Call for proposals at Family Circle Love Lab
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 Call for proposals: project evaluation


Family Circle Love Lab is a LOCAL Non – Governmental and nonprofit making organization FCLLO was established s in 2015 and registered with RGB in 2018. Currently, FCLLO operates in two sectors of the Huye district namely Mbazi and Huye.


FCLLO exists to eradicate violence and promote peaceful families for sustainable community development


To prevent and respond to Sexual Gender-Based Violence towards girls and women using mental and psychosocial approaches, for behavior change and economic empowerment

General intervention areas

Fight against sexual violence inflicted on girls and women.

Prevent and respond to domestic violence that affects women and girls

Support women and girls’ economic empowerment

Strengthen the capacity of the organization

The project under review

FCLLO seeks to hire an experienced consultant or firm to carry out an end-of-year project evaluation for the progress made in the implementation of the Project,” Empowerment of young girls and women on SRHR and SGBV prevention and response” project implemented by FCLLO under the funding of KVINNATILLKVINNA. (The review does not entail a review of the project’s finances.)

The project was launched on 15 April 2021 and is scheduled to end on 31 December 2021

The project-specific objectives are highlighted below;

Specific objectives

To increase community awareness on GBV related laws and social norms that impose violence against women for change of attitude and practices.

To ensure community health workers freely provide friendly SRHR services to teen mothers, young mothers, and sexual workers in the Huye district.

To increase women knowledge and awareness on their legal rights and where to report in case of violation.

To reduce the silence on GBV cases among women violated in Huye district.

To increase the confidence of teen mothers, sexual workers, and young mothers knowing their value in society.

To have a GBV informed society and prevention mechanisms.

To increase teen mother’s knowledge and information on SRHR.

To create self-spaces for dialogue on GBV related issues and how to overcome them

Key expected project outcomes are as below:

Rightsholders and duty bearers ‘understanding of GBV laws and policies and skills to address norms and values underlying GBV have increased
Rightsholders and duty bearers have empirically diversified knowledge on GBV prevention and skills to address cultural norms as well as conflict management
Rightsholders and duty bearers have an increased understanding and respect for SRHR

The objectives of this evaluation are the following:

Objective 1: Provide an objective assessment of the achievements and impact the project has had so far (in alignment with project indicators to be agreed on with FCLLO), and the strengths and weaknesses of the project

Objective 2: Conduct an in-depth analysis of the challenges associated with the project and how they can be addressed moving forward, generating lessons learned and recommendations for the future project implementation to be funded by Kvinna till Kvinna

Methodology and approach

The consultant is responsible for the overall methodological approach and design of the evaluation and is expected to propose methodologies he/she/they consider most appropriate to achieve the aims of this review.

The evaluation should use a participatory approach and gender-responsive approach engaging FCLLO staff, key stakeholders, and rights holders. The approach should include a review of relevant project documents and procedures (such as the project agreement and its results -frame, Monitoring action plan and monitoring tools, activity reports, donor reports, quarterly reports, and any other documents produced under project support.

Key issues to be addressed

The following questions could be addressed during the project evaluation but are subject to discussion and agreement with the FCLLO during the period of designing the evaluation approach.

The evaluator is free to prioritize these issues in the proposal and to suggest others deemed necessary:

Assessing the (ongoing) project and its results in terms of relevance, effectiveness, and impact, including expected impacts and sustainability of the project, as well as the need and potential for readjustments and improvement

Project design and management: assessing the approaches to planning, monitoring, evaluation, and learning.

To what extent have project participants been engaged in Project Design, Implementations, and Monitoring?

How has a Human Rights Based Approach been used in Project implementation?

To what extent has the projected expected outcomes and outputs been achieved?

How has FCLLO worked with different partners as stipulated in the project proposal? What has been the added value of the different partnerships developed

To what extent has the project applied a gender transformative approach to increase women’s power and agency?

Qualifications and selection criteria

The consultant (or consultants) should present the following skills and qualifications:

Have at least a master’s degree in Gender studies, social sciences or development studies

Possess proven relevant professional experience of 10 years working with International, local Civil Society organizations and Government agencies working on Promotion of Women’s Rights specifically in Gender-based Violence and Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights

Demonstrated experience in Monitoring and Evaluation of Gender and Women Empowerment Projects for Non-Government organization’s

Demonstrated ability to produce clearly quality reports

Excellent command of English and communication in Kinyarwanda.

Availability to carry out the described tasks between 29 November 2021 and 15 December 2021

Demonstrated Knowledge on international and national commitment for Gender equality and promotion of women’s rights

Main deliverables of the evaluation

An inception report with a detailed work plan, including approach, methodology, guiding questions, interview/survey questions, a proposed list of stakeholders to be interviewed or otherwise involved, and a timeline for the evaluation process

The draft report, for comments and internal fact-checking with FCLLO

Final evaluation report

PowerPoint presentation summarizing the evaluation report

A meeting for presentation of a final report to FCLLO staff and Board Members

Application Process

To apply, please email the following documents in English by 25/11/2021 not later than 3:PM to the e-mail address:

The failure to meet the deadline of submission will mean a loss of consideration of your application.

Please submit the following:

A letter describing your motivation and elaborating on your qualification and relevant experience for this assignment
Curriculum Vitae with a description of relevant experience and profile.
A technical proposal, outlining how you will approach the assignment, including an indicative timeline
Financial offer for undertaking the work, with an estimation of the number of days spent on the different tasks of the project, the daily rate, estimates of any additional costs, and the total amount (including Taxes,)
Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted.

Job Info
Job Category: Consultant/ Contractual jobs in Rwanda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 29 November 2021
Duty Station: Kigali
Posted: 19-11-2021
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 19-11-2021
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 19-11-2065
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