Consultancy to Develop the CRPD Alternative Report tender at National Union of Disability Organizations in Rwanda (NUDOR)
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  1. Summary

Name of the project

Strengthening the national coalition to monitor the implementation of the GDS-18  commitments  and the concluding observations in line with CRPD

Title of the consultancy

Consultancy to develop the CRPD alternative report


National consultant

Location of the consultancy

 Kigali city


40 working days

Starting date

30th January, 2024

Closing date

15th March, 2024

  1. Introduction 

A. NUDOR Background

The National Union of the Disability Organizations of Rwanda (NUDOR) was established as a civil society organization in September 2010 by 8 National organizations of Persons with Disabilities and currently has 15-member organizations.

Through its interventions, NUDOR aims at achieving its vision and mission which are respectively “a society where People with Disabilities enjoy equal human rights, opportunities and full participation as other citizens” while its mission is “to serve as a voice of member organizations to advocate for disability rights, inclusion of all aspects of life and their full and effective engagement in sustainable development programs”.

Our response / strategic objectives: In line to needs of persons with disabilities and their organizations, as well as the Sustainable Development Goals and the National Strategy for transformation, the following are strategic objectives that will drive our work in the years to come: 

  • Strategic objective 1: Advocate for comprehensive inclusive and special Education to ensure equitable access for all children and adults with disabilities in Rwanda.
  • Strategic objective 2: Advocate for Accessible, quality and equitable Health Services for persons with disabilities to promote health equity and well-being for all.
  • Strategic objective 3: Advocate for increased access to skills development programs, employment opportunities, and appropriate social protection programs for persons with disabilities in Rwanda.
  • Strategic objective 4: Advocate for responsive, inclusive, and equitable Laws, policies and practices that address the diverse needs, perspectives, and participation for persons with disabilities.
  • Strategic objective 5: Enhance governance structures and foster organizational development initiatives to ensure strategic alignment, operational efficiency, and sustainable growth. 

Cross thematic areas: Following are cross thematic areas that inspired the development of our theory of change and the overall strategy: Gender equality; Community based Inclusive Development; Advocacy& Diversity. 

B. Project Background 

The Government of Rwanda ratified the UNCRPD (United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disability) on 15th December 2008.

This gave a mandate to the Government to develop the initial state report on CRPD implementation progress which it has done and submitted to UNCRPD Committee on 15th October 2015.

In Articles 33.3, the UNCRPD gives the mandate to the fact that “Civil Society, in particular persons with disabilities and their representative organizations, to be involved and participate fully in the monitoring process of the CRPD implementation.” From that, NUDOR initiated the process of developing the Alternative report (Alternative report) on the implementation progress of the convention that has submitted to UNCRPD committee of Geneva on 31st August 2018.

At the end, this process led to having the concluding observations for Rwanda issued by the UNCRPD Committee in April 2019.

In partnership with VSO and NCPD, NUDOR conducted workshops to develop the roadmap of the implementation plan of mentioned concluding observations. The final document is made on 14th June 2019 and submitted to MINALOC for validation. The validation of the document is done in 2020 and then shared by MINALOC to all government institutions for implementation.

In the same context, in 2022, NUDOR conducted the assessment of the implementation progress of the developed road map. Based on this assessment, the alternative report was developed and shared with NCPD, MINALOC and UNCRPD committee /Geneva.

In respect of article 35 of the CRPD, each state party shall submit subsequent reports at least every four years and further whenever the Committee so requests. In this regard, the government of Rwanda is under development the state report combining second, third, fourth report on implementation of the united nation’s convention on the rights of persons with disabilities in Rwanda. After government submission, NUDOR is committed to submit a alternative report to compliment the UNCRPD State report.

C. Activity description

The journey to develop the CRPD alternative report started in June 2023. The methodology to use is the Disability Rights Promotion International (DRPI) which is a collaborative project working to establish a comprehensive and sustainable international system to monitor the human rights of people with disabilities. This approach will examine each of the 3 human rights monitoring areas such as individual violations focus, systems focus and media focus. Up to now, NUDOR team already collected data in those three areas mentioned above. Based on the findings from the three monitoring areas, NUDOR would like to develop three separate reports: (1) Monitoring Individual Experiences report, (2) Monitoring Systemic report and (3) Monitoring Societal Attitudes report. From those 3 reports and other source of information, NUDOR will develop the CRPD alternative report to be submitted to the CRPD committee/ Geneva.

It is in this regard NUDOR is looking for a qualified independent national consultant who will develop the 3 reports and then the CRPD alternative report. This activity will be technically organised by NUDOR and funded by the Disability Right Funds.  

  1. Objective of the consultancy assignment

The main objective of the consultancy is to develop the reports describing the progress made by the government of Rwanda in fulfilling its obligations under the convention on the rights of persons with disabilities and to identify areas where further actions might be needed. 

  1. Deliverables of the consultancy

The deliverables of the consultancy are the following:

  1. To develop the individual experiences on disability rights monitoring report based on the existing data
  2. To develop the monitoring systemic report based on the existing findings.
  3. To develop the monitoring societal attitudes report based on the existing finding.
  4. To develop alternative report to be submitted to the CRPD committee/ Geneva based on the 3 mentioned reports and other possible source of information
  5. To present separately the four draft reports to NUDOR team and NUDOR stakeholders
  6. To address all comments from the validation meetings. 
  1. Task and responsibilities

4.1 NUDOS must fulfill the following tasks.

Tasks of the consultant

To brief the consultant on the available data to be analyzed for the development of reports

To share relevant documents, information and contacts that are helpful to effectively perform his/her assignment

To work closely with the consultant at every stage to monitor the process

To organize, conduct and participate to the validation meetings

To respect provisions of the contract including payment modalities

4.2 The consultant must fulfill the following tasks.

Tasks of the consultant


Tentative time

To produce an inception report describing the study methodologies, and data collection tools, proposed time frame, etc.  

Inception report  outlining the project plan, objectives, methodology nd timeline of the work

5 days

To develop the 3 draft reports on CRPD individual experience monitoring, systemic monitoring and  societal attitudes monitoring

Three separate draft reports

15 days

To present the 3 draft reports to NUDOR technical team for inputs

Consensus reached on the reports

1 days

To present 3 draft reports for validation

Draft report

1 days

To consider feedback from the validation workshop and submit the 3 final reports

Final report

2 days

To develop the CRPD alternative report


10 days

To present the draft alternative report to NUDOR technical team for inputs


1 days

To presentant the draft report for validation of 

Draft report

1 days

To consider feedback from the validation workshop and submit the final report

Final report

3 days

Final reports submission

Final reports

1 days



40 days

5. Methodologies

The consultant will write the reports based on gathered information involves organizing, analyzing, and presenting qualitative data in a coherent and informative manner. Formatting report will involve presenting information in a clear, organized, and professional as per the CRPD alternative report guidelines.

6. Time line 







Requesting profile

30th January to 14th  Feb/2024




Submitting profile by consultant

14th Feb 2024




Tender meeting to select the qualified consultant & eport development

15th feb 2024




Contract signing

22nd  feb 2024




Briefing meeting with the consultant on the available data to be analyzed for the development of reports

23rd  Feb 2024




To produce an inception report describing the methodologies, proposed time frame, etc.  

24-27th  feb 2024




To develop the 3 draft reports on CRPD individual experience monitoring, systemic monitoring and  societal attitudes monitoring

28th Feb- 12 March, 2024




To present the 3 draft reports to NUDOR technical team for inputs

15th March,024




To present 3 draft reports for validation

19th March,2024




To consider feedback from the validation workshop and submit the 3 final reports

20th-22nd to March 2024




To develop the CRPD alternative report

23rd March to 3rd April,2024




To present the draft alternative report to NUDOR technical team for inputs

4th April,2024




To presentant the draft report for validation of 

5th May,2024




To consider feedback from the validation workshop and submit the final report

8thth-10th April,2024




Final reports submission

15th April,2024



7. Selection criteria

A. Administrative requirements

  • Bid submission letter.
  • Original or a certified copy of the Social Security certificate
  • Original or a certified copy of the tax clearance certificate
  • Proof for EBM utilization
  • Copy of Trading License
  • Proof of payment of Rwf 10,000 (bank slip) for the tender document. To be deposit on account number: 100009102234/ NUDOR- Administration, opened at BK 

B. Technical requirements

The technical proposal will be composed by the following documents:

  • General experience of the consultant /firm (Demonstrated research experience in both quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis in Rwandan community context): 25 points.
  • Relevant experience in similar services (Good knowledge of disability rights monitoring in Rwanda, Familiarity with Alternative/ shadow report development proven by at least one reference of similar tenders executed): 25 points.
  • Quality of the methodology proposed (Description of the Approach, Methodology and Work Plan for Performing the Assignment): 25 points.
  • Qualifications and experience of the key personnel proposed for the mission (Team Composition and Task Assignments, curriculum vitae for proposed professional staff, Work schedule): 25 points.

Total points for the four criteria: 100 points 

C. Financial proposal (30 points)

This proposal will include a summary of the cost and breakdown of costs by activity (to be determined by the bidder according to the sequence of the activities).

8. Evaluation of the proposals

This tender will be guided by the QCBS (Quality-Cost Based Selection) method. The lowest evaluated Financial Proposal (Fm) will be given the maximum financial score (Sf) of 100 points. The financial scores (Sf) of the other Financial Proposals will be computed as indicated in the Data Sheet. Proposals will be ranked according to their combined technical (St) and financial (Sf) scores using the weights (T = the weight given to the Technical Proposal; P = the weight given to the Financial Proposal; T + P = 1) indicated in the Data Sheet: S = St x T% + Sf x P%. The Consultant achieving the highest combined technical and financial score will be invited for negotiations.

Please not that:

  • The minimum technical score required to pass is: 70.
  • The formula for determining the financial scores is the following: Sf = 100 x Fm / F, in which Sf is the financial score, Fm is the lowest price and F the price of the proposal under consideration.
  • The weights given to the technical and Financial Proposals are T= 0.8 and P= 0.2

9. Remuneration 

The payments will be made upon successful completion of the deliverables and submission of invoices. After the agreement on the inception report, NUDOR will proceed for the advance payment of 30% as of the single total awarded contract as advance. Other payment terms will be made as provided in the terms of the contract.

 NUDOR reserves the rights to withhold all or part of the payment if the consultant fails to submit the deliverable.  Taxes related to this consultancy will be calculated, declared, and paid to RRA according to the taxation regulations in Rwanda. 

10. Supervision and collaboration

The consultant will work under the supervision of the DRF project Manager in collaboration with the Research and Advocacy Manager and the Capacity Building Manager. NUDOR will have the final decision concerning successful delivery and the quality of all deliverables. The outline of all deliverables should be agreed with senior management before the work.

Consultant should build time for discussion before starting each deliverable and for review and sign-off feedback of the different deliverables.

11. Application process

The applicants should submit their profiles in one big envelope containing inside other two (2) separate envelopes well sealed: One envelope for technical proposal profile and another for the financial proposal costs for assignment. The deadline of submission must not later than 13th March 2024 at 10:00 AM.  Late bids will not be received. Bids will be opened in the presence of bidders or their representatives who choose to attend the NUDOR meeting room on 13th March 2024 at 10:00 am. Bidding will be conducted in accordance with NUDOR Procurement policy.

Done at Kigali, on January 30th, 2024.

NSENGIYUMVA Jean Damascene

Executive Secretary

Job Info
Job Category: Tenders in Rwanda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: Thursday, February 29 2024
Duty Station: Kigali
Posted: 31-01-2024
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 31-01-2024
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 31-01-2066
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