Activities

The Consultant shall not engage, and shall cause its Experts as well as its Sub-consultants not to engage, either directly or indirectly, in any business or professional activities that would conflict with the activities assigned to them under this Contract.

Qualification for the proposed assignment:

The Consultant shall provide information regarding its suitability for the proposed assignment including:

  • Previous experience related to the assignment, with expertise on development of different stages of design, review and consulting related to Waste to power project and or Waste management and Steam turbine generator projects that have been developed in similar geographical conditions to those that are observed in the region where Rwanda is located;
  • A minimum of 5 years and better over 10 years of experience in carrying out Consulting Services as a consulting firm in the field of assignment;
  • At least 5 contracts of similar nature and complexity, or more complex and relevant, that the firm has successfully completed in the past 5 years.
  • Comprehensive methodology and the proposed schedule in responding to the key deliverables.

The consultant shall also submit proof that has the qualified personnel in the following key positions/domains but not limited to:

Civil Engineering

Expert in steam turbine generator projects Engineering or Civil Engineering or waste management; At least 10 years of relevant experience in steam turbine generator engineering and civil works associated with power plant development, including water treatment related river planning/master plans, dam siting, powerhouse site selection, optimization of power plant parameters, construction planning, etc.

Water Resources engineer

Expertin Water Resources Engineering or Hydrological Engineering; At least 10 years of relevant experience in water resource management, hydrological and hydraulic modelling for river basin management, and demonstrable track record in hydrological aspects of water treatment and boilers projects.

Hydraulic Structures Design Engineer

Expert in civil/structure engineering, demonstrable track record in the civil aspects of water treatment projects, with a minimum of 10 years of relevant experience relating to such large projects. 

Electrical Engineer

Expert in electrical engineering, demonstrable track record on transmission aspects of steam turbine generator projects, with a minimum of 10 years of relevant experience;

Mechanical engineer

Expert in mechanical engineering, demonstrable track record in steam turbine generator projects, with a minimum of 10 years of relevant experience;

Environmental Engineer

Expert in environmental engineering or similar engineering field with experience in ESIA development preferably in steam turbine generator and river management; minimum 5 years of experience on similar projects.

Chemical engineer

Expert in chemical engineeringwith experience in different aspects of plant design and operation, including safety and hazard assessments, process design and analysis, chemical reaction, construction specification, and operating instructions.


Expert in economics, business analysis or project financing with minimum 10 years of experience

Gender Equality Expert

Expert in social / gender studies or related field, with experience in women’s employment in infrastructure and social inclusion, as well as stakeholder consultations / focus groups discussions; minimum 7 years of relevant experience

Standards and regulations

The Assignment shall be conducted according to the following Relevant Standards and guidelines:

  • Rwanda laws and regulations:
  • The international Environmental Code
  • Law on Protection of the Environment;
  • International Laws including conventions and treaties adopted by the republic of Rwanda and applicable to the Project;

All the key experts are expected to have strong communication skills, be fluent in English and, preferably, have experience in past projects in energy sector. Knowledge of French would be an asset.

The expert shall also provide a description of the approach, methodology and work plan for performing the assignment, including a detailed description of the proposed methodology and staffing for training, if the Terms of Reference specify training as a specific component of the assignment.

The structure of the Technical Proposal shall include but not limited to:

  • Technical Approach and Methodology
  • Work Plan
  • Organizationand Staffing
  • Implementation time schedule

It is preferred that the consultancy services shall be undertaken and completed within a period of eight calendar months. In the Consultant’s proposal it should be taken into account how potential site investigations can be accommodated.

  • The Inception report is expected to be finalized within one (1) month after commencement of the consultancy services.
  • The Techno-Economic Assessment is expected to be finalized two (2) months after commencement of the consultancy services.
  • The Feasibility Study Report is expected to be finalized six (6) months after commencement of the consultancy services.
  • The Bid Documents are expected to be finalized six (8) months after commencement of the consultancy services.


The consultancy Services shall be financed by Waste Power Plant Ltd.

Consultancy contract

The Engineering Consultancy Services Contract will be a lump-sum Contract. The Financial Proposal shall provide costs for each stage (phase). Evaluation of the Proposals will be conducted on the total price of all stages (phases).


Except with the prior written consent of the Client, the Consultant and the Experts shall not at any time communicate to any person or entity any confidential information acquired in the course of the Services, nor shall the Consultant and the Experts make public the recommendations formulated in the course of, or as a result of, the Services. 

Submission procedure

The expression of interest shall be submitted by email on info@wpp.rw and copy mdusengimana@wpp.rw; pmburano@wpp.rw not later than 23rd September 2024 for further information contact phone number +250 788 466 424 / +250 788 221 898.

Job Info
Job Category: Tenders in Rwanda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: Monday, September 23 2024
Duty Station: Kigali
Posted: 09-08-2024
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 09-08-2024
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 09-08-2065
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