The supply of office furniture and design for TBI Kigali office at Tony Blair Institute for Global Change
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The supply of office furniture and design for TBI Kigali office.
Tender Return Date And Time (Deadline): April 27TH, 2023, AT NOON Gmt.
Tony Blair Institute for Global Change (“TBI”) is issuing this Invitation to Tender (“ITT”) to various interested suppliers in connection with the procurement of the services (the “Services”) described below.
Each tender (“Tender”) submitted by each supplier who responds to this ITT (each a “Tenderer”) should be detailed enough to allow TBI to make an informed selection of the most appropriate solution. This ITT contains information about the procurement process, and the Services.
Subject to the terms of this ITT, TBI proposes to enter into a contract (the “Contract”) with the successful Tenderer (the “Service Provider”).
The Tony Blair Institute (TBI) is a purpose-driven, not-for-profit organisation, with a mission to equip leaders to build open, prosperous and inclusive societies. We believe that politics done well has the power to transform lives. When governments work well, they are able to create economic and social
change in a way that promotes fairness, social justice and opportunity. We are optimists, and we work relentlessly to support leaders and governments with the challenges they face: giving them practical solutions and actionable insights, that once implemented, can be transformative for their people. For more information, please visit:

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TBI is looking for suppliers or service providers (the “Tenderers”) to submit competitive bids for the supply of office furniture and design work at TBI Offices in Kigali as detailed below:
No. Item description Material U. P
1. Roller separator shelves that are decorative with storage. MDF
2. Balcony banquet chair (L shape) Wood
3. Armchair Wood
4. Highchair + table Wood
5. Coffee table MDF/Wood
6. Conference room TV stand MDF
Counter table Wood with a granite top
8. Washroom cabinet Wood
Extension of the conference room table Black MDF
10. Office cabinet MDF
11. Greenery Indoor and outdoor plants
12. Space design (wall art) Locally made art
13. Air Conditioner for a conference room
Tenderers are required to provide unit cost for the following listed items and the quoted prices should include all applicable taxes.
Tenderers are also required to submit a design proposal that shows a mock-up of the product to be delivered in line with the floorplan attached at ANNEX 1.
Contract details
TBI proposes to enter into one Contract for a maximum period of 2 months with the successful Service Provider; and anticipates that the commencement date of the Services will be 15/05/2023.
Contract award is subject to the formal approval process of TBI. Until all necessary approvals are obtained, no Contract(s) will be entered into. Once TBI has reached a decision in respect of contract award, it will notify all Tenderers of that decision. TBI will not be obliged to discuss reasons for declining any response.
For the avoidance of doubt, the following documents shall form part of the Contract between TBI and the successful Tenderer(s):
1. The Contract and its Schedules;
2. The pricing table (as completed by the successful Tenderer)
Clarifications about the Services or ITT
Regarding requests for clarifications:
(a) any enquiries or requests for clarification of any matters arising from this ITT should be sought from Raissa Uwineza at TBI and must be made in writing by email as follows:
• Contact name: Raissa Uwineza
• Email:
(b) in case the contact person specified above is unavailable, enquiries may be directed to: Alice Kambayire at
(c) the deadline for receipt of clarifications relating to the Services or this ITT is set out in the timetable containing the key dates for this procurement set out in the Key dates table.
(d) TBI will respond to all reasonable clarifications as soon as possible through issuing a document listing Tenderers’ questions (without revealing their identity) and, to the extent relevant to the other Tenderers, TBI’s response to them (the “Clarifications Log”), which will be emailed to all Tenderers. If a Tenderer wishes TBI to treat a clarification as confidential, and not issue the response to all Tenderers, it must state this when submitting the clarification. If, in the opinion of TBI, the clarification is not confidential, TBI will inform the Tenderer and it will have an opportunity to withdraw it. If the clarification is not withdrawn, the response, to the extent relevant to the other Tenderers, will be issued to all Tenderers (without revealing the identity of the Tenderer requesting confidentiality).
(e) Tenderers are advised not to rely on communications from TBI in respect of the Services or ITT unless they are made in accordance with these instructions.
Clarifications about the contents of the Tenders
TBI reserves the right (but shall not be obliged) to seek clarification of any aspect of a Tenderer’s Tender during the evaluation phase. Tenderers are asked to respond to these requests promptly and to avoid vague or ambiguous answers.

Tender Timetable
Key Dates
This procurement will follow a clear, structured and transparent procurement process. The Timetable is currently anticipated to be as follows:
Event Date
ITT issued. 13/04/2023
Deadline for receipt of clarifications. 17/04/2023
Target date for responses to clarifications. 21/04/2023
Deadline for receipt of Tenders. 27/04/2023
Evaluation to identify shortlist and shortlisted tenderers contacted. 02/05/2023
Due diligence completed. 13/05/2023
Notification of contract award decision. 02/05/2023
Target commencement date of the Services. 15/05/2023
Any changes to the procurement Timetable shall be notified to all Tenderers as soon as practicable.
Deadline for receipt of Tenders
Responses to this ITT must arrive at the address and in the manner prescribed under Clause 3.1 no later than the Deadline.
Any Tender received after the Deadline shall not be opened or considered. TBI may, however, in its own absolute discretion extend the Deadline and in these circumstances TBI will notify all Tenderers of any change.

Submission Procedure
1. Submit administrative and other required documents as follows:
• The letter of submission of the tender correctly emailed to the contact above in one folder and in PDF format
• Brief overview of company (company profile) including physical business and postal address
• Latest Business Registration Certificate
• Evidence of Tax registration and valid RRA Tax clearance certificate
• Valid RSSB clearance certificate
• Copy of relevant insurance policy
• Proof of using EBM
• Three (3) proven previous experience with recommendations in performing similar services
2. Submit design proposal and complete pricing table.
Further to their submission, applicants may be invited to attend an online meeting with the selection committee to clarify their proposals. All proposal should be submitted not later than April 24th, 2023, noon GMT by email to,

General Terms And Conditions
TBI reserves the right to:
• waive or change the requirements of this Invitation to Tender (“ITT”) from time to time without prior (or any) notice being given by it;
• seek clarification or documents in respect of any submission;
• disqualify any tenderer that does not submit a compliant proposal in accordance with the submission guidelines in this ITT;
• disqualify any tenderer that is guilty of serious misrepresentation in relation to its proposal, expression of interest or the tender process. Any tenderer who directly or indirectly canvasses any employee of TBI concerning the award of the contract will be disqualified. TBI may exclude any tenderers from the tender process who have been found to be in breach of confidentiality or intellectual property rights and may pursue any remedy or take any other action for breach as it considers appropriate;
• withdraw this ITT at any time, or to re-invite tenders on the same or any alternative basis;
• choose not to award any contract as a result of the current procurement process; and
• make whatever changes it sees fit to the timeline, structure or content of the procurement process, depending on approvals processes or for any other reason.

Tender costs
TBI will not in any circumstances be liable for any tender/submission costs, expenditure, work or effort incurred by a tenderer in carrying out enquiries in relation to, proceeding with, or participating in, this procurement, including if the procurement process is terminated or amended by TBI.
Intellectual property
All intellectual property rights in this ITT and all materials provided by TBI or its professional advisors in connection with this ITT are and shall remain the property of TBI and/or its professional advisors.
No representation
Neither the issue of this ITT, nor any of the information presented in it, should be regarded as a commitment or representation on the part of TBI (or any other person) to enter into a contractual arrangement.
Confidentiality and publicity
The project will entail signing a confidentiality agreement with TBI which will be applicable for all qualified personnel contributing to the consultancy.
The terms of said confidentiality undertaking are solely determined by TBI. A tenderer’s refusal to execute TBI’s confidentiality undertaking shall be grounds for exclusion of their proposal.
TBI may use the information included in a tenderer’s response for any reasonable purpose connected with this ITT. In particular, once a tenderer has been excluded, TBI reserves the right to use any ideas contained in that tenderer’s proposal in any ongoing discussions with other tenderers but undertakes not to reveal the identity of the provider of these ideas.
No publicity regarding this consultancy or the award of any contract will be permitted unless and until TBI has given express written consent to the relevant communication. For example, no statements may be made to the media regarding the nature of any submission, its contents, or any proposals relating to it without the prior written consent of TBI.

Tenderer conduct and conflicts of interest
Any attempt by tenderers or their advisors to influence the contract award process in any way may result in the Tenderer being disqualified. Specifically, tenderers shall not directly or indirectly, at any time:
(a) devise or amend the content of their tender in accordance with any agreement or arrangement with any other person, other than in good faith with a person who is a proposed partner, supplier, consortium member or provider of finance;
(b) enter into any agreement or arrangement with any other person as to the form or content of any other tender, or offer to pay any sum of money or valuable consideration to any person to effect changes to the form or content of any other tender;
(c) enter into any agreement or arrangement with any other person that has the effect of prohibiting or excluding that person from submitting a tender;
(d) canvass TBI or any employees or agents of TBI in relation to this procurement; or
(e) attempt to obtain information from any of the employees or agents of TBI or their advisors concerning another tenderer or tender.
Tenderers are responsible for ensuring that no conflicts of interest exist between the tenderer and its advisors, and TBI and its advisors. Any tenderer who fails to comply with this requirement may be disqualified from the procurement at the discretion TBI.
Changes affecting a Tenderer
tenderers must inform TBI in writing of any change in control, composition or membership of that tenderer or its consortium members. In these circumstances, TBI reserves the right to disqualify the tenderer from any further participation in the procurement process.
Consortia and subcontractors
TBI requires all tenderers to identify whether and which subcontracting or consortium arrangements apply in the case of their tender, and precisely which entity they propose to be the service provider.
For the purposes of the Services, the following terms apply:
Consortium arrangement: Where groups of companies come together specifically for the purpose of tendering for appointment as the service provider, and envisage that they will establish a special purpose vehicle as the prime contracting party with TBI.
Subcontracting arrangement: Where groups of companies come together specifically for the purpose of tendering for appointment as the service provider, but envisage that one of their number will be the service provider, the remaining members of that group will be subcontractors to the service provider.

Warnings and disclaimers
While the information contained in this ITT is believed to be correct at the time of issue, neither TBI, its advisors, nor any other awarding entities will accept any liability in any circumstances for its accuracy, adequacy or completeness, nor will any express or implied warranty be given. This exclusion extends to liability howsoever arising in relation to any statement, opinion or conclusion contained in, or any omission from, this ITT (including its Schedules) and in respect of any other written or oral communication transmitted (or otherwise made available) to any tenderer. No representations or warranties are made in relation to these statements, opinions or conclusions. This exclusion does not extend to any fraudulent misrepresentation made by, or on behalf of, TBI.
All suppliers should note that any quantities or volumes contained in this ITT are for indicative purposes only, and any future quantities or volumes may vary from those stated.
If a tenderer proposes to enter into a contract with TBI, it must carry out its own due diligence enquiries and rely only:
• on its own enquiries and judgment in relation to this procurement, including the preparation of its Tender; and
• on the terms and conditions set out in the contract(s) (as and when finally executed), subject to the limitations and restrictions specified in it.
Neither the issue of this ITT, nor any of the information presented in it, should be regarded as a commitment or representation on the part of TBI (or any other person) to enter into a contractual arrangement.
This ITT should not be regarded as an investment recommendation made by TBI or its appointed advisors. All suppliers are recommended to seek their own financial and legal advice.
Job Info
Job Category: Tenders in Rwanda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 24 April 2023
Duty Station: Kigali
Posted: 13-04-2023
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 14-04-2023
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 14-04-2056
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