Consulting Services to Develop a Feasibility Study for Construction of A Nhls Building tender at The Rwanda Biomedical Centre (RBC)
627 Days Ago
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Request For Expressions Of Interest (Consulting Services - Firms Selection)

Country: Rwanda

Name Of Project: Eib-Rwanda Health Resilience Project

Assignment Title: Consulting Services To Develop A Feasibility Study For Construction Of A Nhls Building

Reference No. 03/C/REOI/2022/2023/RBC

Dear consultant,

The Rwanda Biomedical Centre (RBC) has received financing from the European Investment Bank toward the cost of the Rwanda Health Resilience Project, and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consulting services.

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The Rwanda Biomedical Centre (RBC) jobs in Rwanda

The consulting services ("the Services") include the following:

The aim of this consultancy is to provide with RBC the expertise in the initial development of the project through carrying out a comprehensive feasibility study of the NHLS Project which will inform the process of acceptance, and/or modifications of the initial concept prior to embarking on the further phases of the detailed design, construction, and operation. Following the first step, the outcomes of this assignment will support the client in taking the informed decisions for the next stages of the project.

The NHLS feasibility study shall cover the major components including a technical feasibility, economic feasibility including cost-benefit analysis, legal feasibility, operational feasibility as well as project scheduling feasibility.

The proposed duration of the assignment is twenty-four (24) calendar weeks (approximately 6 months) from the expected commencement date of September 2023.

The detailed Terms of Reference (TOR) for the assignment are available on or at the SPIU-Secretariat.

The Rwanda Biomedical Centre now invites eligible consulting firms ("Consultants") to indicate their interest in providing the Services. Interested Consultants should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services.

Pre-qualification criteria are as follows:

Criteria/Document Eligibility

General Experience (Bidder to submit a filled and duly signed: Annex-2 Previous Reference Projects Form)

Specific Experience of the firm in Biosafety Laboratory Projects (Bidder to submit a filled and duly signed: Annex-2 Previous Reference Projects Form)

Consultant's technical capacity to undertake to the feasibility study including the conceptual design (Bidder to submit a filled and duly signed: Annex-3 Overview of their company's structure)


Certificate of Company registration in their country of incorporation (e.g., with Rwanda Development Board for local firms). The candidate must provide evidence to prove the following:

That itself and its legal representative have not been convicted for some of the criminal acts as a member of organised criminal group, criminal acts against economy, criminal acts against environment, criminal acts of bribery, criminal acts of fraud.

That it has settled due tax obligations, contributions, and other public charges in accordance with the regulations of Rwanda or foreign state where it has the seat.

The candidate must also prove that it is not bankrupt, subject to insolvency or winding up procedures, its assets are being administered by a liquidator or by a court, it is in an arrangement with creditors, its business activities suspended, or it is in any analogous situation arising from a similar procedure provided for under national legislation or regulations. are

In case of a JV, each member shall satisfy this criterion.

Demonstrate the past general experience in conducting feasibility studies for at least 5 large-scale health care facilities (hospitals or equivalent) or biomedical laboratory projects (each project above 20 million Euros investment costs) completed during the past 10 years.

Consultants must provide the address and contact details of the contracting bodies for each of the completed feasibility studies.

In case of a JV consortium, this criterion shall be met cumulatively by its members.

Having completed at least, the feasibility studies for 2 (two) laboratories with BSL 30r BSL 4 standard during the last 10 years.

Consultants must provide the address and contact details of the contracting bodies for each of the completed Feasibility Studies.

In case of a JV, the JV leader shall had at least completed the feasibility study for 1 (one) laboratory with BSL 3 or BSL 4 standard during the last 10 years. Consultants are required to submit an overview of their company's structure, their main activities, number of personnel proving to have at least one Team Leader, one Lead Architect, one Lead Civil Engineer, Senior Services Engineers (Technical Installations), Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) Expert, one Senior Health Economist, one Senior Laboratory Specialist, Lead Biocontainment Engineer and Lead Biosafety and Biosecurity Specialist. one

In case of a JV consortium, these criteria shall be met cumulatively by its members.

Note: CVs shall not be submitted at the expression of interest stage as it should be evaluated in the next stage as part of the technical proposals.

Financial capacity (Bidder to submit a filled and duly signed Annex-4: Financial Capacity Form)

International, regional and local experience (under the company profile, Annex-2 Previous Reference Projects Form)

Evaluation: Pass/fail basis

Minimum average annual turnover of 500,000 Euro for the past 5 years. The Consultant must submit the audited financial statements for the past 5 years (2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022).

In case of a joint venture or consortium the JV lead shall meet at least 40% of this requirement. Minimum specific experience in developing at least one Feasibility Study for a similar project financed by a Multilateral Development Banks and/or Agencies (e.g., World Bank Group, ADB, EIB, African Development Bank, etc).

In case of a JV, the JV leader shall satisfy this requirement.

In case of the Joint venture, the additional shortlisting criteria shall apply: Submission of the notarized Joint Venture agreement

Tasks and responsibilities of the Team leader and member (s) of the Joint venture shall be specified

The team leader and member (s) shall contribute proportionality as described in the terms of reference

Key Experts will not be evaluated at the shortlisting stage.

Consultants may associate with other firms to enhance their qualifications, but should indicate clearly whether the association is in the form of a joint venture and/or a sub- consultancy. In the case of a joint venture, all the partners in the joint venture shall be jointly and severally liable for the entire contract, if selected.

A Consultant will be selected in accordance with the EIB Guide to Procurement.

The attention of interested Consultants is drawn to the EIB Guide to Procurement, Sections 1.2, 1.4 and 1.5 setting forth the Bank's policy on eligibility of contractors and suppliers of goods and services, ethical conduct and conflict of interest. The EIB Guide to procurement is available at the following electronic address: en.pdf

More specifically, the Bank requires compliance with the Bank's Anti-Fraud Policy and its Exclusion Policy, which are publicly available at the following electronic address:

The Consultant shall include in its Expression of interest the EIB Covenant of Integrity (as per Annex 3 of the EIB Guide to Procurement), duly dated and signed. In case of a Joint Venture (JV), the Covenant of Integrity must be signed by each JV member. It should be noted that, in the Covenant of Integrity, the Consultant is requested to self-declare all sanctions and/or exclusions (including any similar decisions having the effect of imposing conditions on the Consultant or its subsidiaries or to exclude the said Consultant or its subsidiaries, such as temporary suspension, conditional non-exclusion, etc.) imposed by the European institutions or any multilateral development banks (including the World Bank Group, the African Development Bank, the Asian Development Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, European Investment Bank or Inter-American Development Bank), regardless of the date of issue and the expiration or not of such decisions and of the current status of any sanction and/or exclusion. In this regard, any omission or misrepresentation, made knowingly or recklessly, may be considered as fraud under the EIB Anti-Fraud Policy. Therefore, the Client reserves the right to reject any offer presenting an inaccurate or incomplete Covenant of Integrity, and may cause the rejection of the offer for prohibited conduct.

Further information can be obtained at the address below during office hours from 9:00 am (7:00 am GMT) to 5:00 pm (3:00 pm GMT).

Expressions of interest must be delivered in a written form to the address below (in person) by 26/07/2023 at 11:00 local time.

Office: SPIU Secretariat

Attn: Deputy Director General

KG 644st

P.0.Box 7162, Kigali- Rwanda

Tel: (+250)738507113/738565704 E-mail:

If a Consultant wishes to make a Procurement-related Complaint, the Consultant shall submit its complaint in Writing (by the quickest means available, such as by email or fax), to:

Office: SPIU Secretariat

Attn: Deputy Director General

KG 644st

P.0.Box 7162, Kigali- Rwanda Tel: (+250)738507113/738565704


More particularly, Consultants should alert the Client in writing, with a copy to the European Investment Bank, in case they should consider that certain clauses or provisions of the Request for Expressions of Interest and/or TORS might limit international competition or introduce an unfair advantage to some Consultants.

If the complainant is not satisfied with the Client's outcome, or response, it is entitled to escalate its complaint to the Independent Review Panel.

Independent Review Panel

KN3 Av Kigali, Rwanda

10th Floor, Grand Pension Plaza P.o.Box: 4276


Procedures to be followed for submitting a complaint to the Independent Review Panel are described in the law n°031/2022 of 21/11/2022 governing public procurement in Rwanda available on the following link:



Job Info
Job Category: Tenders in Rwanda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: Monday, July 10 2023
Duty Station: Kigali
Posted: 26-06-2023
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 26-06-2023
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 26-06-2066
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