Consultancy of baseline survey to YWCA of Rwanda
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Consultancy of baseline survey to YWCA of Rwanda
Young Women’s Christian Association of Rwanda (YWCA), is a non-profit organization that works at the grassroots level. It is a volunteer membership organization for women and girls established in 1995 and legally recognized by the Government of Rwanda in 2005.

2023 Knowledge Attitude and Practice (KAP) Baseline Survey for the DREAMS USAID/Igire-Wiyubake ActivityTerms of Reference
1. Activity Background
THRIVE OVC & DREAMS Activity (ODA) locally named as USAID/Igire-Wiyubake (Be resilient) project is a five-year, USAID-funded project which aims to prevent new HIV infections and reduce vulnerability among OVC and their households and AGYW in high HIV burden districts in Kicukiro District.
USAID/Igire-Wiyubake’s activities in Kicukiro District aim to reduce vulnerability and HIV incidence among OVC and adolescent girls and young women (AGYW), contributing to HIV epidemic control. USAID/Igire-Wiyubake’s program provides support to improve the health and wellbeing of OVC and their families as related to the risk of HIV and violence. USAID/Igire-Wiyubake’s also supports DREAMS (Determined, Resilient, Empowered, AIDS-free, Mentored and Safe) programming to empower AGYW to reduce their risk of HIV, sexual violence, and to become more economically independent and resilient.
In Kicukiro, OVC & DREAMS Activity (ODA) locally named as USAID/Igire-Wiyubake is implemented by YWCA Rwanda.
USAID/Igire-Wiyubake aims to prevent new HIV infections and reduce vulnerability among OVC and their households and AGYW in high HIV burden districts in Rwanda. The USAID/Igire-Wiyubake adheres to the theory of change of the ODA Activity stipulating that: IF most vulnerable households caring for OVC and at-risk AGYW adopt critical health practices and can access and utilize essential services; and IF at-risk adolescents and youth have health, education and economic opportunities; and IF community and government institutions are better able to prevent and respond to violence against children and youth and improve coordination of health and social services, THEN new HIV infections will be prevented and vulnerability will be reduced among OVC and AGYW

2. Rwandan Context
Over the last decade, Rwanda’s national HIV program has made tremendous achievements in accelerated scale-up of HIV testing, immediate linkage to antiretroviral treatment (ART) for those testing positive (test and treat), and other evidence-based prevention and treatment interventions such as condom availability, targeted HIV testing and index testing, scale up of prevention of mother to child transmission interventions, Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision (VMMC), and mass community education with specific focus towards key populations, these interventions have resulted in increased ART coverage, a decreased proportion of People Living With HIV (PLHIV) with unsuppressed viral loads, stable/declining HIV prevalence, and progress towards the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) 90–90–90 targets.

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Young Women’s Christian Association of Rwanda jobs in Rwanda

The Rwanda Population-Based HIV Impact Assessment (RPHIA), a national household-based survey, which was conducted between October 2018 and March 2019 [1]showed that annual incidence of HIV among adults (defined as those aged 15-64 years) in Rwanda was 0.08%. This corresponds to approximately 5,400 new cases of HIV annually among adults in Rwanda. The prevalence of HIV among adults in Rwanda was 3.0%. This corresponds to approximately 210,200 adults living with HIV in Rwanda with more women (3.7%) than men (2.2%) living with HIV. Prevalence of HIV among young adolescents (those aged 10-14 years) was 0.4%, corresponding to approximately 5,900 young adolescents living with HIV in Rwanda, for a total of 216,000 people living with HIV among those aged 10-64 years. Prevalence of viral load suppression (VLS) among all HIV-positive adults was 76.0%: 79.1% among women and 70.5% among men. The Rwanda Demographic and Health Survey (2019/2020) shows only 64% each of women and men aged 15-49 have comprehensive knowledge about the modes of HIV transmission and prevention, 68% of women and 56% of men know that HIV can be transmitted during pregnancy, labor/delivery, or breastfeeding. Additionally, 94% of women and 92% of men know that the risk of mother-to-child transmission can be reduced by the mother taking drugs whereas 59% of young women and 57% of young men aged 15-24 have comprehensive knowledge of HIV.
The above mentioned results are from a national representative from RPHIA conducted in 2018-2019. It’s been three (3) years since the last national representative assessment (RPHIA). USAID/Igire-Wiyubake Activity recognizes that knowledge, attitudes, and practices shift/change over time and differ from one context to another. It is against this background the USAID/Igire-Wiyubake Activity under YWCA Rwanda is recruiting a qualified individual consultant/firm to conduct a DREAMS baseline Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices (KAP) survey in Kicukiro district.

3. Background on the DREAMS baseline KAP survey
During the Quarter of FY23 (October – December 2022), USAID/Igire-Wiyubake Activity enrolled 13,692 AGYW to receive DREAMS services in Kicukiro district. These AGYW are expected to receive a broad range of evidence-based services/interventions through training provided by mentors at safe spaces and individualized services based on need either directly from USAID/Igire-Wiyubake or through referrals to other service providers.
USAID/Igire-Wiyubake aims toconduct a Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices (KAP) baseline survey to understand the living conditions of the AGYW, AGYW sexual behaviours and access to youth friendly SRHR services, parenting practices of the AGYW caregivers, the context, and opportunities available in the communities in which the girls live. The results from the assessment will be used by USAID/Igire-Wiyubake to better target the beneficiaries and adapt materials and approaches to address the identified gaps.The survey will target newly enrolled AGYW aged 10-24 years in FY23 to receive DREAMS services/interventions.

The objectives of the study are to:
1. To assess the level of knowledge of AGYW on HIV prevention, care and treatment, SRHR and access to services, GBV prevention and response, and Financial education.
2. To examine the attitude of AGYW towards HIV prevention, care and treatment, SRHR and access to services, GBV prevention and response, and Financial education.
3. To assess the level of adaptation (practices)in regards to HIV prevention, care and treatment, SRHR and access to services, GBV prevention and response, and Financial education.
4. To develop key recommendations that will inform the USAID/Igire-Wiyubake Activity DREAMS programming and implementation.

4. Domains to be included in the DREAMS baseline KAP survey
Domains to Include in the BaselineSurvey:
1. School attendance
2. Social asset and life skills
3. Economic strengthening activities
4. Financial literacy
5. HIV/AIDS knowledge
6. Sexual practices & access to SRHR services
7. Usage of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis
8. Family Planning
9. GBV prevention & response

5. Geographic Focus of the study
The individual consultant/firm will be required to conduct a AGYW-based KAP baseline survey in Kicukiro District in Kigali city, based on the specific objectives stated in this terms of reference.The Consultant’s technical approach to the conduct of survey should include processes for: sampling, fieldwork, data collectionand analysis and report preparation and dissemination of the results.

6. Scope of Work
The individual consultant/Firm will work closely with the USAID/Igire-Wiyubake MEL team as well as the DREAMS team to review, update and customize the existing KAP baseline survey questionnaires used in the previous years to the current context of the Activity being implemented. The questionnaire will be designed for AGYW aged 10-24 years with survey questions customized for each age band (10-14, 15-19, and 20-24) and age-appropriate services. The Individual consultant/Firm will work closely with the USAID/Igire-Wiyubake MEL team to configure the questionnaire in KoBoCollect[2]and link it to the Rwanda DREAMS Tracking System (RDTS)[3]. The questionnaire will be administered in Kinyarwanda Languageand will not last more than 45 minutes per respondent/AGYW.
The Individual consultant/Firm will also work hand in hand with 166 DREAMS mentors that will administer the questionnaire while using their mobile devices.
The scope of the work has been outlined below but is not limited to following:
Preparation for data collection
• Literature review and desk study of existing KAP baseline Survey reports for FY21 & FY22, data and information, and preparation of data collection tools

Data collection

Data collection will be done in Kicukiro district targeting only newly enrolled AGYW that are receiving DREAMS interventions/services. A list of the newly enrolled AGYW extracted from RDTS will be shared with the Individual consultant/Firm for survey sampling purposes.
Work closely with mentors to schedule interviews at different times during the day for the sampled beneficiaries to participate in the survey.
Set up a meeting with USAID/Igire-Wiyubake staff and field staff to synthesize the data collection process and set a timeframe to disseminate survey results to the targeted stakeholders and share recommendations.

Data analysis
Data cleaning and coding; questions may be asked to interviewers at this point to fix discrepancies in the data
Qualitative data should be summarized into thematic area
Results compiled into graphs, figures, tables, etc. and data interpretation follows.
The analysis would provide details on key variables which will be advised during the review inception report

Production of the survey report
Using the above mentioned domains of the KAP baseline survey report will be produced by consultant and USAID/Igire-Wiyubake technical staff will contribute by providing technical inputs.
The draft survey report will be produced and shared with all relevant staff/stakeholders for comments, where a workshop on results sharing may be appropriate to collect comments before the final report is produced and distributed.

7. Expected outputs - Deliverables
A detailed Inception report showing the methodology with research tools (questionnaires; interview guide) and approach to conduct the assignment. The inception report should also include ethical considerations, literature review showing existing findings on knowledge, attitudes, and practices of AGYW in the context of the Activity, which will constitute the Activity’s base for a monitoring and evaluation plan. The inception report will also include a detailed action plan with timeline to accomplish all assigned tasks. The approved inception report will be submitted in 3 days after signingthe contract.
Data collection, analysis and Draft USAID/Igire-Wiyubake DREAMS KAP Baseline Survey report including the research findings. The client will review the report and provide comments and inputs to be addressed by the consultant. The draft report will be submitted 21 days after submission and approval of the inception report.
Final USAID/Igire-Wiyubake DREAMS KAP Baseline Survey report and a PowerPoint Presentation on key findings should be submitted in English and should cover:
• Research findings from qualitative and quantitative data collected during the survey
• A set of actionable recommendations that can be incorporated into activity design and implementation to ensure improvement of comprehensive service delivery for AGYW and more specifically as it relates to HIV prevention as well as equitable access to health care/clinical services and access to SRHR services, GBV prevention and response in Kicukiro district.
The approved final DREAMS KAP Survey report with qualitative andquantitative raw data will be submitted in 6 days after submission and approval of the draft report.
8. Timeframe
This assignment is to be implemented in 30 days

9. Qualifications and Experience
The Individual Consultant(s) for firms should possess at least a Master’s degree in any of the following areas – Public Health and other medical related field, Bio-statistics, Sociology, Development studies, Demography or a related discipline with an emphasis on qualitative and quantitative research methods.
The Consultant must have experience with managing and conducting national KAP surveys.
10. Essential Requirements & Evaluation Criteria
The Individual Consultant(s) for firms should possess at least a Master’s degree in any of the following areas – Public Health and other medical related field, Bio-statistics, Sociology, Development studies, Demography or a related discipline with an emphasis on qualitative and quantitative research methods
• The Consultant (s) must be experienced in conducting health or social surveys within the Rwanda or East African region
• Prior experience of conducting KAP survey or working with USAID funded projects, especially DREAMS is an added advantage.
• Knowledge and application of research methods.
• Experience in the Statistical Package for Social Sciences.
• Excellent Project management skills
• Excellent reporting and technical writing skills
• Experience analysing national datasets
• Ability to work in a team
• Excellent interpersonal skills and ability to establish rapport with a range of stakeholders

Administrative Requirements
• Proof of registration certificate from RDB
• Tax clearance certificate
• Sample of EBM invoice
• RSSB clearance certificate for Firms/Companies
The above mentioned criteria must be fully met to be eligible to be assessed for the next step.
Technical & Financial proposal requirements
Technical proposal to include:
• A one-page Consultant’s understanding of the TOR;
• Two pages of the proposed methodology, activities, and expected outcomes a list of key indicators to be assessed during the survey;
• A detailed activities schedule/work plan with time frame (including a Gantt chart);
• A profile of the individual/consulting firm including the full names, physical addresses, telephone numbers, and contact person of the form/company;
• Copy of CVs of all the consultants who will undertake the KAP study (in case of a firm);
• Two previous examples of similar work entrusted by well recognized Organization/NGOs.

Financial proposal detailing:
• Itemized consultant’s fees;
• Itemized field data collection expenses;
• Itemized administration expenses;
• Validity period of quotation;
• Expected payment plan and method;

11. Submission Procedure
Eligible individuals/firms are invited to submit:1)a detailed technical proposal which should include the detailed methodology and evidence of carrying out previous similar activity (add website references or contact references as maybe necessary), an outline of proposed approach for delivering on the objectives, proposed detailed work plan and;2) a financial proposal as separate documents which should be emailed to procurement@ywca.rwby 10:00 a.m. Kigali Time, by 03rd February2023. Please mention “Application for USAID/Igire-Wiyubake DREAMS KAP Baseline Survey” in the email subject.

N.B: The individual consultant(s) will cover all field related costs for him/her including transport and per-diem for himself/herself and data collectors.
Done at Kigali On the 25thJanuary, 2023
Disclaimer: YWCA Rwanda has a zero tolerance to Sexual Exploitation and Abuse of beneficiaries. Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) is everyone’s responsibility and all staff, volunteers, consultants and contractors are required to adhere to the Code of Conduct, that enshrines principles of PSEA, at all times (both during work hours and outside work hours).
The selected Consultants will be required to sign a safeguarding policy prior to any engagement with YWCA Rwanda program/field/beneficiaries.
YWCA Management
[1]Rwanda Population-based HIV Impact Assessment RPHIA 2018-2019
[2]More flexible and user friendly ODK toolkit used to conduct mobile assessments compared to the DHIS2 Android tracker capture application
[3]RDTS is a systems intended to support mentors, field officers, and project management staff in program implementation through capturing and tracking the services delivery for AGYW in DREAMS programming.
Job Info
Job Category: Tenders in Rwanda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 03 febuary 2023
Duty Station: Kigali
Posted: 30-01-2023
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 30-01-2023
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 30-01-2056
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