Title of the Tender: Hiring consultant to conduct data analysis and report on the Disability Management Information data
Tender Reference Number:CRS-Rwanda007-FY25-TN/2025
Procurement Method: Open Tender
Date of Issue: January 24th ,2025
Date of Submission: February 6th, 2025
CRS-Rwanda 007- FY25-TN/2025
Hiring consultant to conduct data analysis and report on the Disability Management Information data
Rwanda has reified the UN convention on the rights of persons wot disabilities on December 15,2008, the Article 31 of the said convention recalls the Statistics and data collection of persons with disabilities.
National Strategy of Transformation II
Through the National Strategy of Transformation (NST2), mainstreaming Disability and Social Inclusion is an essential matter of rights. One of the key focus areas will include increasing the level of citizen participation and inclusiveness by ensuring that persons with Disabilities, their organizations, and other vulnerable groups are capacitated to play an active role in the transformational programs. Key sectors of focus that will mainstream this cross-cutting area are education, healthcare services, social protection, infrastructure, agriculture, sports, employment, and ICT. To achieve all these above, Reliable data is needed. It within this background that in 2023, the Ministry of Local Government (MINALOC), through the National Council of Persons with Disability (NCPD), launched the Disability Management Information System (DMIS) as an innovative digital support tool for the Identification and registry of all Persons with disabilities, including a case-management support tool for the most in need.
DMIS is a DHIS-2 based tool, linked to the social registry information system and will support data availability and accessibility for the targeting and implementation of disability-related services aligned with priorities from the Social Protection Sector Strategic Plan (SP-SSP) 2024 – 2029. Specifically, it will support NCPD and stakeholders intervening in the disability inclusion sector in making it well coordinated, well-planned, targeted, and evidence-based support plans and advocating for change towards inclusion and participation of persons with disabilities in their communities and an inclusive Rwandan society. This will help also to respond and address the needs of Persons with disabilities by ensuring availability, affordability and accessibility of reliable data and evidence-based case management.
The DMIS data collection was carried out by local enumerators through door-to-door surveys, identifying over 500,000 individuals with disabilities - well above the National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda's 2022 figures. This surge is primarily due to the inclusion of children under five, showcasing the program's commitment to a comprehensive view of persons with disabilities and will especially help to address and plan for the needs of all children under five which may need different interventions and support including, health, Nutrition, social and education and early childhood development and so on.
Given that this is the first national disability identification process undertaken at this scale in Rwanda, the data collected needs to be analyzed to improve knowledge on the status of persons with disabilities in Rwanda for planning, budgeting, program implementation, policy, advocacy and mainstreaming purposes. To achieve this, USAID Gikuriro Kuri Bose will provide technical and financial support to hire the competent consultant to perform the expected duties.
The consultancy aims to enhance data availability and accessibility regarding persons with disabilities in Rwanda, informing relevant policies and programs. The main deliverable will be a comprehensive report detailing persons with disabilities ‘profiles and analyzing different types and degrees of disabilities. Additionally, the consultant will be expected to create custom aggregate reports, aggregate and individual-based statistical data and dashboards for disability specific indicators in DMIS (DHIS-2 based system) based statistical data. This will leverage existing datasets, including insights from the National Statistical Report (NSR) census, and incorporate relevant international comparative data for added context.
The findings will be presented systematically at district, provincial, and City of Kigali levels, focusing on social, economic, and environmental factors affecting persons with disabilities. Since then, the data collection has targeted a diverse range of demographics, specifically children, youth, and older adults with Disabilities. The report will provide a separate overview of their profiles and socioeconomic status.
Education level and livelihood
The consultant will produce thematic reports by the sectors as per the Community based inclusive development matrix (Health, Education, Social, employment and economic empowerment) with necessary dashboard and Case management.
Create customized interactive reportsand dashboards in DMIS
Develop and provide capacity building for MINALOC and NCPD staff on a regular data update framework and data analysis of DMIS.
The consultant will work primarily on daily basis from MINALOC/ NCPD to be able to interact with MINALOC, NCPD and DMIS IT support team.
The assignment requires a period of six (6) months maximum. Final time frame to be determined after award.
This assignment requires the Consultant to produce a work plan and reporting framework for each milestone stipulated on point 6 and submit it to MINALOC/ NCPD.
To complete this assignment, the consultant needs to have his or her own computer and office equipment. MINALOC/ NCPD will provide access to the Persons with Disabilities database
Evaluation criteria and methodology
The consultant will be selected using the quality and cost-based selection and the evaluation will be conducted against the following criteria:
Administrative Evaluation
13.1.2 Technical Evaluation
Technical Evaluation Criteria |
Weighting |
Education and qualifications |
A master’s degree or equivalent preferably in demography, economics, statistics, data science, software development, or a related field. |
10 |
Experience and key achievements |
At least 5 years of proven experience in Management Information Systems, statistics, demography, monitoring and evaluation, individual records data analysis, disability or other related program areas information systems strengthening with experience in DHIS2 administration, development and management, policy analysis, research involving data analysis and report writing |
10 |
Strong analytical (quantitative and qualitative) and writing skills and results presentation |
5 |
Demonstrated proficiency in survey data processing software, working with Databases and SQL, and data visualization. |
5 |
Experience with a similar assignment will be an additional value (At least 2 completion certificates of similar assignment) |
5 |
Proven understanding of the Community Based Inclusive Development approach |
5 |
Good understanding of the Disability sector context and/or experience in similar work in Rwanda and other countries |
5 |
Fluency in written and oral English is a requirement |
10 |
Application done by a person with disability |
5 |
Methodology and approach |
Provide Inception report explaining how the assignment shall be implemented |
20 |
Show the privacy and data protection approach |
Workplan |
Provide concreate timelines with detailed dates of deliverables |
Sub-Total -Technical |
80 |
Total for Financial proposal (Value for money based on fee rates, inputs, and total costs of the assignment) |
20 |
100 |
N.B: The minimum technical score for the consultant to pass the technical stage is 80%.
Tw = % Weight of technical score (80%)
Fw = % Weight of financial score (20%)
The financial score for each consultant will be calculated using the following formula:
Financial Evaluation
The winning consultant will be determined by combining the technical score and financial score as per the following formula:
13.1.4 Price schedule
# |
Description |
No of days |
Unit price RWF |
Total price RWF |
1 |
Remuneration |
2 |
Reimbursables expenses(details) |
N.B: For your reference, we have annexed to this tender the supplier’s code of conduct that the successful bidder will be required to sign together with the contract.
All documents and data will be treated as confidential and used solely to facilitate this assignment. valid Data Controller or Data processor certificate from National Cyber Security Authority-Data Protection & Privacy Office would be an added value.
CRS Contact Information:
Address: |
Catholic Relief Services Chadel house 3rd floor in Nyarugenge District P.O.Box 65 Kigali-Rwanda |
Attention to: |
CRS Rwanda Procurement Team. |
Email address: |
Application process
Interested bidders are encouraged to send their applications to rwandabids@crs.org no later than February 6th,2025, at 11:00am Kigali time. The title of the email must include: “Individual Consultant to conduct data analysis and report on the Disability Management Information data”. Late submissions will not be considered.
You are advised that this tender does not constitute in any way a commitment on the part of CRS/Rwanda or its agents, for any service requested.
Done on January 24th, 2025.
Hans Fly
Country Representative
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___________________________________ Date: ________________________
Name: _____________________________
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