Construction Works Of A Menstrual Hygiene Management Room And Supply And Installation Of 2 Rainwater Harvesting Tanks And A Smart Water Filter Tank At Water For People
710 Days Ago
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Terms Of Reference For The Construction Works Of A Menstrual Hygiene Management Room And Supply And Installation Of 2 Rainwater Harvesting Tanks And A Smart Water Filter Tank At Gs Kagasa In Gahanga Sector In Kicukiro District
1. introduction
Water For People is an international non-for-profit organization working in Water, Sanitation & Hygiene. It works across nine countries, bringing together communities, local entrepreneurs, and governments to build and maintain water and sanitation services that last. In Rwanda, Water For People plays a key role in the Rwanda Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) sector by effectively partnering with the Government of Rwanda and other stakeholders since 2008.
To date, Water For People supports the communities and public institutions (schools and health care facilities) of Rulindo, Kicukiro, Gicumbi and Karongi Districts to sustainably access water, sanitation and hygiene services. In line with this objective, Water For People partners with government institutions to improve access to sustainable WASH Services by supporting the construction of water supply systems, hygiene and sanitation facilities.
Additionally, Water For People supports the provision of rainwater harvesting facilities aiming at environmental protection and affordable available water at schools and health care facilities. This ensures that schools and healthcare facilities have a safe and affordable alternative source of water that can be used for other needs.

In Rwanda a girl’s room in schools is known as a room set apart for girls’ use during their menstrual period. According to World Bank statistics, at least 20 percent of schoolgirls especially in rural areas of Rwanda miss school, up to 50 days per year, because they cannot afford to buy sanitary pads or due to menstruation-related issues. The Ministry of Education in collaboration with the Ministries of Health and Local government initiated “The Girl’s room” in schools to reduce girls’ absenteeism due to menstruation-related issues, however, many schools still lack proper rooms to serve the purpose.
Water For People in Rwanda is supporting the construction of girl’s rooms in its Everyone Forever (EF) districts (Kicukiro, Rulindo, Gicumbi and Karongi District) and equipping them with sanitary pads, towels, a bed, water,soap etc, to offer a comfortable space for schoolgirls who have unexpectedly gone into her period or any female in the school environment with menstruation period related issues.
The presence of these rooms was proven to be a solution to improved menstrual hygiene management in schools, minimize girls’ absenteeism in schools and improve their performance in schools as well as girls’ self-confidence.
It is against that background that Water For People, in partnership with the District of Kicukiro, would like to hire the services of an experienced construction company to construct one Menstrual Hygiene Girl’s Room and supply and install two rainwater harvesting tanks and one smart water tank at GS Kagasa in Gahanga Sector in Kicukiro District.

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2. Scope Of Work
• The benefiting school is GS KAGASA located in Gahanga Sector of Kicukiro District.
• The MHM to be constructed should be connected to the existing water supply system.
• The rainwater tanks to be installed should bear the first-flush diversion.
• The Smart water filter tank to be installed should be of stainless material with 650l capacity using UV filtration technology.
The works to undertake in this school are indicated in below table:
SCHOOL NAME SECTOR Summary of works to be undertaken
GS KAGASA GAHANGA • Construction of 1 girls’ room (connected to water supply system)
• Supply and installation of a smart water filter tank with all accessories.
• Supply and installation of 2 rainwater storage tanks with all accessories
Note: Water For People reserves itself the right to change the scope of works before contract signature.

3. Technical Proposal
The technical proposal to be submitted by the bidder must have the components described in the bellow sections.
3.1. Company profile and administrative documents
The company must provide the following administrative documents:
• Full company address in Rwanda indicating Province, District, Sector, Cell, Village, E-mail, Post Office Box,
• A copy of Trade License/Certificate of company registration,
• VAT registration certificate
• Valid Certificate of tax clearance by Rwanda Revenue Authority (RRA),
• RSSB clearance certificate
3.2. Company experience
The desired company/firm should meet the following criteria:
• General Experience of the company in the field of construction of buildings or sanitation facilities.
• Minimum of five years of experience in building construction projects successfully completed in the last 5 years proven by certificates of good completion.

3.3. Equipment
The essential equipment to be made available for the Contract by the successful Bidder shall be:
• One trucks with 5m3 of capacity.
• One pick-up
• One concrete mixer
• One concrete vibrator.
The bidder must provide proof of possession (equipment must be registered in the names of the company or with a notarized rental contract signed by both parties accompanied by proof of their invoices)

3.4. Team composition and required skills
The company/firm should have the following staff members:
• Project Manager: A civil engineer A0 with a minimum of 5 years of experience in construction
• A site engineer: A civil engineer A0 with a minimum of 3 years of experience in the construction of buildings or A1 with a minimum of 5 years of experience in similar works.
• A site foreman: A2 diploma with a minimum of 5 years of experience in the construction of buildings,
• A plumber: A2 diploma with a minimum of 5 years of experience in plumbing works.
All staff will present an updated Curriculum Vitae duly signed by the staff him/herself and notarized academic documents.

4. Financial Proposal
The proposal must be done based on the following bill of quantities:
A. Supply and installation of rainwater harvesting systems.
S/N Description Unit Quantity Unit price ( Tax inclusive) Total price
1 Construction of stones masonry of the foundation base to receive the tanks. The foundation must have 3m diameter and the height of 60 cm minimum above the foundation to facilitate people to fetch from the taps.(ratio: 1:1:2) m3 17.30 -
2 Excavations of a 1m diameter with 12m deep soak pit m3 4.80 -
3 Filling inside stones m3 4.80 -
4 Construction of a 1m high/300mm thick stone masonry protection wall on the top part of the soak pit up to the ground level m3 2.50 -
5 Construction of a stone masonry fetching fountain as per the design of a 500x500x1m, inspection chamber inclusive m3 0.41 -
6 Leveling Cement screed on the foundation (0.08x0.3m) mixing ratio: 1-3 m2 2.50 -
7 Construction in the masonry of stones of chamber valves for main wash out covered by a metallic plate of 500x500x400mm and rock ( VANNES 110 PVC, CHAMBER AND COVER) ff 2.00 -
8 Supply and installation of plastic water tanks, 10,000 liters of storage capacity polyethylene with all accessories (eg: elbow,T-joint, downpour, end-cap, etc) pce 2.00 -
9 Supply, Fix and adjust 110mm grey brown draw down drainpipes (of 6 meters long) fixed to the adjusted metallic gutters and wall surface with all required accessories. pce 8.00 -
10 Supply and installation of tube of 40 x 40 x 1.5 mm coated with paints against erosion, fixed in mass concrete to support the pipes from gutters pce 2.00 -
11 Supply and fix tubes of 40 x 40 x 1.5 mm to support gutters at timber roof structure where are required ML 58.05 -
12 Supply, fix and adjust Metallic gutters with anti-rust, all accessories and tubes of 40 x 40 x 1.5 mm where are required mL 58.05 -
Grand total A: Supply and Installation of rainwater harvesting facility
B. Supply and installation of a smart water filter tank
1 Supply and installation of a smart water filter tank(650l) LS 1
Grand total B: Supply and Installation of one smart water filter tank -
C. Construction of Menstrual hygiene facility
1 Menstrual hygiene facility structure
1.1 Plot levering Trenches Foundation excavation (70cm deep, unless specified differently and according to soil resistance) m3 8.48 -
1.2 Blinding cement under foundation with5cm thick (class B) m3 0.44 -
1.3 Stone foundation 40 cm thick 80cm deep according to soil resistance m3 6.14 -
1.4 Backfilling and soil compaction around foundation walls m3 2.34 -
1.5 Leveling Cement screed on pit wall with 5cm thick (class B) m3 0.44 -
1.6 Roofing Lm 15.60 -
1.7 Elevation of interior and exterior walls with burnt bricks bound together with cement mortar (class B) m3 11.03 -
1.8 Supply and fix of Concrete vent blocks m2 0.68 -
1.9 Reinforced concrete ring beams. Concrete Mix 1:1.5:1.5 m3 0.77 -
1.10 40x60x1.5mm steel sections for roof structure ML 40.00 -
1.11 Roof covering using BG 28 Iron sheets (Auto-portant) with all accessories (Fixing materials, steel gutters and downspouts) m2 30.50 -
1.12 Supply and fixation of strip ceiling (Languette) and all requirements for the ceiling (ceiling structure timber in dried cypres or pinus) m2 12.96 -
1.13 Supply and fixation of 100*120Cm glazed metallic door with transom, lock (cerure) and all requirements. Pce 1.00 -
1.14 Supply and fixation of 100*200 wooden (pre-designed plywood) door with locking system and all requirements Pce 1.00 -
1.15 Supply and fixation of 160*150 glazed metallic window and all requirements Pce 1.00 -
1.16 Supply and fixation of 90*90 glazed metallic window and all requirements Pce 1.00 -
1.17 Floor tiling and skirting m2 12.00 -
1.18 Wall plastering and rendering m2 48.40 -
1.19 Wall painting with emulsion paints m2 37.76 -
1.20 Wall tiling in girls’ porch till 2 meters height m2 9.83 -
1.21 Sanitary appliances
1.22 Supply and fixation of lavabo of good quality with accessories to be approved by the client pce 1.00 -
1.23 Supply and fixation of basins of good quality with accessories to be approved by the client pce 1.00 -
1.24 Ceramic W.C Toilet (english toilet) Pces 1.00 -
1.25 Shower flexible fountain and its installation to be approved by client 1.00 -
S/Total Menstrual 1: Menstrual hygiene facility structure -
2 Shower porch for girls
2.1 Simple bed (195*90 cm) made of dried cypres or pinus: no cracks nor bends. Pce 1 -
2.2 Simple mattress with width of 90cm long of 190cm and thickness at least 20cm and 20 as density. Pce 1 -
2.3 2 pairs of simple bed sheets (cotton) to be approved by client Pce 2 -
2.4 Simple bed cover to be approved by client Pce 1 -
2.5 Soap holder and its fixation pce 1 -
2.6 Towel holder and its fixation Pce 1 -
2.7 supply, preparation, and installation of curtains with all accessories including metal curtain holder (day curtain of 2m large + ordinary curtain of 1m large) for door (100*240) to be approved by the client Pce 1 -
2.8 supply, preparation and installation Curtains with all asccessories including metal curtain holder (day curtain of 4m large + ordinary curtain of 2m large) for window (100*120) to be approved by client Pce 1 -
2.9 supply and fixing of “Porte manteau” made of dried cypres or pinus woods (1.5m in long) to be approved by client Pce 1 -
2.10 Ceramic W.C Toilet (English toilet) with accessories to help handicap people to be approved by client Pces 1 -
2.11 Dozen of pads to be approved by the client pce 30 -
2.12 Brush for pit holes pce 1 -
2.13 The shower flexible fountain and its installation to be approved by the client pce 1 -
S/Total 2: Shower porch for girls -
3 Electrical installation
3.1 Connection to the existing network ff 1 -
3.2 PVC Pipe 3/4'' + accessories ff 1 -
3.3 8way power distribution board complete with 32A TPN integrated including 4 fuses pce 1 -
3.4 12-15W LED bulbs for internal pce 2 -
3.5 9W LED bulb+ cover ( globe ) for extenal pc 1 -
3.6 Simple lighting switch pc 3 -
3.7 Socket outlet with E (Prise monophase avec terre) pce 1 -
3.8 VoB wire diam 2.5mm2 lm 54 -
3.9 VoB wire diam 1.5mm2 lm 130 -
3.10 Connection box pce 3 -
3.11 “Boite d'encastrement” pce 3 -
3.12 “Pique de terre” No 1 -
3.13 Installation fees Ls 1 -
3.14 supply and deposit of extinguisher (6 kg. POUDRE ABC) pc 1 -
S/Total 3: Electrical installation -
4 Evacuation
4.1 Soak away pit of 12m deep for the Menstrual hygienic room. Shower wastewater, gutters rainwater of the MHR should be channeled in this pit Pce 1 -
4.2 Quarry stone foundation for 1-meter depth of the soak away pit (1m*0.20 m thickness) m3 0.6908 -
4.3 Cover of the soak away pit in a reinforced concrete slab of 15cm as thickness and ventilation pipe of PVC PN6, 90 diameter m3 0.11398 -
4.4 Supply and installation of 3cum plastic septic tank for sewerage form WC from MHR pce 1 -
4.5 Soak away pit of 12m deep to be connected to the plastic septic tank for sewerage with quarry stone foundation for 1-meter depth of the soak away pit (1m*0.20 m thickness) and covered by a reinforced concrete slab of 15cm as thickness pce 1 -
S/Total 4: Evacuation -
5 Drainage works
5.1 Supply and installation of drainage pipes LS 1 -
5.2 Miscellaneous works LS 1 -
6 Rainwater harvesting for the MHM facility
6.1 Ground preparation for water tank m2 4.15 -
6.2 Construction of stone masonry foundations base of 1m High using cement mortar mixed at: 1:3 m3 3.01 -
6.3 Levelling Cement screed on the foundation (0.08x0.3m) mixing ratio: 1-3 m2 2.54 -
6.4 Supply and installation of plastic water tanks, 2,000 litres of storage capacity polyethylene with all accessories Pc 1 -
6.5 Construction of a stone masonry fetching fountain as per the design, a 500x500x1m , inspection chamber inclusive m3 0.2 -
6.6 Finishing works on the fetching fountain using waterproofing plasters m2 2 -
6.7 Pointing of external surfaces of the plinth wall of a mixing ratio of 1-2 m2 5.02 -
6.8 Supply and install a 110mm DIA PN 6 PVC overflow pipe with all accessories mL 6 -
6.9 Supply and install a 75mm DIA PN 10 PVC washout pipe with a valve. pce 1 -
6.10 Water connection (1") ppr PN10 Lm 1 -
6.11 Supply and install a 32mm DIA PN 10 GI pipe with a valve and a tap. pce 3.93 -
6.12 Excavations of a 1m DIA 5m deep soak pit m3 3.93 -
6.13 Filling inside stones m3 1.22 -
6.14 Construction of a 1m high/300mm thick stone masonry protection wall on the top part of the soak pit up to the ground level m3 1.22 -
6.15 Leveling Cement screed on the foundation (0.08x0.3m) mixing ratio: 1-3 m2 130 -
6.16 Connecting water supply system to the toilet LS 1 -
6.17 Supply of good soil, planting of ornamental trees and flowers, making walking stone paved way for gardening and beautification all around toilets and the rainwater tank. m2 0 -
Total D: Construction of Menstrual hygiene facility -
Grand Total Construction of one Menstrual Hygiene facility, supply, and installation of 2 rainwater tanks, and supply and installation of one smart water filter tank -
The Total price must be tax inclusive

5. Duration Of The Assignment
It is anticipated that the work to be done will be completed within 25 calendar days from the date of the contract signature. The technical offer should indicate a clear timeline and description of the proposed methodology detailing how the deliverables will be achieved.

6. Type Of Award
This will be a contract with clear payment schedules based on deliverables. The winner of this contract shall be responsible for submitting an original of a performance guarantee from a licensed bank or insurance company representing 10% of the total contract amount and covering a period of 12 months counted from the date of provisional handover of the work.

7. Source Of Funds
Water For People.
8. Procurement
The terms of reference will be published via eligible media platform.
Proposals will be evaluated using the following criteria: administrative requirements, clarity of methodology, the profile of team members, understanding of the task, demonstrable understanding and availability of tools, equipment required to effectively carry out the assignment, and cost as follows.
• Administrative documents: 20%
• Methodology: 10%
• Profile of the company: 20%
• Profile of the team members: 20%
• Financial: 30%
Note: Any bid with an arithmetic error in calculation will be automatically disqualified.
9. Eligibility for bidders
The prospective bidders will conduct a site visit on the 21st of March 2023 with a departure fixed at 10 AM at the Kicukiro District office. The drawings will be sent via emails to the visited companies only.

10. Reporting And Work Relationship
The contractor will report to the Water For People Program assistant for this assignment. The contractor will be collaborating with the entire Water For People team including the top management team as well as the field staff.
On daily basis, the contractor will be supervised by Water For People representative and Kicukiro District representative and the provisional handover of works must be approved by all the above parties.

11. Bidding Process
Interested companies/individuals are requested to submit electronically their application files not later than Thursday 30th March 2023 by 05:00 PM local time with the following subject “the construction works of a menstrual hygiene management room and supply and installation of 2 rainwater harvesting tanks and a smart water filter tank at GS Kagasa in Gahanga Sector in Kicukiro District. ” to the following email:
Both technical and financial bids must be submitted is separate files.
Done at Kigali on March 14th, 2023.
Country Director

Job Info
Job Category: Tenders in Rwanda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 30 March 2023
Duty Station: Kicukiro
Posted: 15-03-2023
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 15-03-2023
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 15-03-2056
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