Development/Adapt and Dissemination of Community-Based Monitoring and Reporting Tool for Delivery of HIV Services and Capacity Development on its Use At RNGOF on HIV/AIDS&HP
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Development/Adapt and Dissemination of Community-Based Monitoring and Reporting Tool for Delivery of HIV Services and Capacity Development on its Use
Rwanda NGO Forum on HIV/AIDS and Health Promotion (RNGOF on HIV/AIDS) created in 1999 is a network of National NGOs Rwanda NGOs Forum on HIV/AIDS and Health Promotion (RNGOF on HIV/AIDS&HP) is one of the 5 umbrellas organizations under which all civil society activities of fighting against HIV/AIDS and the promotion of health in Rwanda are coordinated, monitored and evaluated. It gathers more than 80 National NGO members since it has separated the National NGOs from International and Faith Based Organizations. It is also a member of the Rwanda Civil Society Platform at National level, the Eastern Africa National Network on AIDS Service Organization (EANNASO), African Council on AIDS Service organization (AFRICASO) and International Council on AIDS Service Organization (ICASO) at international level.

In sub-Saharan Africa, the burden of HIV is higher among women than men, and adolescent girls and young women (AGYW) bear the greatest burden of new infections.
For the last two decades, Rwanda's National HIV program has been maturing and is on track to eliminate new infections and reduce AIDS-related deaths considerably. There is still a need to target high-risk groups, including especially adolescent and young women, Female sex workers (FSW), Men who have sex with Men (MSM), and other vulnerable groups. The prevalence of HIV among key populations remains remarkably high in Rwanda, especially in Kigali: an integrated behavior and biological study were done. However, the bulk of HIV remained exceptionally the highest in Kigali (55%), yet these women were sexually active with multiple unknown male partners from all sites of the country.
Key and vulnerable populations including Female Sex Workers (FSWs), Adolescent Girls and Young women (AGWY), PLHIV are subject to gender-based discrimination and violence that leaves them vulnerable to poor health and limited access to health services. Among the different types of service provision, community-based service delivery approaches have gained more recognition as an evidence-based intervention to achieve positive health outcomes for Adolescent Girls and Young Women and FSWs. Specific community-based HIV testing service delivery models include static facilities, outreaches through moonlight services, outreaches to safe spaces, bars, clubs, lodges, brothels, and Camps (using a mobile van), and peer to peer mechanism have been designed and implemented. Community-based and peer-led approaches in HIV service delivery among FSW and AGYW has an established evidence base towards improved uptake of HIV services.
Human rights violations, including gender inequality and gender-based violence, constitute major vulnerabilities to HIV infection, as well as major barriers to HIV and other health services. Key population programs should be designed to support key and vulnerable population programming and be gender-responsive, that is, designed in a way that also responds to the gendered dimensions of risk and access to health services.
Key and vulnerable populations need to be provided with an opportunity to share feedback on quality of services in terms of accessibility and delivery of health care services. The current project will develop, disseminate and ensure successful use of a monitoring and reporting tool that will put into consideration all aspects related to human rights and gender-based violence hindering access to HIV service delivery key and vulnerable populations at community level and health facility level.

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RNGOF on HIV/AIDS&HP jobs in Rwanda

about Rwanda NGOs Forum on HIV/AIDS and Health Promotion
Rwanda NGOs Forum on HIV/AIDS and Health Promotion (RNGOF on HIV/AIDS & HP) which is a National Network of 139 National NGOs decentralized up to District level. The Forum promotes, coordinates, monitor and evaluates activities of NGOs and beneficiaries engaged in the fight of HIV/AIDS, Health Promotion, Social Protection, Human Rights, Research as well as builds Capacity, networks and advocates for the NGO members and beneficiaries involved in HIV/AIDS, Health Promotion response, Social Protection, Human Rights, Research to meaningfully engage in policy development for better living conditions of most affected communities.
RNGOF on HIV/AIDS & HP was recently selected by the UN Women to implement a project on developing, disseminating, and ensuring the successful use of a monitoring and reporting tool that will put into consideration all aspects related to human rights and gender-based violence hindering access to HIV service delivery to key and vulnerable populations at the community level and health facility level. The project will be implemented in 3 districts including Rubavu, Nyagatare and Ruhango Districts.
It is against this fact that Rwanda NGOs Forum on HIV/AIDS & Health Promotion in collaboration with Rwanda Biomedical Center (RBC) with the support from UN Women is hiring a consultant to assist in development/adapting, disseminating and trainings on community based monitoring and reporting tools that will put into consideration all aspects related to human rights and gender-based violence hindering access to HIV service delivery to key and vulnerable populations at the community and health facility level.


General Objective
The main objective is to develop/adapt, disseminate the Community based M&E, and reporting tools for HIV services delivery among key and vulnerable groups at community and health facility levels, and train leaders of CSOs, and provide training on their use in 3 districts.

Specific Objectives

1. To develop/adapt, validate and disseminate community based monitoring and reporting tools for access to and delivery of HIV/AIDS services with Human Rights and Gender approach among key and vulnerable populations at the community and health facility levels.
2. To build capacity through training CSOs leaders and groups supporting Key and Vulnerable Populations including AGYW, FSWs with inclusion of MSM living or affected with HIV on the use of monitoring and reporting tools for delivery of HIV/AIDS services with respect to Human Rights and Gender approach at the community and health facility levels

Expected outcomes
1. A comprehensive community-based monitoring and reporting tools for HIV service delivery is developed/adapted and used by community organizations working with key and vulnerable populations for data collection and monitoring will be availed.
2. Targeted CSOs leaders and peer educators working with key population in 3 districts (Rubavu, Nyagatare and Ruhango) will have adequate skills in community-based monitoring and reporting tool for HIV service delivery and are able to apply it for data collection and reporting
3. Targeted Health care providers working with key populations from Nyagatare and Rubavu districts will have increased knowledge of the community based monitoring& reporting tools, and are skilled in their use for delivery of HIV/AIDS services

Gender Mainstreaming
In accordance with Rwanda NGOs Forum gender Policy (2016), Rwanda NGOs Forum on HIV/AIDS and Health Promotion requests the consultant to mainstream a gender and human rights approaches in and during execution of assigned tasks.

Scope of assignment
RNGOF on HIV/AIDS & HP is looking for a high caliber individual consultant/consultancy firm to Development/adapt and dissemination of community-based monitoring and reporting tool for delivery of HIV services and capacity development on its use in Nyagatare, Ruhango and Rubavu districts.

Expected results:
The specific results include:
• Assignment Report
• Validated community based M&E and reporting tools for access to and delivery of HIV/AIDS services with Human Rights and Gender approach among key and vulnerable populations at the community and health facility levels.
• Training report for CSOs leaders and groups supporting Key and Vulnerable Populations including AGYW, FSWs with inclusion of MSM living or affected with HIV on the use of monitoring and reporting tools for delivery of HIV/AIDS services with respect to Human Rights and Gender approach at the community and health facility levels


The Consultant will develop a conceptual framework including a detailed methodology, work instruments, work plan, analytical plan and development plan. He or she will present a draft document and a final document to be discussed by stakeholders involved in implementation of HIV Prevention interventions. Summary document and reference materials will also be prepared for ease of use. The specific deliverables will include:
1. Assignment Report
2. Validated community based M&E and reporting tools for access to and delivery of HIV/AIDS services with Human Rights and Gender approach among key and vulnerable populations at the community and health facility levels.
3. Training report for CSOs leaders and groups supporting Key and Vulnerable Populations including AGYW, FSWs with inclusion of MSM living or affected with HIV on the use of monitoring and reporting tools for delivery of HIV/AIDS services with respect to Human Rights and Gender approach at the community and health facility levels


1. The consultants should meet representatives of the management team of Rwanda NGOs forum on HIV/AIDS and Health Promotion at its main offices located at KG 190 St in Kigali at the before the beginning and at the end of execution of the task to discuss on the objectives of the consultancy and deliverables.
2. The Consultant is required to work closely together with Rwanda NGOs Forum, UN Women and RBC as a team during the assignment, and to organize joint schedule so as to deliver quality deliverables.

Qualification, Knowledge, Skills and Experience
Qualifications and skills
• Master’s Degree in public health, international development, or a related field
• Specialization in the HIV/AIDS sector
• Demonstrated Experience with the development of monitoring and evaluation (M&E) frameworks and research in gender and development
• Proven competencies in facilitation skills especially with rural populations:
• Sound knowledge of national and international women’s rights and gender equality-related legislation and instruments
• An ability to write in a clear and concise manner; excellent English writing skills
• Excellent interpersonal/diplomatic skills and ability to establish effective working relationships with people in a multi-cultural environment
• Fluency in English (spoken and written) is compulsory
• Excellent knowledge and skills in gender issues
• Experience in working with CSOs and Key Populations

General professional experience

• A minimum of 5 years’ professional experience in the fight against HIV/AIDS related field
• A minimum of 5 years’ professional experience in conducting Research; Studies Assessments, and M&E-related responsibilities
• Experience in mainstreaming the gender and human right approaches with specific action
• Having outstanding event facilitation skills

Specific professional experience

• Previous experience in strategic planning especially development of M&E framework of a health-related civil society organization or network preferably in the HIV/AIDS sector
• Previous experience conducting studies, research or assessment of health-related within civil society organizations and key populations preferably in the HIV/AIDS sector
• Previous experience in facilitation of workshops for vulnerable groups
• Good command of Excel

Working Language

The working language for this assignment will be English.

Selection criteria

Applications will be assessed on cost reasonableness (30%) and technical competence (70%)

Timeframe (Duration of the Assignment)
This assignment is expected to be implemented within a timeframe of forty one (41) working days starting from the date of signing the consultancy contract. The consultant will be required to work closely with RNGOF on HIV/AIDS & HP /Supervising staff with guidance of RBC/HIV division.
He/she will also be working remotely for assignment preparation, as well as finalizing and writing the assignment report.

Application requirements
The application file will be comprised of;
• Letter expressing interest to carry out the consultancy service required;
• Detailed CV (maximum 3 pages) of the responsible consultant
• A brief proposal written in English describing the background, methodology and timeline (maximum 5 pages)
• Price quotations for the consultancy service required
• Copy of national Identity card/ or Passport of the consultant
• Valid proof documents of completion of similar assignments
• Proposals (technical and financial proposal) should be submitted in a properly sealed envelope bearing the name of the consultancy and the name of the consultant/firm and ensure acknowledgement of the receipt.
Documents will be submitted to the headquarters of the RNGOF on HIV/AIDS & HP KG 190 St-Gasabo- Kigali not later than September 7th, 2022, at 11:00 am Kigali local time. Terms of Performa
• The effective date of the terms of reference and statement of work will be the date of contract signature by RNGOF on HIV/AIDS & HP
• Quality of deliverables must be ensured by the consultant

Report Submission

The final report of the assessment should be a maximum 35 pages, excluding annexes, and should be written in English. It should contain an executive summary of a maximum 2 pages. The report should follow the following format:
• Title page
• Table of contents
• List of Table
• List of figures
• Acronym list
• Short description of reviewers
• Executive Summary
• Introduction/context
• Objectives
• Methods
• Findings
• Constraints
• Summary
• Conclusions and recommendations
• Annexes

Approved on 01nd September 2022
BY: Kabanyana Nooliet
Executive Secretary
Rwanda NGOs Forum on HIV/AIDS and Health Promotion


Job Info
Job Category: Tenders in Rwanda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 12 September 2022
Duty Station: Kigali
Posted: 02-09-2022
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 02-09-2022
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 02-09-2056
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