Expression of Interest (EOI) - Advising and Supporting the Secretariat of the Climate, Environment and Natural Resources Sector tender at GIZ Rwanda
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Expression of Interest (EOI)

Advising and supporting the Secretariat of the Climate, Environment and Natural Resources Sector Working Group (CENR SWG) in Rwanda

Reference Number: 83466547

Date of Publication: 31.05.2024

I. General Information

  1. Brief Introduction

The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH is a federally owned international cooperation enterprise for sustainable development with worldwide operations. The GIZ Office in Kigali covers GIZ’s portfolio in Rwanda and Burundi. GIZ Rwanda/Burundi implements projects on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, the European Union and other commissioning authorities in the following priority areas: Sustainable Economic Development, Good Governance, Climate, Energy and Sustainable Urban Development, Digital Transformation & Digital Economy, Great Lakes Region.

The project “Capacity Development for the Implementation of Rwanda's Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs)” is implemented from October 2022 to September 2026 as a technical cooperation module by GIZ in Rwanda with funding from the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). The main political partner of the project is the Ministry of Environment of Rwanda (MoE).

Being embedded in the Rwandan-German Climate and Development Partnership, which was signed in March 2022 between the two governments, the NDC project’s overall objective is to enhance the institutional and financial framework conditions of relevant state and non-state actors in Rwanda for the coordination, implementation and monitoring of the country’s Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). This objective is achieved through the provision of technical advice and capacity development to enhance the organizational and process-related capacities of the MoE staff for the coordination of the NDC implementation. In addition, the technical and organizational capacities of public institutions for NDC mainstreaming across relevant sectors are enhanced, and the access of private sector actors (Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, SMEs) to funding for NDC implementation is improved through the provision of training measures that are aligned with their capacity needs.

  1. Context

The Government of Rwanda (GoR) puts in place different policy and institutional frameworks to effectively deal with climate change, environment and natural resources issues while paying a strong commitment to the Paris Agreement and a climate-resilient and low-carbon economy by 2050. In collaboration with development partners and other key stakeholders, the GoR has facilitated the establishment of Sector Working Groups (SWGs) and subordinated Thematic Working Groups (TWGs) to enhance coordination and ownership, align support provided to the national priorities, and accountability at the sector level.

The Climate, Environment and Natural Resources (CENR) Sector Working Group (SWG) was established to provide a sector-wide forum for discussion of policy, strategy and implementation at the sector level. The responsibility of overall SWG planning and managing development interventions lays in the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning (MINECOFIN), which works closely with the Ministry of Environment (MoE). MoE convenes the meetings of the CENR SWG as its coordinating line ministry. Accordingly, the SWG brings together the Government of Rwanda (GoR), development partners, the private sector, civil society organizations, academia and research institutions and other key stakeholders involved in the sector. With guidance and support provided by the GoR, the work of the CENR SWG and its affiliated Thematic Working Groups contributes to delivering Rwanda’s green economic growth and sustainable development outcomes. In addition, the SWG is expected to build synergies and promote collaboration and accountability as well as monitor and review sector performance and policy implementation.

Under the project’s intervention, GIZ supports the MoE to coordinate and implement the core activities and operations of the Climate, Environment and Natural Resources (CENR) Sector Working Group (SWG) to ensure good coordination, active engagement as well as meaningful contributions of sector stakeholders to policy implementation, monitoring and review while ensuring good governance, accountability, sector performance and fostering strong synergies.

GIZ has been mandated by the BMZ to provide support to the MoE and particularly the Climate, Environment, and Natural Resources (CENR) Sector Working Group (SWG), which is chaired by the Permanent Secretary of the MoE and co-chaired by the Head of Cooperation at the German Embassy in Kigali. This support will be implemented in collaboration with the German Embassy in Kigali and coordinated by the project “Capacity Development for the Implementation of Rwanda's Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs)” with funding from a Study and Expert Fund (SFF) measure funded by the BMZ.

The Planning and Monitoring and Evaluation Unit of the MoE played a key role in recent years to support the CENR SWG in its organisational and planning tasks and duties (secretariat function) and will continue to do so in the future. In addition to the services planned in these ToR, GIZ is already supporting the CENR SWG and its secretariat through the NDC project including through a dedicated Technical Advisor (GIZ staff) who contributes to the secretariat processes and other areas of policy, technical, planning and logistics support needs.

To ensure the necessary policy, technical, planning, strategic and logistical support is available to the CENR SWG at the level of the MoE, to the affiliated Thematic Working Groups (TWGs) as well as to the Chair and Co-Chair, GIZ is recruiting a national consultant (long-term expert, and also referred to in this document as “the contractor”) in Rwanda who will be responsible for the implementation and coordination of the services and activities developed in these ToR. The consultant will deliver the planned services mainly from the premises of the MoE and shall be embedded in the structure of the Planning and M&E Unit of the ministry.

  1. GIZ shall hire the contractor for the anticipated contract term, from 01.07.2024 to 30.06.2025.
  2. The contractor shall provide the following service:
  • Provide expert, technical and policy advice and support to the Chairs and Co-Chairs of the CENR SWG and the TWGs as well to the Director of Planning and M&E at the MoE on the sector planning, policy work, and key activities and events;
  • Provide logistical and organisational support to the CENR SWG (especially to the secretariat function within the MoE) and the affiliated TWGs;
  • Provide practical knowledge management, communication, monitoring and reporting as well as learning support to the CENR SWG support structure.

In detail, the following tasks are required:

Work package 1: Provide expert, technical and policy advice and support to the Chairs and Co-Chairs of the CENR SWG and the TWGs as well to the Director of Planning and M&E at the MoE:

  • Provide advice on strategies toenhance overall engagement and contributions from CENR SWG members during sector meetings and in between meetings; including the preparation of an initial concept note to achieve this objective;
  • Provide advice on the systematic and effective integration of relevant outputs and demands from theTWGs into the SWG as well as from the SWG into the TWGs; including the preparation of an initial concept note to achieve this objective;
  • Provide advice on cross-sector collaborations and joint sector planning and review, sector actions and initiatives, specifically for the mainstreaming of climate change, environment and natural resources goals in national priorities, planning and other economic sectors and SWGs; including the preparation of an initial concept note on how to achieve this objective;
  • Upon demand, prepare key policy and strategic issues to be discussed and deliberated on during relevant CENR SWG meetings (sector planning, performance review, policy dialogue, etc.); including the preparation of an initial concept note on how to achieve this objective;
  • Provide advice on how to enhanceevidence-based discussions and the integration of research into both the SWG and the TWGs meetings and workplans as well as sector planning and review; including the preparation of an initial concept note on how to achieve this objective;
  • Support actively the promotion, gathering and coordination of research and evidence-based inputs from the SWG and the TWGs stakeholders to inform sector planning, policy implementation and review of sector performance; including the preparation of an initial concept note on how to achieve this objective.

Work package 2: Provide logistical and organisational support to the CENR SWG and the TWGs

  • Provide advice on the improvement and efficient planning, organisation and monitoring of agreements of the CENR SWG and TWGs meetings; including the preparation of an initial concept note on how to achieve this objective.
  • Support the planning, organisation, and monitoring of agreements of the CENR SWG meetings and other related events, including invitation management and logistical arrangements.
  • Contribute to the planning, coordination, organization, and monitoring of agreements of the CENR Joint Sector Review (JSR) and the Forward- and Backward-Looking Joint Sector Review (FLJSR/BLJSR) meetings as well as the Topical Meetings in coordination with the MoE, GIZ and the SWG’s Chair and Co-Chair; including the preparation of an initial concept note on how to achieve this objective.

Work package 3: Provide practical knowledge management, communication, monitoring and reporting as well as learning support to the CENR SWG support structure (secretariat)

  • Develop, propose, and find an agreement with the MoE, the SWG’s Chair and Co-Chair and sector stakeholders on how to implement an easily accessible knowledge management system for the CENR SWG and the TWGs. This could include, among others, invitations to the meetings, presentations, documentation of the meetings, monitoring of the sector indicators; including the preparation of an initial technical concept note on how to achieve this objective;
  • Assure the high-quality documentation of the SWG meetings, Topical Meetings, and for other monitoring and reporting needs;
  • Support the preparation and monitoring of the implementation of the CENR SWG's Annual Work Plan and flagship sector performance indicators; including the preparation of an initial technical concept note to achieve this objective;
  • Contribute to promoting the outreach, awareness-raising, communications and visibility of the sector.

Reporting requirements

The contractor reports regularly to GIZ in accordance with the current AVB of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. In addition to the reports required by GIZ in accordance with the AVB, the contractor submits the following reports:

  • Inception report in English (3 - 5 pages excluding annexes);
  • Brief monthly reports in English on the progress of implementation of the services under tasks 1-3, including documentation on relevant milestones as appropriate (3-5 pages excluding annexes);
  • Final report in English on the implementation of the services under tasks 1-3, including documentation on relevant learning and recommendations as appropriate (10-15 pages excluding annexes).

Reports will be approved by the Director (Commission Manager) of the NDC project and the Focal Point at the MoE (Planning and M&E Unit). The GIZ Focal Person for the contract shall be consulted during this validation process.

In addition to written reports, as outlined above, a monthly coordination meeting between the consultant and the GIZ Focal Person shall take place after the submission of the brief monthly report.

Period of assignment: from 01 July 2024 to 30 June 2025.

The milestones, as laid out in the table below, are to be achieved during the contract term:

Milestones/process steps/partial services

Deadline/place/person responsible*

Start of contract

1st July 2024

Kick-off meeting with MoE, GIZ, and other relevant stakeholders

1st week of contract

Inception report

1 month after contract start

Brief monthly reports

1st monthly report one month after contract start;
following monthly reports (12 in total) with a 1-month-frequency

Final report

12 months after contract start

Monthly coordination meetings

At the start of the contract, following meetings with a 1-months-frequence

Related to Work package 1 (expert, technical and policy advice and support)

Concept note** on strategies to enhance overall engagement and contributions from SWG members

1 month after contract start

Advise on strategies to enhance overall engagement and contributions from SWG members (see above)

Until month 12 of the contract

Concept note on the systematic and effective integration of relevant outputs and demands from the TWG into the SWG and vice versa

2 months after contract start

Advise on the systematic and effective integration of relevant outputs and demands from the TWGs into the SWG as well as from the SWG into the TWGs

Until month 12 of the contract

Concept note on cross-sector collaborations and mainstreaming of CENR into other sectors

3 months after contract start

Advise on cross-sector collaborations and joint sector planning and review, sector actions and initiatives, specifically for the mainstreaming of climate change, environment and natural resources goals

Until month 12 of the contract

Concept note on how to enhance evidence-based discussion and the integration of research into both the SWG and TWGs meetings and workplans

4 months after contract start

Advise on how to enhance evidence-based discussions and the integration of research into both the SWG and the TWGs meetings and workplans

Until month 12 of the contract

Support actively the promotion, gathering and coordination of research and evidence-based inputs from the SWG and the TWGs stakeholders

Until month 12 of the contract

Related to Work package 2 (logistical and organisational support)

Concept note on the improvement and efficient planning, organisation and monitoring of agreements of the CENR SWG and TWGs meetings

3 months after contract start

Advise on the improvement and efficient planning, organisation and monitoring of agreements of the CENR SWG and TWGs meetings

Until month 12 of the contract

Support the planning, organisation and monitoring of agreements of the CENR SWG meetings and other related events

Until month 12 of the contract

Contribute to the planning, coordination, organization and monitoring of agreements of the CENR Joint Sector Review (JSR) and the Forward- and Backward-Looking Joint Sector Review (FLJSR/BLJSR) meetings as well as the Topical Meetings

Until month 12 of the contract

Concept note on how to contribute to planning, coordination, and monitoring of agreements as stipulated in the service above (JSR, FLJSR/BLJSR)

4 months after contract start

Related to work package 3 (knowledge management, communication, monitoring and reporting)

Concept note on how to implement an easily accessible knowledge management system for the SWG and TWGs

6 months after contract start

Develop, propose, and find an agreement with the MoE, the SWG’s Chair and Co-Chair and sector stakeholders on how to implement an easily accessible knowledge management system for the CENR SWG and the TWG

Until month 12 of the contract

Documentation in a high quality of SWG related meetings

Until month 12 of the contract

Support the preparation and monitoring of the implementation of the CENR SWG's Annual Work Plan and flagship sector performance indicators

Until month 12 of the contract

Concept note on the monitoring of the implementation of the CENR SWG’s work plan and performance indicators (see above)

6 months

Contribute to promoting the outreach, awareness-raising, communications and visibility of the sector

Until month 12 of the contract

* For all stipulated Milestones/process steps/partial services the place of fulfilment is Rwanda and the person responsible is the contractor.

** A template for the concept notes and monthly reports will be provided by GIZ.

II. Tender requirements

1. Qualifications of proposed staff

1.1. Key Expert 1: Senior Expert in Climate Change, Environment and Natural Resources with knowledge in policy and strategic planning

1.1.1. General qualifications

Education: Advanced university degree (Master’s Degree or PhD) in Natural Resources Management or Environmental Sciences or Economics, Development Economics, Environmental Policy, Environmental Economics or Public Policy, Planning, or Business Administration.

Professional experience:

  • In total 7 years of relevant professional experience in project management or providing technical expert advice for strategic planning and policy development and planning in the fields of climate change, environmental management, natural resources management or environmental assessment or sustainable development.
  • In total 3 years of experience working with (national and/or international) stakeholders and institutions in climate change-related fields, including for planning and cooperation processes,
  • In total 3 years of within the fields of Rwanda’s climate change, environment and natural resources policies, strategies, legislation, institutional landscape, relevant implementation structures and actors, planning processes, coordination forums, etc. This includes also experience with the Climate, Energy and Natural Resources Sector Working Group,
  • In total 4 years of experience working with public institutions, non-state actors, development partners and international donors in Rwanda in the fields of climate change, environment, natural resources, sustainable development, and/or science and research cooperation,
  • In total 2 years of work experience in advising and/or providing technical, administrative, and project-related support to governmental and/or civil society organisations
  • In total 3 years of experience related to the international climate change processes under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the Paris Agreement and the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), in the context of Rwanda,

1.1.2. Experience in the region/knowledge of Rwanda

  • In total at least 7 years of relevant working experience in Rwanda;

1.1.3. Language skills

  • Proficient user (according to Common European Framework of Reference for Languages C2 – A statement in CV is enough) of written and spoken English and Kinyarwanda C2

2. Quantitative requirements

Per-diem and overnight accommodation allowances are reimbursed as a lump sum up to the maximum amounts permissible under tax law for each country as set out in the country table in the circular from the German Federal Ministry of Finance on travel expense remuneration (download at

All travel activities must be agreed in advance with the staff member responsible for the project.

Sustainability aspects for travel

GIZ would like to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 emissions) caused by travel. When preparing your tender, please incorporate options for reducing emissions, such as selecting the lowest-emission booking class (economy) and using means of transport, airlines and flight routes with a higher CO2 efficiency. For short distances, travel by train (second class) or e-mobility should be the preferred option.

If they cannot be avoided, CO2 emissions caused by air travel should be offset. GIZ specifies a budget for this, through which the carbon offsets can be settled against evidence.

The market for carbon credits is made up of a large number of providers, each with different claims as to their climate impact. The Development and Climate Alliance has published a list of standards. GIZ recommends using the standards specified there.

Fee days

Number of experts

Number of days per expert



Worp package 1:

  • Preparation of 4 concept notes
  • Advisory services
  • Promotion of evidence-based inputs
  • Miscelleanous, flexible services







Mainly in the country of assignment (Rwanda), except for international duty trips

Work package 2:

  • Preparation of 2 concept notes
  • Advisory services
  • Support to events
  • Miscelleanous, flexible services






Work package 3:

  • Preparation of 2 concept notes
  • Setting up knowledge mgmt. system
  • Running knowledge mgmt. system
  • Documentation & reporting
  • Promoting outreach
  • Monitoring ann. workplan, indicat.
  • Miscelleanous, flexible services









Travel expenses

Number of experts

Number of days/nights per experts

Amount (RWF)


  • Per-diem allowance in country of assignment, out of Kigali(Rwanda)



25.000 RWF

For activities outside of Kigali (e.g. workshops or intl. travel)

Subsistence lumpsum for mission of 24hours

  • Per-diem allowance out of country of assignment



Depending on the country

  • Overnight allowance in country of assignment (Rwanda)



34.000 RWF

For activities outside of Kigali (e.g. workshops or intl. travel)

per night rate

  • Overnight allowance out of country of assignment



Depending on the country

  • Travel costs (e.g. use of public transport, private vehicle)



For activities outside of Kigali (e.g. workshops or intl. travel)


Number of experts

Number of flights per experts


  • International flights



  • Domestic flights



  • CO2 compensation for air travel

Guidance for GIZ service providers on avoiding, reducing and offsetting GHG emissions (



A budget of up to 280 EUR is earmarked for settling carbon offsets against evidence for all the planned international flights.

Calculate your financial bid exactly in line with the quantitative requirements of the specification of inputs above. There is no contractual right to use up the full days/travel or workshops or budgets. The number of days/travel/workshops and the budgets will be contractually agreed as maximum amounts. The regulations on pricing are contained in the price schedule.

III. Requirements on the format of the tender

The CV submitted for each expert can have a maximum of four pages. The concept (if required) should not exceed five pages. If one of the maximum page lengths is exceeded, the content appearing after the cut-off point will not be included in the assessment. External content (e.g. links to websites) will also not be considered.

Eligibility Criteria (Please you must complete the attached form: Self-declaration of eligibility)

  • Average annual turnover for the last three financial years (last-but-four financial year can be included in case of tenders held within six months of end of last financial year). Worth 20,000,000RWF
  • Average number of employees and managers for the past three calendar years: 1 person (evidence required)
  • Atleast 2 reference projects in the technical field of policy and technical advisory services
  • Atleast 4 reference projects in Rwanda in the last 3 years (evidence required).

Submission of offer: The Expression of Interest should contain the following:

Technical Proposal:

  • A cover letter expressing your interest in this assignment
  • Technical proposal with a brief description of why you would be considered as the most suitable for the assignment, relevant expertise, and a detailed, clear methodology, your approach to complete the assignment, template attached.
  • CV of the Consultants proposed
  • Proof of successful completion of related assignments.
  • VAT Registration certificate
  • Latest tax clearance certificate
  • Company registration certificate (RDB)

Financial Proposal (Template attached): indicates the all-inclusive daily rate, supported by a breakdown of all costs. The costs must be in RWF and VAT

Please submit electronically your EoI (technical & Financial offer) in 2 separated emails and must be in PDF files to this email until latest 16th June 2024

Please you must write on each email subject this sentence:

83466520 Technical/financial offer, without this sentence, your offer may not be considered

Only soft copies will be considered

GIZ reserves all rights

Job Info
Job Category: Tenders in Rwanda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: Friday, June 14 2024
Duty Station: Kigali
Posted: 31-05-2024
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 31-05-2024
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 31-05-2066
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