Title of the Tender: Hiring Consultant to develop training package for caregivers in ECD centers in English & Kinyarwanda.
Tender Reference Number: CRS-Rwanda 0008- FY25-TN/2025
Procurement Method: Open Tender
Date of Issue: January 27th, 2025
Date of Submission: February 10th, 2025
CRS-Rwanda 008- FY25-TN/2025
Hiring Consultant to develop training package for caregivers in ECD centers in English & Kinyarwanda.
Scope of Work
Cooperative Agreement: AID – 720-696-21-CA-00004
As part of the universal mission of the Catholic Church, Catholic Relief Services (CRS) works with local, national and international Catholic institutions and structures, as well as other organizations, to assist people based on need, not creed, race or nationality. The primary goal of CRS/Rwanda programming is to ensure that vulnerable households in Rwanda achieve full, integral human development.
The USAID Gikuriro Kuri Bose is a 5-year (Oct. 2021- Sept. 2026) USAID-funded program on Strengthening coordination and capacity as well as Inclusive Nutrition and Early Childhood Development service delivery. INECD is leveraging the consortium expertise in nutrition, early childhood development (ECD), rehabilitation and assistive technology (Rehab & AT), disability inclusion, and capacity strengthening to support the Government of Rwanda (GoR) in helping every Rwandan child realize their full potential in line with GoR ECD policies, the mandates of the National Child Development Agency (NCDA), and USAID’s Country Development Cooperation Strategy.
The Inclusive Nutrition and Early Childhood Development (INECD) Activity is implemented through a consortium of three international agencies and two national agencies: Catholic Relief Services - USCCB (CRS) who is the prime, Humanity and Inclusion (HI), Umuhuza, Three Stones International (TSI) Rwanda and the University of Global Health Equity (UGHE). INECD works through decentralized Government of Rwanda (GoR) systems and structures and four local civil society organizations (LCSOs): Caritas Rwanda, DUHAMIC-ADRI, Young Women Christian Association (YWCA) and the African Evangelist Enterprise (AEE) coordinate service delivery at decentralized levels covering ten target districts.
Operating in 10 districts: Burera, Kayonza, Kicukiro, Ngoma, Nyabihu, Nyamasheke, Nyanza, Nyarugenge, Rulindo, and Rwamagana, the program is working with 4,562 villages and around 45,000 frontline providers and has reached more than half a million women of reproductive age and almost 481,855 children under 5 (CU5) and their families. The team is working with GoR and civil society organizations (CSOs) to tackle bottlenecks and fulfill their NCDA Strategic Plan mandates. The consortium is strengthening nurturing care services from national-to-village-level by fostering a shared understanding of integrated nurturing care, reinforcing capacity and facilitating coordination. CRS and its partners are also enabling service providers to deliver community and facility-based services that support nurturing care, including parents’ groups, home visits, community-based health services, ECD centers, adolescent-focused groups, community-based rehab/AT services, and facility-based health services.
USAID Gikuriro Kuri Bose aims to provide inclusive ECD and nutrition services to all children under 5 years in 10 target districts in Rwanda. A key barrier to expanding disability inclusive services is the lack of a disability- inclusive national curriculum to train community members who run facility-based ECD services for children ages 0-5 years, referred to by USAID Gikuriro Kuri Bose as “ECD caregivers”. To work toward addressing this gap, USAID Gikuriro Kuri Bose partnered with Baby Ubuntu in 2024 to train the program technical staff on basic approaches in early identification and early intervention for children ages 0-2 years with developmental delays and disabilities. USAID Gikuriro Kuri Bose also created disability inclusive mainstreaming guidelines for ECD services, although there is no accompanying training module. USAID Gikuriro Kuri Bose now seeks a consultant to develop a training package to build capacity of 2,623 community volunteers including ECD caregivers, CBID volunteers and IZU. The training package will help to address the lack of skills and knowledge to support children with disabilities especially on communication, feeding children with disabilities, positioning, play and stimulation of Children with disabilities with CP, Spina bifida, Autism, Children with developmental and intellectual disabilities.
The consultancy aims to develop, test, and translate into Kinyarwanda a harmonized training package on Inclusive ECD services for ECD caregivers, CBID(community based inclusive development) volunteers and IZU to support children with disabilities and disability mainstreaming in ECD facilities and community.
This consultant will develop an Inclusive ECD training package through:
The training package should include a facilitation guide for the Training of Trainers, facilitator guide for cascade training, job aids for ECD caregivers to use when working with children with disabilities, and a supportive supervision tool for USAID Gikuriro Kuri Bose program staff to use to monitor inclusive ECD service provision. The training content will be in accessible format for persons with disabilities. Reviewing the Baby ubuntu training modules, the consultant will focus on the selected modules to be included relating to communication, early stimulation early learning, communication, Positioning and feeding children with disabilities. The consultant will also check with Disability Mainstreaming guidelines, Feeding Practices for children with disabilities, the National ECD standards and ECD guidelines and develop a comprehensive inclusive training package to support ECD care givers, CBID Volunteers and IZU.
The content will also reflect how to support parents who have children with disabilities
Following are the expected deliverables from this consultancy:
The anticipated length of this consultancy is 30 days.
Deliverable |
Estimated # of days |
Deadline |
Draft and translate training package developed in English |
22 |
24th March 2025 |
Training of Trainers conducted and tested |
5 |
24th -28th March 2025 |
Training package reviewed and validated |
3 |
03rd April 2025 |
Total |
30 days |
The consultant will have the following requirements:
The hired consultant will work closely with USAID Gikuriro Kuri Bose’s Disability Inclusion Advisor as the main point of contact for this consultancy. USAID Gikuriro Kuri Bose will provide appropriate approvals, technical and financial support required to fully perform the assignment.
The consultant will be selected using the quality and cost-based selection and the evaluation will be conducted against the following criteria:
V.1. Administrative Evaluation
V.2. Technical evaluation
N.B : The minimum technical score for the consultant to pass the technical stage is 70%.
V.3. Financial evaluation
The financial score for each consultant will be calculated using the following formula: the financial weight is 30%.
Financial score (FS) = (LF x 100)/ Fi
LF = The lowest financial proposal.
Fi = The proposal to be evaluated.
The winning consultant will be determined by combining the technical scores and financial scores as per the following formula. The winning consultant will be the one who will have the highest combined scores.
Final score (S): (TS x Tw%) + (FSxFw%) where:
S= Final score
TS = Technical score
FS = Financial score
Tw = % Weight of technical score (70%)
Fw = % Weight of financial score (30%)
consultant whose technical score is the highest. If they have the same technical score, the consultant with disabilities shall be awarded the contract.
Price schedule
# |
Description |
No of days |
Unit price RWF |
Total price RWF |
1 |
Remuneration |
2 |
Reimbursables expenses(details) |
N.B :
V.4. Validity of Quotations
The quotation should be valid for the period of 90 days
All documents and data will be treated as confidential and used solely to facilitate this assignment. valid Data Controller or Data processor certificate from National Cyber Security Authority-Data Protection & Privacy Office would be an added value.
Address: |
Catholic Relief Services Chadel house 3rd floor in Nyarugenge District P.O.Box 65 Kigali-Rwanda |
Attention to: |
CRS Rwanda Procurement Team. |
Email address: |
Qualified Consultants are requested to send their applications to rwandabids@crs.org not later than February 10th, 2025,at 11:00am. The title of the email must include “Consultancy to develop training package for ECD caregivers in English & Kinyarwanda”. Late submission will not be considered.
You are advised that this tender does not constitute in any way a commitment on the part of CRS/Rwanda or its agents, for any service requested.
Done at Kigali, 27, 2025
Hans Fly
Country Representative
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